Dylan Scott
Dylan Scott
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5 winners and 2 losers from night 2 of the Democratic convention

5 winners and 2 losers from night 2 of the Democratic convention

The of the was about highlighting ordinary Americans, and the second night was about putting the spotlight on its leaders — the figures who dominated the party in decades prior and those who hope to take the reins in the decades ahead. It cast and Kamala Harris as the people at the center who can serve as the bond — though other people did most of the talking, including, perhaps most notably, former second lady . She wove her family’s story into America’s story.“Love makes us flexible and resilient,” she said as . “It allows us to become more than ourselves together, and though it can’t...

August 19, 2020
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How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart

How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart

This is how we all help slow the spread of coronavirus.The main uncertainty in the coronavirus outbreak in the United States now is how big it will get, and how fast. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Nancy Messonnier reporters on March 9, “many people in the US will at some point, either this year or next, get exposed to this virus.”According to infectious disease epidemiologist at Harvard, it’s “plausible” that will be infected with . So far, 80 percent of cases globally have been mild, but if the case fatality rate is around 1 percent (), a scenario is possible of tens or...

March 10, 2020
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Charging patients just $10 more for medications leads to more deaths

Charging patients just $10 more for medications leads to more deaths

The economic argument for eliminating out-of-pocket costs, in one new study.It turns out $10 can be a matter of life and death, according to on how patients respond to higher health care costs.Researchers at Harvard University and the University of California Berkeley examined what happened when Medicare beneficiaries faced an increase in their out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs. They found that a 34 percent increase (a $10.40 increase per drug) led to a significant decrease in patients filling their prescriptions — and, eventually, a 33 percent increase in mortality.The rise in...

February 10, 2021
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What Biden should do if he’s serious about bringing down US health care costs

What Biden should do if he’s serious about bringing down US health care costs

Hospital monopolies have exploded across the US. What is the Biden administration going to do about it?Health care monopolies have helped make the highest in the world. Incoming US Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra faced that problem head on when he was California’s attorney general.In that role, Becerra oversaw one of the largest health care antitrust settlements in US history, targeting a San Francisco hospital system that had bought up its competitors and allegedly used manipulative contracting practices to gobble up more and more health care business in the Bay...

February 1, 2021
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Trump officials are resigning over the US Capitol siege. Here’s who’s stepped down so far.

Trump officials are resigning over the US Capitol siege. Here’s who’s stepped down so far.

These officials are leaving the Trump administration after Wednesday’s storming of the Capitol.Following by a pro-Trump mob on Wednesday, several top White House officials have resigned, with others reportedly considering whether or not to step down.The extraordinary events, which left four people dead, led to that some senior administration officials were discussing the use of the 25th Amendment to remove President Donald Trump from power or resigning themselves.By Thursday morning, it appeared some of the senior officials who were rumored to be considering resigning, such as National...

January 7, 2021
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"Phenomenal" Black turnout won the Senate for Democrats in Georgia

"Phenomenal" Black turnout won the Senate for Democrats in Georgia

Election Twitter was blown away by Black voter turnout in the Georgia Senate runoffs.More than any other factor, the high turnout from Black voters in Georgia’s Senate runoff elections appears to have won .and have been called by Decision Desk. ; the contest was within the legal recount threshold as of Wednesday morning.It was a historic night: Georgia made Warnock the second Black senator from the South since Reconstruction. The big reason, according to Twitter’s most widely followed election analysts, was the remarkable level of Black turnout. Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman, who...

January 6, 2021
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Trump just ended HealthCare.gov in Georgia

Trump just ended HealthCare.gov in Georgia

On election eve, the Trump administration is still working to roll back Obamacare.HealthCare.gov is the face of , the online marketplace where millions of Americans sign up for health insurance — and now, two days before the 2020 election, the Trump administration has approved a plan to scrap the website in the swing state of Georgia.In a Sunday announcement, which is highly unusual timing, as several health care experts noted, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced it had approved a plan from Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to close HealthCare.gov to his state’s residents. They...

November 2, 2020
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4 winners and 5 losers from the last Biden-Trump debate

4 winners and 5 losers from the last Biden-Trump debate

The final debate between President and former Vice President , held on Thursday evening, was the first one of the that actually felt like a debate.The was a chaotic disaster due to Trump’s constant interruptions; the second one didn’t happen because Trump refused to agree to debate virtually while he had (the candidates held instead). This time around, and the handy use of a mute button allowed both candidates to express their thoughts — leading to a mix of actual substantive policy exchanges and less-than-coherent mudslinging about families and personal finance.The format seems to have...

October 23, 2020
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A former Republican could win the Kansas Senate race for the Democrats

A former Republican could win the Kansas Senate race for the Democrats

A Democrat hasn’t won a US Senate seat in Kansas since 1932. And yet, for the first time in decades, the ruby-red state is seeing a truly competitive Senate race.With an open seat after longtime Sen. Pat Roberts (R) announced his retirement, of Democratic state Sen. Barbara Bollier and Republican Rep. Roger Marshall shows a tight contest. This summer, political experts in the state assumed the only way Democrats could make Kansas competitive was by running against controversial , who lost to Marshall in the August primary.But so far, Bollier’s fundraising and polling are defying much of the...

October 12, 2020
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America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

Editor’s note, April 2: There have been significant developments in the coronavirus pandemic since this story was last updated, and details may no longer apply. For our most up-to-date coverage, visit our .In late February, Julie Eaker, a physician assistant and supervisor at a small, rural, tribal community health clinic in Siskiyou County, California, had a patient who had a possible exposure to Covid-19. It wasn’t direct: They had been exposed to a person, and that person had been in direct contact with a confirmed Covid-19 case. Eaker’s patient was developing an upper respiratory...

March 12, 2020
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