Brian Resnick
Brian Resnick
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Biden wants actual scientists to advise him on Covid-19

Biden wants actual scientists to advise him on Covid-19

Biden is bringing on some of Trump’s toughest Covid-19 critics as advisers. They’re all scientists, doctors, and public health experts.Evidence-based explanations of the Covid-19 pandemic, including how it started, how it might end, and how to protect yourself and others.President-elect Joe Biden promised that his pandemic response would be guided by science. His transition team has announced the scientific board of advisers who will guide his administration-in-waiting’s decision-making.The board, according to the , has three co-chairs, all medical doctors:The rest of the board consists of...

November 9, 2020
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This is what Trump did in the days before his coronavirus test, in photos

This is what Trump did in the days before his coronavirus test, in photos

President and first lady Melania Trump for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes , he announced Friday morning. With any case of Covid-19 — including the president’s — one of the first questions that ought to be asked: Who else has the infected person been in contact with?This question is critical: The virus tends to spread , through close personal contact, and, in some poorly ventilated indoor environments, The president could be part of a large chain of transmission both in and outside the White House. Knowing who he and his close contacts — as well as other White House staff who have tested...

October 2, 2020
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Covid-19 is not the flu. It’s worse.

Covid-19 is not the flu. It’s worse.

In early March, President Donald Trump tweeted a statistic he said we all should “think about.”It was a comparison of the flu to the current coronavirus pandemic. The flu kills tens of thousands of people a year, he reminded us. At the time, only under a dozen or so people in the US had died of Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. The tweet read a lot like much of the rhetoric coming out of the White House, which, for weeks now, has been trying to downplay the severity of the situation.So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and...

March 13, 2020
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America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

Editor’s note, April 2: There have been significant developments in the coronavirus pandemic since this story was last updated, and details may no longer apply. For our most up-to-date coverage, visit our .In late February, Julie Eaker, a physician assistant and supervisor at a small, rural, tribal community health clinic in Siskiyou County, California, had a patient who had a possible exposure to Covid-19. It wasn’t direct: They had been exposed to a person, and that person had been in direct contact with a confirmed Covid-19 case. Eaker’s patient was developing an upper respiratory...

March 12, 2020
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How soap absolutely annihilates the coronavirus

How soap absolutely annihilates the coronavirus

As cases in the US surge, there’s one consumer product critical to our great national battle to the : soap. Humble, , cheap, effective soap.Respiratory viruses — like the novel coronavirus, the flu, and the common cold — can be spread via our hands. If someone is sick, a hand can touch some mucus and viral particles will stick to the hand. If someone is well, hands act like sticky traps for viruses. We can pick up droplets that contain the virus, and they’ll stay on our hands, and perhaps enter our bodies if we touch our hands to our faces.That’s why our hands are the front lines in the war...

March 11, 2020
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