Brandon Morse
Brandon Morse
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Black Lives Matter and Its Online Mob Don't Seem to Have a Valid Purpose

Black Lives Matter and Its Online Mob Don't Seem to Have a Valid Purpose

(Tim Dornin/AAP Image via AP)Back in 2016, a black community and its local police department in Wichita got together to have a cookout. This cookout took place during the height of the Black Lives Matter movement and was widely approved of as a good way to form good and lasting bonds between law enforcement and the black community.The cookout was called “First Steps,” and it became something of a mold for preparing community relations between the two communities which have been so alienated from one another for so long.However, Black Lives Matter got wind of the attempts to bring the two...

May 28, 2020
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CNN's Lunacy Goes into Shark Jumping Territory by Suggesting Font Is Now Racist (VIDEO)

CNN's Lunacy Goes into Shark Jumping Territory by Suggesting Font Is Now Racist (VIDEO)

CNN’s is always finding a new shark to jump, and this one involves the idea that fonts are now racist.But, are they?In my latest video, I make it clear just how ridiculous CNN is being. But also, why they’re attempting to convince everyone that using fonts based on the writing of other cultures is anything but racist.(READ: )Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more content!TRENDING

September 4, 2021
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Left Scrambles to Place Blame On Michigan's Surging COVID-19 Rates Elsewhere (VIDEO)

Left Scrambles to Place Blame On Michigan's Surging COVID-19 Rates Elsewhere (VIDEO)

Amid all the noise being made about Florida, Michigan finds itself in the midst of a COVID-19 surge in terms of infection rates and deaths.How can that be, especially since the blue state of Michigan has been one of the most locked-down states in the nation? Well, the excuses are flying and while I’d like to say you won’t believe what they placed the blame on, by now, it’s more than likely that you will.In my latest video, I talk about Michigan’s numbers and their ridiculous attempt at trying to distract from their own ineptitude by blaming others.Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more...

June 4, 2021
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Morse: If the Media's Attack on Ron DeSantis Seems Desperate, It's Because It Is

Morse: If the Media's Attack on Ron DeSantis Seems Desperate, It's Because It Is

The 60 Minutes “report” on Ron DeSantis wasn’t just ridiculous, it was absolutely bizarre. Not only did the news show completely deny the science we know about how infectious the Coronavirus is to seniors, they completely left out key elements of the information they gathered to make him seem corrupt. Why are they doing this?The reason is desperation. DeSantis is ruining everything the left is trying to accomplish both in narrative and agenda. I explain this and more in the video below.Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more content.Login to VIP or Join VIP to CommentTRENDING

May 4, 2021
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Tim Scott Bulldozes MSNBC's Joy Reid After She Makes Racist Remarks About Him

Tim Scott Bulldozes MSNBC's Joy Reid After She Makes Racist Remarks About Him

Much of the left can’t help but boil people down to their skin color and MSNBC’s Joy Reid can’t help but do that herself, especially when it comes to black people who are ideologically opposed to her. Needless to say, this doesn’t make her a fan of South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, but Scott isn’t having any of Reid’s racist nonsense.As my colleague, during Fox News Primetime, Trey Gowdy played a clip of Reid commenting about Scott’s presence during South Dakota Sen. John Thune’s statements about how the $15/hr wage hike would actually hurt Americans.“You’ve got to love Tim Scott standing...

September 3, 2021
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Dan Crenshaw Takes Down Texas's Critics On Its Reopening With the Science the Left Claims to Follow

Dan Crenshaw Takes Down Texas's Critics On Its Reopening With the Science the Left Claims to Follow

Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw isn’t allowing the left to make the reopening of Texas seem like a bad thing and is ready to shove the data that proves Texas right into the face of anyone from the self-proclaimed “party of science.”As , Texas Governor Greg Abbott reopened the state, stripping it of its mask mandate in the process. This caused no end of backlash, including from fellow governors like California’s Gavin Newsom who called the move “reckless”…which is absolutely rich coming from him.Crenshaw saw what the critics had to say and felt the need to make them understand that, not only are...

March 3, 2021
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Why Did Whitmer Give a Secret Taxpayer-Funded Payout to Resigning Health Director Amid Her Own Nursing Home Scandal?

Why Did Whitmer Give a Secret Taxpayer-Funded Payout to Resigning Health Director Amid Her Own Nursing Home Scandal?

There’s something shady going on in Michigan involving its Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the exiting state health department director Robert Gordon, who received hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer dollars for a reason the public hasn’t been made aware of yet.According to , Whitmer’s administration paid Gordon the pile of cash in a deal that required silence from both parties:Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration agreed to pay former state health department director Robert Gordon $155,506 in a separation deal that also required the two sides to maintain...

February 3, 2021
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Another Example of the Unmitigated Hypocrisy of the Left

Another Example of the Unmitigated Hypocrisy of the Left

I’ve often said that the left has an unofficial motto and they live up to it every second of every day.“It’s okay when we do it” should be written on a plaque above every office held by a Democrat, not for the Democrat themselves, but because every person who walks through their doors, or listens to their speeches, or sees their actions, needs to understand what kind of person they’re dealing with. They should understand that if they trust that person to have a moral stance, then that trust is misplaced. What they say is horrible and unforgivable today is very likely something they will be...

September 2, 2021
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CNN Experienced a Massive Ratings Crash During Biden's First Week

CNN Experienced a Massive Ratings Crash During Biden's First Week

CNN was on a mission to help derail the Trump presidency and with that mission now completed, it would appear that CNN’s usefulness has run out for most people.According to Variety, CNN without Trump is like a flower without sunlight. It’s quickly wilting and withering away without the light by which it grew fat and healthy for years. Without a target at which to channel all of its hatred and paranoia-inducing reporting, CNN is losing nearly half its audience during its prime-time hours:While January 2021 will go down in the ratings record books for CNN, the last week of the month may offer...

February 2, 2021
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Gina Carano Drops the Bomb, Exposes Disney's Use of Bots to Control Narratives On Twitter

Gina Carano Drops the Bomb, Exposes Disney's Use of Bots to Control Narratives On Twitter

AdvertisementSince the South Park episode attacking Kathleen Kennedy and Star Wars aired, former Star Wars actress Gina Carano has been going on the offensive against the company, using her behind-the-scenes knowledge to offer what tidbits of knowledge she can. Advertisement(READ: Gina Carano and South Park Are Giving Disney Their Wake-Up Call About Kathleen Kennedy)On Thursday, Carano offered some knowledge on X about Disney's interest in Twitter, noting that back in 2016, Iger was "inches away" from buying the platform but pulled out over the presence of bots. Carano asked the...

Nov 3
