Barbara Rodriguez
Barbara Rodriguez
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Iowa is denying the public access to some records of its COVID-19 response; 'When you lose transparency, you lose trust,' one advocate said

Iowa is denying the public access to some records of its COVID-19 response; 'When you lose transparency, you lose trust,' one advocate said

Des Moines RegisterView CommentsGov. Kim Reynolds’ administration has denied some requests for information about Iowa’s preparedness and response to the novel coronavirus by citing a broad exemption in the state’s public records law.Two Iowa agencies have denied Des Moines Register requests this month seeking documentation of the state's pandemic response plan and daily reports regarding the state's response to the virus and COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the virus.In their denials, the agencies, which are leading Iowa's response to COVID-19,...

April 20, 2020
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Iowa researchers submit state-specific COVID-19 modeling that Reynolds' office has not yet released, is reviewing

Iowa researchers submit state-specific COVID-19 modeling that Reynolds' office has not yet released, is reviewing

Get the newsShare This Story!Let friends in your social network know what you are reading aboutThe full scope of the report is unclear, but it may offer the public some clues on Iowa's direction in combating the respiratory illness.A link has been sent to your friend's email address.A link has been posted to your Facebook feed. Join the ConversationTo find out more about Facebook commenting please read theWelcome to our new and improved comments.This is a test to see whether we can improve the experience for you.You do not need a Facebook profile to participate.You will need to register...

April 27, 2020
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University of Iowa researchers warn 'a second wave of infections is likely' if COVID-19 prevention efforts are lifted

University of Iowa researchers warn 'a second wave of infections is likely' if COVID-19 prevention efforts are lifted

Des Moines RegisterView CommentsResearchers at the University of Iowa warned Gov. Kim Reynolds' administration it should keep COVID-19 mitigation efforts in place within the state or "a second wave of infections is likely."The warning was included in a 12-page report sent last week to the Iowa Department of Public Health from a team of researchers at the University of Iowa College of Public Health. The report said researchers found signs of a slowdown in COVID-19 infection and mortality rates in Iowa, "but not that a peak has been reached.""There is considerable...

April 28, 2020
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Iowa health care workers anxiously await their Test Iowa results; Gov. Kim Reynolds confirms backlog

Iowa health care workers anxiously await their Test Iowa results; Gov. Kim Reynolds confirms backlog

Des Moines RegisterView CommentsCOVID-19 results from Gov. Kim Reynolds’ first Test Iowa site are delayed, according to health care workers who say they were tested at the program’s launch site nearly a week ago and still don't know if they have the respiratory illness.Reynolds acknowledged the delay, attributing it to a "backlog in the data entry process" that is part of the state's system for reporting COVID-19 cases."For Iowans who are still waiting for their results, we are sorry for the delay," she said at a news conference Friday "But you will receive your results...

May 1, 2020
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Six residents at state-run Iowa facility for people with disabilities test positive for COVID-19. None had symptoms before testing.

Six residents at state-run Iowa facility for people with disabilities test positive for COVID-19. None had symptoms before testing.

Des Moines RegisterView CommentsSix residents have tested positive for COVID-19 at a state-run Iowa facility that treats people with disabilities, a number that has jumped in recent days.None of the residents at the Woodward Resource Center had symptoms related to COVID-19 before they were tested, state officials said.The residents tested positive for the virus in the span of roughly a week, according to the Iowa Department of Human Services officials. Three employees at the multi-building campus have also tested positive during that time.Matt Highland, a spokesman...

May 3, 2020
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Some Test Iowa COVID-19 samples were 'potentially damaged,' governor's office confirms

Some Test Iowa COVID-19 samples were 'potentially damaged,' governor's office confirms

Des Moines RegisterView CommentsSome coronavirus test samples collected under the Test Iowa program cannot be processed because they were “potentially damaged,” resulting in incomplete results.Pat Garrett, a spokesman for Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, said Thursday that "a very small percentage" of people were affected. Neither he nor officials with the Iowa Department of Public Health provided more specific information.Some Iowans told the Des Moines Register they’ve been waiting nearly two weeks for coronavirus test results from program. The governor acknowledged a...

May 7, 2020
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'Now what?': Frustrated Iowans caught in Test Iowa limbo have waited as long as 17 days (and counting) for their results

'Now what?': Frustrated Iowans caught in Test Iowa limbo have waited as long as 17 days (and counting) for their results

Des Moines RegisterView CommentsWhen Natalie watches Gov. Kim Reynolds speak at her news conferences about Test Iowa and her plans to expand the coronavirus testing program, the Des Moines resident feels left behind.The health care worker was tested for the virus at a Test Iowa site on May 4 in Des Moines.Two days later, she received her results: “Inconclusive.”Natalie, who asked that her last name not be published because she did not have permission from her employer to speak publicly about her experience, is seeking clarity about what comes next for her.The Test Iowa portal page...

May 12, 2020
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'Fallen short': Local health official tells Gov. Kim Reynolds’ staff Test Iowa, lack of data leaves county at disadvantage

'Fallen short': Local health official tells Gov. Kim Reynolds’ staff Test Iowa, lack of data leaves county at disadvantage

Des Moines RegisterView CommentsLinn County officials have struggled to get basic data from the Test Iowa coronavirus testing site in Cedar Rapids, making it difficult to make smart public health decisions, a top health emergency response official in eastern Iowa told Gov. Kim Reynolds’ administration this week.In an email sent to key Reynolds deputies, Tricia Kitzmann, the incident commander for Linn County Public Health's COVID-19 response, included the subject line: "Test Iowa Concerns." It presented a dire portrait of communication between the governor’s...

May 21, 2020
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Iowa agency's order for nearly 100,000 masks for COVID-19 response canceled under FEMA directive, state official says

Iowa agency's order for nearly 100,000 masks for COVID-19 response canceled under FEMA directive, state official says

Des Moines RegisterView CommentsAn Iowa agency's order of nearly 100,000 high-quality masks to aid in its coronavirus response was canceled last month after President Donald Trump invoked his authority to give the federal government priority for obtaining and distributing those supplies, according to a top state official and documentation obtained by the Des Moines Register.Kelly Garcia, director of the Iowa Department of Human Services, confirmed to the Register that her request for 98,500 N95 respirator masks was canceled late last month after a supplier in...

May 21, 2020
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U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley says President Trump was only offering help with potential deployment of military on violent protests

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley says President Trump was only offering help with potential deployment of military on violent protests

Des Moines RegisterView CommentsU.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley says President Donald Trump was only offering help when he warned governors this week that he would .Grassley defended the president's Monday comments on the use of military force to contain instances of violence. The  and some destruction in response to the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes. Protesters have called out systemic racism and police brutality.Grassley said on Wednesday that other U.S. presidents have...

June 3, 2020
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