Under pressure, CDC drops school spacing to 3 ft in many classrooms
March 19, 20214 min read747 words
Published: March 19, 2021  |  4 min read747 words
With universal masking, just 3 feet of distancing is safe for students in many classrooms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced in  released on Friday.According to the new recommendations, elementary schools with universal masking policies are advised to ...
Under pressure, CDC drops school spacing to 3 ft in many classrooms Read more

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March 20, 2021
It looks like it's still not clear to CDC what is really the safest distance, and all their studies are not conclusive, they didn't really bring data that we can rely on. The article made me think about where this pressure to fill the schools is coming from, and how hard it can be for a school to adapt their space to make classes work as before. Good piece!
March 20, 2021
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March 19, 2021
This article provides only a little more information than what is available in the headline. It does well to try and provide a whole host of sources and perspectives on the issue, but ultimately, the takeaway has to be that we still don't know what an appropriate level of distance is and for what age groups.
March 19, 2021
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