Bruce Golding
Bruce Golding
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Michael Cohen caught at NYC restaurant — and it could land him back in prison

Michael Cohen caught at NYC restaurant — and it could land him back in prison

Michael Cohen could soon be back to chowing down in a prison cafeteria.The was caught by The Post dining out on Manhattan’s Upper East Side — and the meal may cost him his freedom, legal experts said Friday.Exclusive photos show President Trump’s former personal lawyer seated at a sidewalk table outside Le Bilboquet, a French restaurant around the corner from his Park Avenue apartment, on Thursday night.Cohen, his wife, Laura, and another couple spent about an hour chatting before they became the last patrons to leave around 11:30 p.m.At the time, staffers were preparing to close the...

July 3, 2020
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No coronavirus catastrophes following reopenings of Georgia, Florida and Texas

No coronavirus catastrophes following reopenings of Georgia, Florida and Texas

Sign up for our  to get a daily update on the coronavirus pandemic.Three large Southern states that moved aggressively to reopen amid the coronavirus crisis have seen new cases and deaths largely hold steady since then — despite several controversies over some of their data.In Georgia, where Gov. Brian Kemp and local officials to lift a stay-at-home order on April 24, the state reported 862 cases on Thursday, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.That was less than the 946 new cases counted on Wednesday, but helped spur a slight rise in a seven-day rolling average that’s...

May 22, 2020
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Cuomo says Trump’s handling of COVID-19 makes Richard Nixon ‘look innocent’

Cuomo says Trump’s handling of COVID-19 makes Richard Nixon ‘look innocent’

Sign up for our  to get a daily update on the coronavirus pandemic.Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday claimed that President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis was worse than the Watergate scandal that forced President Richard Nixon from office.“Trump’s COVID scandal makes Nixon’s Watergate look innocent,” Cuomo said during a news conference in Manhattan.“No one died in the Watergate scandal. Thousands of people are going to die in this COVID scandal and that is all the difference in the world.”Cuomo also alluded to recent events in suggesting that if Trump doesn’t believe Dr....

July 13, 2020
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Nursing homes have ‘no right’ to reject coronavirus patients, Cuomo says

Nursing homes have ‘no right’ to reject coronavirus patients, Cuomo says

Sign up for our  to get a daily update on the coronavirus pandemic.New York’s nursing homes weren’t allowed to challenge a controversial order to , Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday — even though it’s been blamed for spreading the deadly disease among residents.“They don’t have a right to object. That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that,” Cuomo said during his daily briefing in Albany.“And the regulation is common sense: if you can’t provide adequate care, you can’t have the patient in your facility and that’s your basic fiduciary obligation — I...

April 23, 2020
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‘Gimme a break, man!’: Biden growls at White House reporter

‘Gimme a break, man!’: Biden growls at White House reporter

President Biden displayed his while rolling out his COVID-19 plan Thursday, blowing his stack when a reporter questioned whether his target of inoculating 100 million people in 100 days was set too low.“When I announced it, you all said it’s not possible,” he snapped.“Come on, gimme a break, man! It’s a good start.”When Biden took office on Wednesday, a past-week average of 912,497 daily doses were being delivered under outgoing President Donald Trump, according to Bloomberg News data.“Shouldn’t you set the goal higher? That’s basically where the US is right now,” Biden was asked while...

January 21, 2021
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NYPD union boss’ cop son fled the scene of a shooting

NYPD union boss’ cop son fled the scene of a shooting

Police union boss Patrick Lynch’s rookie-cop son has been stripped of his badge and gun for fleeing the scene of an accidental, off-duty gun-firing in Queens, The Post has learned.Kevin Lynch, 23, was in the back seat of a pickup truck while another, unidentified cop — whose dad is an NYPD captain — was showing off his handgun to a third man in the front, sources said Tuesday.The cop holding the gun accidentally pulled its trigger, firing a bullet through the roof of the Chevy Silverado, sources said.All three men panicked and ran away, leaving the truck parked in Whitestone on Sunday...

November 15, 2016
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Occupy City Hall protesters were ‘s–tting and pissing’ in subway grates

Occupy City Hall protesters were ‘s–tting and pissing’ in subway grates

The “Occupy City Hall” protesters turned the city into a literal toilet, using subway grates as makeshift latrines during their month-long encampment in Lower Manhattan, an MTA supervisor revealed Wednesday as workers .“All the people who were here were going to the bathroom in the vents,” the transit boss said.“They were s–tting and pissing in the vents. They were using this as a facility, as a bathroom. It’s unbelievable what’s in there.”The supervisor was overseeing several workers with the unenviable task of using poles to poke disgusting brown sludge from between the bars of the metal...

July 22, 2020
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11 people shot across NYC in less than 12 hours as shootings spike

11 people shot across NYC in less than 12 hours as shootings spike

Eleven people were shot in less than 12 hours across New York City as of early Sunday morning, law-enforcement sources told The Post.The victims were wounded during eight shootings in Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Manhattan between 5:30 p.m. Saturday and about 5 a.m. Sunday, sources said.Most were expected to survive, but a 30-year-old woman who was was rushed to NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue in Manhattan, where she was in grave condition, sources said.In at least three incidents, the victims refused to cooperate with the NYPD after being wounded, sources said.The spree of gunfire...

June 28, 2020
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Bloomberg in leaked 2015 clip: ‘95% of murderers fit one description, Xerox it’

Bloomberg in leaked 2015 clip: ‘95% of murderers fit one description, Xerox it’

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission.Audio of ’s 2015 speech where he explains that “you can just Xerox (copy)” the description of male, minorities 16-25 and hand to cops.Bloomberg had video of speech blocked.Perhaps because of the problematic explanation he gives for— Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon)Newly given by Michael Bloomberg shows the former NYC mayor vehemently defending his controversial “stop-and-frisk” policy — a policing procedure that the 2020 presidential candidate .The recording of the Democratic hopeful began circulating on Twitter after being featured...

February 11, 2020
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Video captures NYC’s latest unprovoked sidewalk attack

Video captures NYC’s latest unprovoked sidewalk attack

Disturbing surveillance video shows a woman getting walloped without warning by a passerby in Brooklyn on Monday morning — the city’s latest case of .The unsuspecting, 40-year-old victim was sitting on the stoop outside 418 Sterling St. in Crown Heights when a man she doesn’t know struck her on the left side of her face around 7:45 a.m., the NYPD said.A video clip posted online shows the brute walking up and using his left hand to .The assailant — who was wearing baggy jeans and an oversize, white T-shirt — never broke his stride, but turned and looked over his shoulder as he continued...

June 29, 2020
