Christian Toto
Christian Toto
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Forced apologies and public shaming for doctrinal deviation sweep American culture

Forced apologies and public shaming for doctrinal deviation sweep American culture

'It’s a project to force people to adopt a civic religion directly contrary to their knowledge of the world,' says S.T. Karnick, editor of The American Culture web site.Updated: June 10, 2020 - 6:42pmIt’s never been more complicated to say “I’m sorry” in the town square.New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees learned that after saying he wouldTeammate Malcolm Jenkins issued a fiery response. And he was far from alone."And it's unfortunate because I considered you a friend,” Jenkins said. “I looked up to you. You're somebody who I had a great deal of respect for. But sometimes you...

June 13, 2020
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Black conservative documentary 'Uncle Tom' reaping raves on major film sites — and profits

Black conservative documentary 'Uncle Tom' reaping raves on major film sites — and profits

Produced and co-written by conservative talk show host Larry Elder, the word-of-mouth hit connects to the growing "Blexit" movement encouraging black flight from a Democratic Party they say takes black voters for granted.Updated: August 3, 2020 - 2:31pmA politically-charged documentary about an unheralded voting bloc is drawing raves on two of the web's biggest film sites."Uncle Tom: An Oral History of the American Black Conservative" lets its subjects share why they favor smaller government — and the ridicule they endure for that position.  The film profiles famous black...

August 2, 2020
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TOTO: Nick Cannon Reminds Us Why Cancel Culture Is A Joke | The Daily Wire

TOTO: Nick Cannon Reminds Us Why Cancel Culture Is A Joke | The Daily Wire

LoginListening to what Nick Cannon said on his own podcast may take your breath away.Here’s a popular entertainer trafficking in the kind of racial hatred and ignorance hardcore bigots might keep to themselves.Cannon didn’t, though, and “When we talk about the power of melanated people,” he said on the program. “Melanin is so power[ful], and it connects us in a way, that the reason why they fear black … is because the lack that they have of it.”Cannon argued that this lack of pigment in their skin leads white people to fear genetic annihilation.“When you have a person that has the lack of...

July 25, 2020
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Anti-Trump celebrities now targeting Trump supporters

Anti-Trump celebrities now targeting Trump supporters

Backlash often depends on contextual details of artist's audience and current projects.Last Updated:April 19, 2020 - 6:54amCelebrities use the media to hawk their projects, from warbling with James Corden on Carpool Karaoke to over sharing in magazine interviews. Call it Promotion 101.That time-tested technique took a curious turn during the Trump presidency. Some stars not only trashed President Donald Trump in various media outlets, they took their anger out on his voting block, also known as roughly half the country.That tone intensified during the current pandemic, showing some stars...

April 20, 2020
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TOTO: Late Night Elites: Bee Mocks Hope, Colbert Trashes Protestors | The Daily Wire

TOTO: Late Night Elites: Bee Mocks Hope, Colbert Trashes Protestors | The Daily Wire

LoginLate Night TV has aggressively chased half of America away in the age of Trump. The hosts’ anti-conservative rhetoric all but drowns out what used to come first from the format.Jokes.The Kimmel-Meyers-Noah-Colbert-Bee-Oliver-Maher Borg spins progressive narratives before any gut-busting gags. It’s why the term “” captures the new format so well.The current crisis finds some of these far-left hosts doubling down on their anti-Trump rhetoric. Seth Meyers, for example, called President Trump a “sociopath.”The host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” attempted to savage Trump for his...

April 20, 2020
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Legacy news, social media giants converge in new era of censorship

Legacy news, social media giants converge in new era of censorship

Once rivals for audience share and cultural relevance, new and old media are now allied in top-down control of information.Updated: May 2, 2020 - 12:07amSocial media giants like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter promised a new era of unfettered information, bypassing traditional media gatekeepers in the process.People could decide for themselves what mattered most, echoing the country’s democratic ideals.Instead, we’re now seeing tech platforms following legacy media’s lead, sometimes literally, in deciding what information we can and cannot see.New York Times reporter Davey Alba coaxed YouTube...

May 2, 2020
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Stars' donations helped bail out suspects charged with 'murder, violent felonies, sex crimes'

Stars' donations helped bail out suspects charged with 'murder, violent felonies, sex crimes'

Hollywood stars like Seth Rogen, Steve Carell, Cynthia Nixon and Don Cheadle sent thousands of dollars to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to help bail out protesters caught up in the George Floyd-inspired protests. Now, we're learning where some of that cash went.Updated: August 12, 2020 - 12:11amHollywood stars sent thousands of dollars to the Minnesota Freedom Fund earlier this year to help bail out protesters caught up in the state's George Floyd-inspired protests.Now, we're learning where some of that cash went.The MFF hauled in in the wake of the Floyd protests, including checks signed by...

August 12, 2020
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TOTO: John Oliver Lies About Portland Violence, Reporters Run To His Defense | The Daily Wire

TOTO: John Oliver Lies About Portland Violence, Reporters Run To His Defense | The Daily Wire

LoginSeth Meyers isn’t the only one telling the .The far-left talker insists 60-plus days of riots in the city are, all together now, “mostly peaceful.” Eh, it’s just some graffiti and “light property damage,” the highly paid NBC talent told his viewers earlier in the week.The latter evokes a tipped-over lamp, a shattered end table or framed art that fell to the ground and splintered.Want the truth? Here it is:For 2 months as rioters attacked federal officers & buildings in Portland, we called on local leaders to do their job & work with us to quell violence. Finally OR is stepping...

August 8, 2020
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