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Three Days to Israel Election, Tens of Thousands Protest Against Netanyahu Across Country - Israel Election 2021

Three Days to Israel Election, Tens of Thousands Protest Against Netanyahu Across Country - Israel Election 2021

Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021With just days to Israel's fourth election in two years, the weekly protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are continuing Saturday night in city squares, intersections and bridges throughout the country.Over 20,000 people are gathered at Paris Square, near the prime minister's official residence, for the central protest. It is the largest anti-Netanyahu protest since the weekly demonstrations began last July. The event's organizers say that there are about 50,000 people at the site.Earlier, thousands of demonstrators marched to the square from the Knesset...

March 20, 2021
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Police Severely Beat Palestinian Workers After Bogus Terror Attack Tip-off - Palestinians

Police Severely Beat Palestinian Workers After Bogus Terror Attack Tip-off - Palestinians

Jan 21, 2021 Jan 21, 2021Police severely beat two Palestinian men at a construction site in central Israel on Thursday, during a violent intervention following a terror attack tip-off.One of the victims' shoulder was dislocated, and another's nose was broken. A medical examination revealed other fractures.Earlier that day,the police received a call from someone saying they were planning to carry out a terrorist attack. It later transpired that the person who made the call was at odds with the owner of the phone.Most of the Palestinian workers at the site attempted to flee, the police said....

January 21, 2021
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Two Thousand Israelis Protest Against Netanyahu in Jerusalem for 25th Week in a Row - Israel News

Two Thousand Israelis Protest Against Netanyahu in Jerusalem for 25th Week in a Row - Israel News

Dec 12, 2020Dec 12, 2020Two thousands Israelis protested against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in front of his official residence in Jerusalem, as demonstrations calling for the premier's resignation resumed on Saturday evening, for the 25th week in a row.Another 1,000 gathered near Netanyahu's home in Caesarea, and several hundreds more assembled in Tel Aviv's Habima Square. Other demonstrations took place at intersections, bridges and squares across Israel.Protesters also marched to the home of in the central Israeli city of Rosh Ha'ayin, angry at the Kahol Lavan leader for apparently...

December 12, 2020
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'Netanyahu Endangers Israel': Thousands Protest Against PM Across Israel - Israel News

'Netanyahu Endangers Israel': Thousands Protest Against PM Across Israel - Israel News

Nov 28, 2020Nov 28, 2020Thousands of protesters demonstrated on Saturday evening against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at intersections, bridges and squares across Israel, as weekly demonstrations continued for the 23rd week in a row.Several thousands gathered outside the prime minister's official residence on Jerusalem's Balfour Street. Demonstrations also took place in Tel Aviv, Caesarea, Holon and other locations across Israel, including the Arab towns of Taibeh, Umm al-Fahm and Kafr Yassif, calling on the prime minister to resign amid corruption charges.Earlier in the day, a protest...

November 28, 2020
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Israel Police Organized Crime Unit Is Targeting anti-Netanyahu Protest Leaders - Israel News

Israel Police Organized Crime Unit Is Targeting anti-Netanyahu Protest Leaders - Israel News

Oct 18, 2020Oct 18, 2020The police have recently begun using a major crimes unit, which normally works against organized crime, to investigate leaders of the protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel has warned that the police may be creating a special database with personal information about protest leaders. The police deny the allegation.The police say they have identified the “hardcore” leadership of the protest. A senior officer said there are about 20 people in this group, most of them residents with no criminal record, but some are...

October 18, 2020
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Netanyahu Seeks Emergency Powers to Quash Protests Under Coronavirus Regulations - Israel News

Netanyahu Seeks Emergency Powers to Quash Protests Under Coronavirus Regulations - Israel News

Sep 25, 2020Sep 25, 2020Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking emergency powers Friday in order to enact restrictions that would prevent Saturday's protests against the prime minister in Jerusalem under the coronavirus regulations.The Knesset, mired in political deadlock, failed to pass legislation that would limit the right to protest under the coronavirus restrictions that took effect at 2 P.M. Friday.Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said Friday afternoon that he would bring a proposal for emergency measures to the government for approval. The measures will forbid all gatherings until...

September 25, 2020
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Tel Aviv 'Challenges the Government' by Announcing Recognition of Civil Partnerships - Israel News

Tel Aviv 'Challenges the Government' by Announcing Recognition of Civil Partnerships - Israel News

Jun 21, 2020Jun 21, 2020The Tel Aviv Municipality announced on Sunday that it will allow couples to declare their relationship, and to enjoy all the benefits provided to married couples by the municipality. Couples will be able to go to city hall with a declaration stating that they are living together, and to register as a couple in the municipal registry to be established for this purpose.Any couple will be able to register in the couples registry, including couples; , who cannot marry according to state laws; and secular couples who don’t want to marry in the rabbinate. The couples will...

June 21, 2020
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