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Hong Kong police evict protesters who stormed parliament

Hong Kong police evict protesters who stormed parliament

Police firing tear gas have evicted protesters who stormed and vandalised Hong Kong's parliament.Activists had occupied the Legislative Council (LegCo) building for hours after breaking away from a protest on the anniversary of Hong Kong's transfer of sovereignty to China from Britain.After midnight (16:00 GMT), hundreds of police secured the building following a warning to protesters to clear it. It follows weeks of unrest in the city over a controversial extradition law.Hundreds of thousands took part in the earlier peaceful protest - the latest rally against a proposed law that critics...

July 1, 2019
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Paris police attack: Four killed by knife-wielding employee

Paris police attack: Four killed by knife-wielding employee

A knife-wielding employee has killed three officers and one administrative worker at police headquarters in the centre of the French capital, Paris. The attacker, who has not been named, was shot dead by police.Witnesses described scenes of panic, with many people fleeing the building in tears. The area in the île de la Cité was sealed off. The attack came a day after police went on strike across France over increasing violence towards officers.The Paris prosecutor said a murder investigation had been launched.A motive for the attack remains unclear. However, police union officials have...

October 3, 2019
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Woman shot dead by Texas police through bedroom window

Woman shot dead by Texas police through bedroom window

A black woman was shot dead by police through her own bedroom window in the early hours of Saturday morning, after a request to check on her welfare.Atatiana Jefferson, 28, had been living at the residence in Fort Worth, Texas with her eight-year-old nephew.A neighbour had called a non-emergency police number after growing concerned that her front door was open at night.Police have released body cam footage of the incident, which shows an officer shooting within seconds of seeing her.The clip shows police searching the perimeter of the residential property, before noticing a figure at the...

October 17, 2019
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Catalonia crisis: Separatist protest draws 350,000 in Barcelona

Catalonia crisis: Separatist protest draws 350,000 in Barcelona

About 350,000 people have protested in Barcelona over the jailing of separatist leaders from Spain's Catalonia region, police say. The peaceful march was also organised to underline support for Catalonia's independence movement. A separate demonstration by a direct action group turned violent on Saturday evening, as protesters targeted the police headquarters. Spanish unionists plan to hold their own mass rally in the city on Sunday. for between nine and 13 years after being convicted of sedition.The days that followed saw some of the worst violence in the history of the modern independence...

October 26, 2019
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Australia fires: Misleading maps and pictures go viral

Australia fires: Misleading maps and pictures go viral

Maps and pictures of Australia's unprecedented bushfires have spread widely on social media.Users are posting them to raise awareness of the devastating fires, but some of the viral maps are misleading, spreading disinformation about the crisis.The months-long fires have killed at least 25 people and millions of animals, and . After milder weather brought brief respite last weekend, fire crews are preparing again for worsening conditions as temperatures are predicted to soar on Friday.One image shared widely by Twitter users, including by singer Rihanna, was interpreted as a map showing the...

January 8, 2020
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미국, 코로나19로 WHO 자금 지원 중단한다 - BBC News 코리아

미국, 코로나19로 WHO 자금 지원 중단한다 - BBC News 코리아

2020년 4월 15일미국 도널드 트럼프 대통령은 14일(현지시간) 미 행정부에 세계보건기구(WHO)에 대한 자금 지원을 중단하라고 지시했다고 밝혔다. 그는 WHO가 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 대응 과정에서 "기본 임무에 실패했다"고 말했다. 앞서 그는 중국에서 바이러스가 처음 발생한 뒤, WHO가 이를 제대로 관리하지 못했고 확산 사실을 은폐했다면서 책임을 져야 한다고 비난했다. 한편, 트럼프 대통령은 코로나19 대처로 자국에서 비판을 받아왔다. 이날 백악관에서 열린 기자회견에서 그는 "WHO 역할에 대한 평가가 진행되는 동안 미 행정부에 자금 지원 중단을 지시했다. 이 기구는 코로나19를 심각하게 잘못 관리했고, 확산을 은폐했다"고 말했다. "WHO는 기본 임무에 실패했다. 반드시 책임을 져야 한다."트럼프 대통령 발언에 대해 유엔 안토니오 구테헤스 사무총장은 지금은 WHO에 주는 자원을 줄일 때가 아니라고 말했다. 미국은 WHO의 가장 큰 단일 자금 지원처로, 지난해 기구 총 예산의 약 15%에 가까운 4억달러(약 4864억원)를 냈다. WHO홈페이지에 따르면...

April 15, 2020
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Coronavirus treatments: What progress is being made?

Coronavirus treatments: What progress is being made?

Vaccines have transformed the pandemic, but there is still a huge need for drugs which can treat Covid.Immunity from vaccines can wane, and access is still a major problem around the world. Also, new variants emphasise the possible need for a back-up. There are now many drugs that target the virus or our body in different ways:These are all needed at different stages of the infection. They range from dirt cheap to spectacularly expensive, and some are more resilient to new variants than others.When you catch Covid, your body releases a flood of chemicals to warn that you're under attack....

April 21, 2020
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Coronavirus: UK 'throwing everything' at developing vaccine

Coronavirus: UK 'throwing everything' at developing vaccine

The government is "throwing everything" at developing a coronavirus vaccine, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said.He told the daily Downing Street briefing that human trials for a vaccine, developed by the University of Oxford, would begin on Thursday.He also addressed the shortage of protective gear for the NHS, saying the government was talking to thousands of suppliers, but not all could deliver.Labour said there was a "gap" between government words and reality.Meanwhile the UK has recorded another 823 coronavirus hospital deaths - taking the total number to 17,337. in England and...

April 21, 2020
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Coronavirus: Should I start taking vitamin D?

Coronavirus: Should I start taking vitamin D?

There are mounting questions about whether vitamin D can help fight coronavirus. The Scientific Advisory Commission on Nutrition and the health watchdog the . With more people staying indoors during the pandemic, some may have been deprived of vitamin D. Normally, many of us get it by spending time outside. Our skin makes it when exposed to the sun. people should consider taking 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day if they are spending a lot of time indoors. and governments and issued similar advice during lockdown.Before the pandemic, people in the UK were already advised to consider taking...

April 23, 2020
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Hong Kong's handover: How the UK returned it to China

Hong Kong's handover: How the UK returned it to China

Every year, on 1 July, Hong Kong marks the day where it was returned from British to Chinese control. This year, the city will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the British handover - at a time when it's coming under increased Chinese control. But what is Hong Kong's connection to Britain, when was it returned to China, and most importantly, what does its future look like? Here's what you need to know: Britain first took over Hong Kong island in 1842, after defeating China in the First Opium War. After the Second Opium War, Beijing was forced to also cede Kowloon in 1860, the area on the...

June 29, 2017

