Brendan Cole
Brendan Cole
Not the ballroom dancer but a word provider for Newsweek Media Group.Source
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Obama slams dropping of Michael Flynn case, calls White House COVID-19 response "absolute chaotic disaster": report

Obama slams dropping of Michael Flynn case, calls White House COVID-19 response "absolute chaotic disaster": report

ShareFormer President Barack Obama has taken a swipe at the Department of Justice's move to drop its case against the former White House national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, saying that the "rule of law is at risk."In audio from a private conversation with the Obama Alumni Association which was obtained by Yahoo News, the 44th president also criticized how the current White House administration was handling the coronavirus pandemic, saying that it should focus Democrats on unseating President Donald Trump in the November presidential election.Flynn admitted in 2017 to lying to...

May 9, 2020
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Another Matt Gaetz "wants to date your child" billboard to go up in Florida

Another Matt Gaetz "wants to date your child" billboard to go up in Florida

ShareA political action committee is hoping to turn even more heads in Florida by putting up a second billboard referring to sexual misconduct allegations about Rep. .Earlier this month, Mad Dog PAC, a pro-Democrat group, claiming the GOP lawmaker "wants to 'date' your child."The Department of Justice is investigating Gaetz over He denies all the allegations and has not been charged.Mad Dog PAC founder Claude Taylor described as "absolutely extraordinary" the reaction to the first billboard on State Road 85, Crestview. He said it had "reached a lot of values voters" in a right-leaning part...

April 15, 2021
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Lindsey Graham says he would speak "until I fell over" if talking filibuster returned

Lindsey Graham says he would speak "until I fell over" if talking filibuster returned

ShareSenator has said he would be prepared to speak "until I fell over" if there is a return to the talking filibuster.Support has been growing among lawmakers to ease the passage of their agenda, which includes election reform and LGBTQ+ protections.Amid speculation over the future of the process, a return to the talking filibuster, in which a lawmaker from the minority party had to continue holding the floor to delay or block legislation.This process has morphed: now, a signal by senators that they will object to legislation is enough for it to be dropped from floor consideration. that...

March 18, 2021
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Nazi atrocities at Stalingrad revealed in declassified documents

Nazi atrocities at Stalingrad revealed in declassified documents

ShareRussia's Ministry of Defence has published online a cache of declassified documents detailing atrocities carried out by Nazi soldiers and officers during World War Two.The release on Friday on the defense ministry's website comes two days before the on April 11—the day in 1945 when prisoners in were freed.The material from the ministry's central archives includes photographs and letters. Among the revelations are details of a prisoner of war camp near Stalingrad—present-day Volgograd, the scene of the battle between the Soviet Union against Germany and its allies which ended in...

April 9, 2021
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COVID vaccine for animals developed, will launch April

COVID vaccine for animals developed, will launch April

ShareRussia has registered the world's first COVID vaccine for animals, which could be rolled out as early as April.The country's agriculture safety watchdog, Rosselkhoznadzor, said on Wednesday the drug's development followed clinical trials that started last October on dogs, cats, Arctic foxes, minks, foxes and other animals.The watchdog's deputy head Konstantin Savenkov told reporters that the vaccine, Carnivak-Cov, "is the world's first and only product for preventing COVID-19 in animals," according to news agency TASS.He said research had shown the vaccine was safe and effective...

March 31, 2021
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Dr. Fauci warns of possible COVID surge in U.S. after European uptick

Dr. Fauci warns of possible COVID surge in U.S. after European uptick

ShareDr. , the U.S.'s top infectious diseases expert, has warned that there could be another COVID surge on the way as many as 15 states face rising case numbers.The national daily case tally has fallen by nearly a third over the last month and, as of Saturday, more than 118 million vaccine doses had been administered, .But health experts are worried there could be a resurgence if health measures like mask use are relaxed too soon.Dr. Fauci, the director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he was concerned that the flattening of cases was making Americans...

March 20, 2021
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Nancy Pelosi was set to retire from politics before Trump election win in 2016: new book

Nancy Pelosi was set to retire from politics before Trump election win in 2016: new book

ShareHouse Speaker said the victory of in the 2016 election felt like "a mule kicking you in the back" and convinced her to remain in politics, according to an upcoming biography.Assured that the Democratic contender would prevail over her GOP rival, Pelosi had an eye on retiring and spending more time with her family, according to the book written by USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page.But despite her confidence that she would be able to step down after 30 years in and no longer hold the distinction of being, at that time, the highest-ranking woman in the history of the U.S....

April 10, 2021
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Russia reacts to U.S claims of pro-Trump election interference

Russia reacts to U.S claims of pro-Trump election interference

ShareMoscow has rejected as "groundless" a report which concluded Russia had tried to influence the 2020 election in favor of former President .The 15-page document by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, said that Russian President Vladimir Putin and other senior Russian officials "were aware of and probably directed" influence operations that were "aimed at denigrating President Biden and the ." had worked with Ukraine-linked individuals to perpetuate a narrative alleging corrupt ties between Biden, his family and other U.S. officials with Ukraine.The report also said that...

March 17, 2021
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Joe Biden "cannot behave this way" says Duma speaker angered at "killer Putin" comment

Joe Biden "cannot behave this way" says Duma speaker angered at "killer Putin" comment

ShareA top Russian lawmaker has reacted with anger to the comments made by President in an interview where he agreed Russian President Vladimir Putin was a "killer."Vyacheslav Volodin, who is speaker of Russia's parliament, the Duma, and a former aide to Putin, took aim at the comments Biden made on News., which aired on Wednesday, followed an intelligence assessment that concluded Russia had tried to interfere in last November's election on Putin's orders.When asked by anchor George Stephanopoulos "what price must he [Putin] pay?" Biden replied: "He will pay a price."Biden continued: "We...

March 17, 2021
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Ukraine grateful for U.S. military aid plan to counter Russia threat

Ukraine grateful for U.S. military aid plan to counter Russia threat

ShareKyiv has welcomed a proposal by U.S. lawmakers to give it hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid amid heightened tensions at a growing Russian military threat on the Ukrainian border.The U.S. senate foreign relations committee advanced a bill on Wednesday to deliver up to $300 million a year in military assistance to Kyiv until 2026.The Ukraine Security Partnership Act comes as Russia has engaged in its biggest military buildup on its neighbor's doorstep since 2014, when Moscow annexed Crimea and backed separatists in the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk.Half...

April 22, 2021
