Nir Hasson
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Dozens Wounded in Far-right, anti-Arab Jerusalem Protest - Israel News

Dozens Wounded in Far-right, anti-Arab Jerusalem Protest - Israel News

Apr 22, 2021 Apr 22, 2021Dozens were wounded in violent clashes that erupted in Jerusalem following a march by far-right Jewish activists Thursday night, following days of escalating tensions in the city. A hundred and five Palestinians were wounded, with 22 being hospitalized in moderate condition, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent. At least 50 people were arrested, including both right-wing extremists and Palestinians. Stones were thrown at police in different locations around Jerusalem throughout the night. An Israeli Jewish man was lightly wounded in an attack by Palestinians in...

April 22, 2021
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Two Thousand Israelis Protest Against Netanyahu in Jerusalem for 25th Week in a Row - Israel News

Two Thousand Israelis Protest Against Netanyahu in Jerusalem for 25th Week in a Row - Israel News

Dec 12, 2020Dec 12, 2020Two thousands Israelis protested against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in front of his official residence in Jerusalem, as demonstrations calling for the premier's resignation resumed on Saturday evening, for the 25th week in a row.Another 1,000 gathered near Netanyahu's home in Caesarea, and several hundreds more assembled in Tel Aviv's Habima Square. Other demonstrations took place at intersections, bridges and squares across Israel.Protesters also marched to the home of in the central Israeli city of Rosh Ha'ayin, angry at the Kahol Lavan leader for apparently...

December 12, 2020
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Israel Promotes Jerusalem Settlement Project, Bid Ends Two Days Before Biden Takes Office - Israel News

Israel Promotes Jerusalem Settlement Project, Bid Ends Two Days Before Biden Takes Office - Israel News

Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020The Israel Lands Authority issued a call for tenders Sunday for construction of a new neighborhood in Jerusalem beyond the pre-1967 border after being suspended for years.The plans for the neighborhood, which would cut off the Palestinian town of Beit Safafa from surrounding towns, were drawn up several years ago, but were frozen following international opposition.The final date for submitting a tender is January 18, 2021, two days before President-elect ’s inauguration.Under former President Barack Obama, the United States strongly opposed construction at Givat...

November 16, 2020
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Four 1,000-year-old Gold Coins Unearthed Near Jerusalem's Western Wall - Archaeology

Four 1,000-year-old Gold Coins Unearthed Near Jerusalem's Western Wall - Archaeology

Nov 11, 2020 Nov 11, 2020Four gold coins were recently discovered inside a pottery jar found during an excavation in the Western Wall Plaza of Jerusalem's Old City. The precious 1,000-year-old coins reflect the political and historical shift of power between the two Muslim dynasties that ruled the city at the time.>> The small container, or juglet, was discovered by inspector Yevgenia Kapil of the Israel Antiquities Authority about two months ago, during preliminary digging as part of a plan by the Jewish Quarter Development Corporation to build an elevator facilitating access to the...

November 9, 2020
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Israel Strips East Jerusalem Cancer Patient of Insurance, Claiming He Lives in the West Bank - Israel News

Israel Strips East Jerusalem Cancer Patient of Insurance, Claiming He Lives in the West Bank - Israel News

Oct 27, 2020 Oct 27, 2020Israel has denied a 74-year-old cancer patient from East Jerusalem his health insurance, claiming he actually lives in the West Bank.A year ago, the National Insurance Institute informed Farouk Jubran, a resident of , that it concluded he no longer lives in the city. It therefore stripped him of his benefits, including his coverage under the national health insurance program. It also demanded that he repay 50,000 shekels ($14,700) of the old-age pension payments he had received. Consequently, Jubran is now being forced to finance his treatment on his own.The...

October 28, 2020
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Court Orders Dozens of Palestinians Out of Jerusalem Homes to Make Way for Settlers - Israel News

Court Orders Dozens of Palestinians Out of Jerusalem Homes to Make Way for Settlers - Israel News

Sep 15, 2020 Sep 15, 2020A Jerusalem court ordered last week, in two separate cases, the eviction of dozens of Palestinian residents from their homes in East Jerusalem. The beneficiaries will be settler associations who argued that the homes belonged to Jews before 1948.According to Israeli law, returning property from before the 1948 war is permitted for Jews only, while Palestinians are ineligible to reclaim property abandoned before 1948. In both cases, right-wing activists had been working to expel the residents since acquiring the land or took control of an Ottoman-era trust.Jerusalem...

September 15, 2020
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Fifty Protesters Arrested at Jerusalem Rally Calling for Netanyahu's Resignation - Israel News

Fifty Protesters Arrested at Jerusalem Rally Calling for Netanyahu's Resignation - Israel News

Jul 15, 2020 Jul 15, 2020Some 50 protesters were arrested Tuesday night following clashes with police at a thousands-strong rally in Jerusalem demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resign over his corruption charges.On Wednesday morning, the police said the protesters were arrested on suspicion of causing public disturbance, acts of vandalism and assault of officers and the press. The police asked to extend the custody of eight of the protesters, while the rest have been released. The protesters were brought to the Jerusalem District Court on Wednesday morning for a hearing. One...

July 14, 2020
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Israeli Court Clears the Way to Evict Palestinian Family From East Jerusalem Home - Israel News

Israeli Court Clears the Way to Evict Palestinian Family From East Jerusalem Home - Israel News

Jul 1, 2020 Jul 1, 2020An Israeli court rejected an appeal by a Palestinian family, allowing authorities to go ahead with plans to evict them from a building in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan in which they have lived since the 1950s.The Jerusalem District Court ruled Tuesday that all 18 members of the have until August 16 to leave the premises and levied a charge of 20,000 shekels (about $5,800) they must pay to the KKL-Jewish National Fund, which has been deemed to be the property’s legal custodian.The KKL-JNF received custodianship of the building on the basis of a law on...

July 1, 2020
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Jerusalem Illegally Razes Four Palestinian Buildings, Clearing Way for a New Park - Israel News

Jerusalem Illegally Razes Four Palestinian Buildings, Clearing Way for a New Park - Israel News

Jun 10, 2020 Jun 10, 2020Jerusalem demolished four Palestinian-owned buildings without a demolition order, as part of its preparations to open a new park in the city’s south.The buildings belong to residents of , a Palestinian village located near the Ein Haniya spring.The demolitions took place just two weeks after the High Court of Justice barred the Jerusalem Municipality from demolishing dozens of other houses in Al-Walaja without first reviewing a plan presented by local residents to legalize their construction.Ein Haniya is a large natural spring on ’s southern edge. Two and a half...

June 10, 2020
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