Emily Jacobs
Emily Jacobs
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House Democrats set to pass police reform bill that will likely die in Senate

House Democrats set to pass police reform bill that will likely die in Senate

House Democrats appear set to pass their own police reform bill — just one day after Democrats a GOP-led proposal in the Senate.The bill, titled the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020, is scheduled to come to a vote in the lower chamber of Congress on Thursday and calls for far more sweeping reforms to law enforcement than the Republican package.The Democratic proposal would ban chokeholds and no-knock drug warrants for federal drug cases, as well as end qualified immunity, the doctrine that shields law enforcement officers from personal liability.The GOP measure, meanwhile,...

June 25, 2020
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Biden: Officers should train to shoot attackers ‘in the leg instead of the heart’

Biden: Officers should train to shoot attackers ‘in the leg instead of the heart’

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden suggested that police be trained to shoot individuals posing a threat to them “in the leg instead of the heart,” as the country grapples with its national outrage overBiden brought up the idea while speaking to African American community leaders Monday at Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Delaware.The former vice president mostly sat and listened during the event, only speaking at the end to address the comments and concerns they raised.“Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person coming at them with a knife or...

June 2, 2020
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Trump retweets ally’s pledge to not buy NFL tickets amid kneeling concerns

Trump retweets ally’s pledge to not buy NFL tickets amid kneeling concerns

President Trump appeared to express support for a pledge from a top political ally to not buy tickets to NFL games “until they … stop dividing America.”The tweet was written late Sunday by American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp and retweeted by the commander-in-chief Tuesday morning.The tweet in its entirety , “I will never buy another NFL ticket until they go back to playing football and stop dividing America.”Schlapp is a close ally of Trump and a powerful name in conservative circles.As chairman of the ACU, he organizes the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, also...

June 9, 2020
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Joe Biden says military would intervene if Trump refused to leave White House

Joe Biden says military would intervene if Trump refused to leave White House

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden said he was “absolutely convinced” that the US military would intervene to remove President Trump from the White House if he lost and refused to leave.Speaking during an interview on “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” Wednesday night, the former vice president made the comment after being asked if he had ever considered the possibility of Trump refusing to concede the election and vacate the White House if he lost.“Yes I have,” Biden told Noah before the interview appeared to be edited and cut off.The next frame shown in the Comedy Central appearance...

June 11, 2020
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Jerry Nadler slammed paper ballots as ‘extremely susceptible to fraud’ in 2004

Jerry Nadler slammed paper ballots as ‘extremely susceptible to fraud’ in 2004

A recently unearthed video clip shows House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler — who last week took President Trump to task for slamming Michigan’s push — railing against the use of paper ballots during a Congressional hearing in 2004.The comes from a House Judiciary Committee hearing on potential voting irregularities in Ohio during the 2004 presidential election. During the hearing, members of the public were permitted to ask questions of lawmakers and panelists.In the video, a woman who described herself as a freelance journalist who focused on voting issues argued in favor of...

May 27, 2020
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North Korea reportedly threatens ‘new round of the Korean War’ to end US

North Korea reportedly threatens ‘new round of the Korean War’ to end US

North Korea’s embassy in Moscow has threatened to use its nation’s nuclear weapons against the United States in what they claim would be “a particularly sensational event,” a Russian state-owned news agency reports.The reporting comes from , a state-owned wire service known largely as a propaganda outlet for the Kremlin, which claims the embassy sent them the threat in the form of a statement over the weekend.The agency quotes the embassy as stating, “This year, the U.S. military has been carrying out various kinds of military maneuvers in South Korea and its vicinity with the purpose of...

June 23, 2020
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Joe Biden rejects Chris Wallace interview after Trump calls him ‘incompetent’

Joe Biden rejects Chris Wallace interview after Trump calls him ‘incompetent’

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden rejected “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace’s request for an interview, fanning the flames of criticism that the former vice president is afraid to face questioning“In our interview last week with President Trump, he questioned whether his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, could handle a similar encounter. This week, we asked the Biden campaign for an interview and they said the former vice president was not available,” Wallace said on his show Sunday.“We’ll keep asking every week,” he added.The statement by Wallace came one week after , during...

July 27, 2020
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Top Barr ally Seth DuCharme under consideration for NY US attorney job

Top Barr ally Seth DuCharme under consideration for NY US attorney job

The Justice Department is considering a top official and ally of Attorney General William Barr to replace the outgoing US attorney for the Eastern District of New York, according to a report.Seth DuCharme, who previously built his career as a prosecutor in the Brooklyn-based office, is being considered by department leadership for the top job, .DuCharme left EDNY last year to join Justice Department headquarters in Washington, DC, where he served as principal associate deputy attorney general and advised Barr on criminal and national security matters.The principal associate deputy attorney...

July 3, 2020
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Joe Biden spotted with Kamala Harris talking points as VP speculation mounts

Joe Biden spotted with Kamala Harris talking points as VP speculation mounts

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission.Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden was photographed holding notes with talking points on Sen. Kamala Harris as speculation mounts that the former 2020 contender is the frontrunner for the VP slot.The notes were spotted Tuesday during the former vice president’s midday press conference in Wilmington, Delaware. They were written on Joseph R. Biden, Jr. stationery and covered five topics, the top one being Harris (D-Calif.).Under Harris’ name, five talking points were listed on the stationery, including, “Do not hold grudges,”...

July 29, 2020
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Trump campaign demands apology from CNN after heated Jenna Ellis interview

Trump campaign demands apology from CNN after heated Jenna Ellis interview

The Trump campaign is demanding an apology from CNN after host Brian Stelter got into a heated row with the campaign’s chief legal adviser during an appearance on the network.The argument erupted during Jenna Ellis’ over 10-minute-long appearance on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday, during which she and Stelter could be heard scolding, yelling at and interrupting one another.The issue at the root of their dispute was a CNN poll released last Monday that touted presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden being 14 points ahead of the incumbent Republican among registered voters.Two days after the...

June 15, 2020

