Beth Mole
Beth Mole
Health Reporter for @ArsTechnica with a PhD in microbiology. Interested in all things microbial, biomedical, infectious disease & health policy related.Source
Washington, DC
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At 38.5% vaccinated, US may be running low on people eager for a shot

At 38.5% vaccinated, US may be running low on people eager for a shot

The US logged another 4 million or so vaccinations Friday, bringing the total doses administered in the country at the time of writing. Over 127 million adults—38.5 percent of the US population—have received at least one shot. Over 80 million adults—24 percent of the US population—are now fully vaccinated.The seven-day rolling average of US vaccinations per day is now around , and the Biden administration is on track to make its latest goal of 200 million vaccinations within the first 100 days in office.Even with a current pause in use of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine, Biden officials...

April 17, 2021
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Florida sues USA, CDC to get people back on cruise ships

Florida sues USA, CDC to get people back on cruise ships

The state of Florida has filed against the United States of America and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, claiming that the health agency’s guidance for the cruise industry is “arbitrary and capricious” and that it should be immediately dubbed “unlawful.”“Today, Florida is fighting back,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said in , in which he announced the lawsuit. “We don’t believe the federal government has the right to mothball a major industry for over a year based on very little evidence and very little data. And I think we have a good chance for success.”The lawsuit comes...

April 9, 2021
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Coronavirus variant that spreads easily doesn’t do so by surviving in air better

Coronavirus variant that spreads easily doesn’t do so by surviving in air better

The B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant is estimated to spread about 50 percent more than previous versions—but it doesn’t seem to manage that higher transmissibility by surviving in the air better than other versions of the virus, according to a new study.In lab experiments looking at virus survival in artificially produced aerosolized particles, a B.1.1.7 lineage virus (first identified in the UK) had about the same survival rate as a strain of the virus that was circulating in Wuhan, China, in January 2020, according to the study, which was published recently in .For the study, government...

April 5, 2021
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Teens fully protected by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, company says

Teens fully protected by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, company says

Adolescents ages 12 to 15 were completely protected from symptomatic COVID-19 after being vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine in a small Phase III clinical trial, Pfizer reported in .The company also said that the vaccine was well-tolerated in the age group, spurring only the standard side effects seen in people ages 16 to 25. The vaccine is already authorized for use in people age 16 and over.The vaccine appeared more effective at spurring defensive immune responses in adolescents ages 12 to 15 than in the 16- to 25-year-old group, producing even higher levels of antibodies...

March 31, 2021
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Former Trump adviser joins company that makes hazardous air cleaners

Former Trump adviser joins company that makes hazardous air cleaners

One of the most indelible moments of Deborah Birx’s controversial time as White House coronavirus response coordinator for the Trump administration came on April 23, 2020. That’s when she sat quietly to the side of the former president while he recklessly suggested that people could rid themselves of the pandemic virus by taking in or injecting themselves with hazardous disinfectants.Since leaving the administration, Birx has spoken about how “extraordinarily uncomfortable” she was in the moment, telling : “I still think about it every day.”But, at the same time that she was expressing that...

March 25, 2021
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Under pressure, CDC drops school spacing to 3 ft in many classrooms

Under pressure, CDC drops school spacing to 3 ft in many classrooms

With universal masking, just 3 feet of distancing is safe for students in many classrooms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced in  released on Friday.According to the new recommendations, elementary schools with universal masking policies are advised to maintain at least 3 feet of distancing between students in classrooms, regardless of the current .Middle and high schools with universal masking are also advised to maintain at least 3 feet of distancing between students in classrooms if community transmission is currently low, moderate, or substantial. If the...

March 19, 2021
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Many Republicans are refusing COVID vaccines. Experts are trying to change that

Many Republicans are refusing COVID vaccines. Experts are trying to change that

While the Biden administration anticipates having enough COVID-19 vaccine doses to , health experts and policy advisers are trying to figure out how to actually get those shots into the arms of people—particularly people who are hesitant or distrustful of the vaccines, many of whom are Republicans.For most of the country—about 69 percent—getting vaccinated and being able to return to some normal activities is an easy sell. Over 21 percent of people in America have already gotten at least one dose of an authorized vaccine. Three vaccines are currently authorized for use in the US, all of...

March 15, 2021
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Fully vaccinated Americans can safely visit unvaccinated family, CDC says

Fully vaccinated Americans can safely visit unvaccinated family, CDC says

People who are fully vaccinated can safely have private visits with unvaccinated people who have a low risk for severe COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today in highly anticipated .In the guidance, the CDC considers people fully vaccinated once they have waited two weeks after their second dose of either the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine or the Moderna vaccine, or two weeks after a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Though it may still be possible for fully vaccinated people to contract the pandemic coronavirus, have an asymptomatic or mild...

March 8, 2021
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B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant is picking up a worrisome new mutation

B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant is picking up a worrisome new mutation

As the world races to get vaccines into arms, one of the most concerning coronavirus variants appears to be getting a little more concerning.Researchers in the UK have detected at least 15 cases of B.1.1.7 variants carrying an additional mutation: E484K, a mutation already seen in other  and one that may make current vaccines less effective at preventing infection. The B.1.1.7 variant, first identified in the United Kingdom, is already known to spread more easily among people than earlier strains of the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. And according to some preliminary evidence, it may...

February 2, 2021
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Contractor that ruined 15M doses of J&J vaccine hiked price of another by 800%

Contractor that ruined 15M doses of J&J vaccine hiked price of another by 800%

Things are not looking good for Emergent BioSolutions, the contract manufacturer that ruined and millions more doses of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine at its production facility in Baltimore.The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday released of the facility, finding a slew of significant violations and failings.Meanwhile, federal lawmakers have opened a into whether Emergent used ties to the Trump administration to get billions of dollars in federal contracts despite a history of failing to complete contracts. The investigation is also looking into inadequate staff training, persistent...

April 22, 2021
