Chris Mills Rodrigo
Chris Mills Rodrigo
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Newark officials to hand out bottled water to residents amid concern over lead levels

Newark officials to hand out bottled water to residents amid concern over lead levels

by - 08/11/19 7:39 PM ET✕Newark officials will hand out bottled water to residents starting Monday amid concerns over lead levels in water.Mayor Ras Baraka (D) and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) said in a joint  Sunday that clean drinking water is critically important and called on the federal government to assist their efforts.“As we carefully evaluate our options and the data available to us, it is important to understand that the city and state will need support and assistance from the federal government if bottled water is to be provided and distributed to impacted...

August 12, 2019
Bernie Sanders shares doctored video showing him scaring Trump at rally

Bernie Sanders shares doctored video showing him scaring Trump at rally

by - 07/01/19 11:22 AM ET✕Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a 2020 White House hopeful, posted a doctored Instagram video Sunday showing him scaring President Trump at a rally.“Want to really scare Trump? Help us show the strength of our campaign to defeat him—chip in before our fundraising deadline at midnight at the link in bio,” Sanders posted on the account along with the video.A post shared by (@berniesanders) on Jun 30, 2019 at 5:50pm PDTThe actual incident in the video occurred when a man attempted to breach a security line during a Trump campaign rally in March 2016.The man was...

July 1, 2019
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Twitter permanently suspends Trump’s account

Twitter permanently suspends Trump’s account

Follow Us   © 1996-2021 News Communication Twitter permanently suspended ’s account Friday after determining that his posts pose “the risk of further incitement of violence.”The platform had previously handed the president a 12-hour suspension for posts made during Wednesday’s violent insurrection at the Capitol building."After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them — specifically how they are being received and interpreted on and off Twitter — we have permanently suspended the account," the company wrote in a blog...

January 8, 2021
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Lawmakers question tech CEOs about content moderation in first post-election hearing

Lawmakers question tech CEOs about content moderation in first post-election hearing

by - 11/17/20 6:23 PM ET✕Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey returned virtually to Capitol Hill on Tuesday for another round of questioning that did more to highlight the gulf between Republicans and Democrats on proper content moderation than reveal any new information.In addition to the focus on content moderation, lawmakers asked the tech CEOs about transparency, reforms to Section 230, what would happen to President Trump’s accounts after his term in office draws to a close and antitrust issues.Republicans spent the bulk of the hearing raising concerns about...

November 17, 2020
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Far-right groups plan DC rallies for Trump as tensions grow

Far-right groups plan DC rallies for Trump as tensions grow

by - 11/13/20 4:31 PM ET✕✕✕× Close Ad

November 13, 2020
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Twitter says it labeled 300,000 posts around the election

Twitter says it labeled 300,000 posts around the election

by - 11/12/20 5:49 PM ET✕Twitter said Thursday that it labeled roughly 300,000 posts as containing content that was “disputed and potentially misleading” during a two-week period around the general election.Those tweets accounted for roughly 0.2 percent of all tweets related to the election in the period spanning Oct. 27 to Nov. 11.Four-hundred and fifty-six of those 300,000 tweets had interstitial labels placed on them that required users to click through to read the posts.Roughly 74 percent of users who saw the flagged tweets viewed them after the label was applied, Twitter said.“These...

November 12, 2020
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QAnon’s danger rises with divisive election

QAnon’s danger rises with divisive election

Follow Us   © 1996-2020 News Communication One of the most divisive presidential elections in U.S. history is likely to have a huge impact on QAnon, the sprawling conspiracy theory that has rapidly grown in the Trump era and is increasingly seen as a serious threat.The theory is centered around the belief that Trump is working to expose and prosecute a cabal of elites in media, government and Hollywood running child sex-trafficking rings, but has grown to include more broad anti-institutional beliefs that have helped it spread amid backlash to the government’s handling...

November 3, 2020
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Twitter cracks down on right-wing election misinformation in Pennsylvania

Twitter cracks down on right-wing election misinformation in Pennsylvania

by - 11/03/20 6:17 PM ET✕Twitter applied labels to and restricted the spread of posts from some right-wing accounts in Pennsylvania making unfounded claims of election fraud on Tuesday.Mike Roman, the Trump campaign’s national Election Day operations director, claimed in several tweets that in Philadelphia, Republican poll watchers were being turned away from voting locations, that Democrats were handing out literature to Americans in line and that ballot boxes were being stuffed.Four of his posts were marked with labels and one was restricted from being retweeted or liked under Twitter’s...

November 3, 2020
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Republicans on Senate panel subpoena Facebook, Twitter CEOs

Republicans on Senate panel subpoena Facebook, Twitter CEOs

by - 10/22/20 9:35 AM ET✕The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to subpoena the chief executives of Facebook and Twitter a week after both platforms limited the spread of a controversial article about Hunter Biden, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son.The panel voted 12-0 to compel the testimony of Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey. The Democrats on the committee had boycotted the hearing over the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett.Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone declined to comment. Twitter also declined to comment. It is not clear when the Judiciary...

October 22, 2020
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Government used Patriot Act to gather website visitor logs in 2019

Government used Patriot Act to gather website visitor logs in 2019

by - 12/03/20 4:44 PM ET✕The federal government used the Patriot Act to collect website visit logs in 2019, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence revealed in letters made public Thursday, putting a renewed focus on surveillance authorities that lapsed earlier this year.Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe, in a Nov. 6 letter in response to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), wrote that Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which allows the FBI to covertly obtain court orders to collect any business records relevant to a national security, was not used to get internet...

December 3, 2020
