Bob Ortega
Bob Ortega
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Postal Service removes some mail-sorting machines, sparking concerns ahead of election

Postal Service removes some mail-sorting machines, sparking concerns ahead of election

(CNN)The plans to remove hundreds of high-volume mail-processing machines from facilities across the country, leading some postal workers to fear they may have less capacity to process mail during election season. Documents obtained by CNN indicate 671 machines used to organize letters or other pieces of mail are slated for "reduction" in dozens of cities this year. The agency started removing machines in June, according to postal workers. While the reductions come amid this year and are described by some postal officials as making the service more cost-effective, the effort overlaps with...

August 14, 2020
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Huge immigrant visa backlog challenges Biden

Huge immigrant visa backlog challenges Biden

(CNN)Even though has moved to reverse many of his predecessor's anti-immigration policies, the consequences of those restrictive measures linger and have contributed to a massive backlog of nearly 2.6 million visa applications.The backlog includes nearly half a million applicants who are "documentarily qualified" and ready for interviews, according to a recent legal filing by the State Department. Backlogs in some immigrant-visa categories are 50 or even 100 times higher than they were four years ago, at the start of the Trump administration. Some of the backlogs are due to restrictions...

April 12, 2021
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Extremists intensify calls for violence ahead of Inauguration Day

Extremists intensify calls for violence ahead of Inauguration Day

(CNN)"Trump or war. Today. That simple.""If you don't know how to shoot: You need to learn. NOW.""we will storm the government buildings, kill cops, kill security guards, kill federal employees and agents, and demand a recount."In the weeks, days and hours ahead of Wednesday's siege on the Capitol by President Donald Trump's zealous supporters, the warning signs were clear: online posts from hate groups and right-wing provocateurs agitating for civil war, the deaths of top lawmakers and attacks on law enforcement.And now, as the dust settles and the country struggles to make sense of the...

January 8, 2021
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Extremists intensify calls for violence ahead of Inauguration Day | CNN

Extremists intensify calls for violence ahead of Inauguration Day | CNN

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — “Trump or war. Today. That simple.”“If you don’t know how to shoot: You need to learn. NOW.”“we will storm the government buildings, kill cops, kill security guards, kill federal employees and agents, and demand a recount.”In the weeks, days and hours ahead of Wednesday’s siege on the Capitol by President Donald Trump’s zealous supporters, the warning signs were clear: online posts from hate groups and right-wing provocateurs agitating for civil war, the deaths of top lawmakers and attacks on law enforcement.And now, as the dust settles...

January 8, 2021
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Insurrection fueled by conspiracy groups, extremists and fringe movements | CNN

Insurrection fueled by conspiracy groups, extremists and fringe movements | CNN

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The mob of Trump supporters who stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday included conspiracy theorists linked to QAnon and the Proud Boys – two right-wing extremist factions that President Donald Trump repeatedly refused to condemn during his election campaign last year.The insurrection at the heart of America’s democracy, egged on by Trump’s rhetoric, represented a stunning show of force for the fringe movements and their adherents. Four people were left dead during the mayhem, according to the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department,...

January 7, 2021
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Post-election audits find no fraud in Arizona | CNN Politics

Post-election audits find no fraud in Arizona | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — More than half of all counties in Arizona have conducted post-election audits and that don’t affect the outcome of the race, according to filed with the Arizona secretary of state’s office.Audits in Arizona’s four largest counties, which comprised 86% of all votes for president in the state, turned up no evidence of the systematic voter fraud about which President Donald . There were no irregularities found in Maricopa County, which is the most populous county in the battleground state and includes Phoenix, the reports show. Officials in...

November 12, 2020
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Cities, states and businesses brace for election unrest in US | CNN Politics

Cities, states and businesses brace for election unrest in US | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Corporate America, city governments and federal and local law enforcement across the country are making plans to deal with political instability, civil unrest and violence around the upcoming presidential election.Concerns range from isolated violent incidents to a long stretch of mass protests, violent confrontations between extremists and widespread property damage, if the outcome of the election remains unclear or is hotly contested for weeks or months, according to security consultants, analysts of extremism, police officials and local...

October 1, 2020
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