Ashley Feinberg
Ashley Feinberg
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Pete Buttigieg’s Campaign Says This Wikipedia User Is Not Pete. So Who Is It?

Pete Buttigieg’s Campaign Says This Wikipedia User Is Not Pete. So Who Is It?

AdvertisementAdvertisementPete Buttigieg, the young, telegenic mayor of South Bend, Indiana, prides himself on being the only millennial currently vying for the presidency, and his path up to this point has been one. He was “Most Likely to be U.S. President” his senior year of high school. As any young aspiring politician knows, carefully maintaining your image online is key. And no tool in your early-career arsenal is quite as effective as Wikipedia.Luckily for Buttigieg, there is at least one person carefully looking out for his needs on Wikipedia—someone who has followed his political...

December 21, 2019
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Facebook, Axios And NBC Paid This Guy To Whitewash Wikipedia Pages

Facebook, Axios And NBC Paid This Guy To Whitewash Wikipedia Pages

×U.S. EditionPart of HuffPost Media. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.×Executives at the news company Axios were outwardly unperturbed when Jonathan Swan, one of the Politico-for-kids site’s star reporters, last November for gloating about getting President to consider .“Our profile is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger, and we’re going to have more cool successes,” Axios editor-in-chief . Executive editor Mike Allen acknowledged that Axios had, perhaps, erred ever so slightly, but seemed otherwise unconcerned with the criticism. “You can’t buy the amount of public exposure...

March 14, 2019
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Does Donald Trump Have the Coronavirus?

Does Donald Trump Have the Coronavirus?

Donald Trump insists that he’s fine. He “extremely good,” in fact, and also “very good.” He’d be happy to get a coronavirus test, he said Friday, if one were ever needed. But, he tells us, there’s no reason. The president is doing great.While Trump might feel fine—or at least, no different than usual—the people in his immediate vicinity haven’t all been able to say the same. Over the past week or so, we’ve of Donald Trump directly interacting with either a coronavirus victim or someone who recently interacted with someone with the coronavirus. Considering this new strain of coronavirus is,...

March 14, 2020
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Trump Responds to Reports About His Incompetence by Flying Into a Self-Pitying Rage at Press

Trump Responds to Reports About His Incompetence by Flying Into a Self-Pitying Rage at Press

AdvertisementAdvertisementSlate is making its coronavirus coverage free for all readers. Subscribe to support our journalism. .Donald Trump’s daily coronavirus task force press briefings . Any necessary or potentially helpful announcements have largely been supplanted by hourslong recitations of Trump’s various grievances, his imagined accomplishments, and all the people who have most recently wronged him. But Monday, amid mounting criticism, the president somehow managed to reach a new level of self-pitying psychosis, taking more than an hour out of a press conference on a disease...

April 14, 2020
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Trump Regulatory Official Badgers Industry Members to Tell Him How Great He’s Doing

Trump Regulatory Official Badgers Industry Members to Tell Him How Great He’s Doing

AdvertisementAdvertisementScott Angelle, director of the Interior Department’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, brought a very particular set of relationships to his job running the government agency largely responsible for regulating the offshore oil and gas industry. Angelle’s predecessor, former Vice Adm. Brian Salerno, had spent 36 years in the U.S. Coast Guard, working on maritime safety, security, environmental protection, and emergency response. Angelle had spent six months as Louisiana’s lieutenant governor before to lift then–President Barack Obama’s drilling...

April 24, 2020
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Trump Storms Out of Press Conference

Trump Storms Out of Press Conference

AdvertisementAdvertisementPresumably due to the increased number of coronavirus cases among White House staff, Monday marked a new setup for Trump’s packaged as coronavirus news briefings. Where previously all the speakers took turns speaking into the same microphone, on Monday, Trump stood center stage on his own podium as the people who actually know what they’re talking about shared a single mic off to the side. It provided an unobstructed view when our big, brilliant president stormed out of his own press event in a fit of rage.AdvertisementMonday’s frustrations seemed to begin when...

May 11, 2020
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Biden Calls for Country to “Root Out Systemic Racism”

Biden Calls for Country to “Root Out Systemic Racism”

AdvertisementAdvertisementThree days after 46-year-old black man George Floyd suffocated to death after a white police officer knelt on his neck, and in the wake in Floyd’s home city of Minneapolis, presumptive Democratic candidate Joe Biden offered a brief statement, which from his increasingly familiar home studio.While there was the occasional trail-off, Biden’s delivery was unusually forceful, especially for someone who’s had some difficulty connecting with voters during the quarantine period. The candidate began his message by noting that he’d just met with “most of” George Floyd’s...

May 29, 2020
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Goodbye, Donald Trump Jr.

Goodbye, Donald Trump Jr.

After 39 years of toiling in Ivanka’s shadow, it was finally your moment. Already a devout Republican and unquestionably the most groveling of his offspring, you were exactly the hype man your father needed: dumb enough to believe whatever Daddy told you, coiffed enough to look halfway decent on cable news, and more than passionate enough about hunting to rub elbows with the red state riffraff. That last one was something , but that all changed when he realized his base ate it up. And in return for being precisely the happy warrior your father needed, Trump Sr. regularly acknowledged...

November 7, 2020
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NYT Newsroom Breaks Into Open Revolt After Paper Publishes Call for Military Crackdown

NYT Newsroom Breaks Into Open Revolt After Paper Publishes Call for Military Crackdown

AdvertisementAdvertisementNew York Times editorial page editor James Bennet certainly isn’t afraid of controversy. His first marquee hire, Bret Stephens, debuted with a stunning display of climate denialism in which he was containing any actual science. Bennet has the ravings of Louise Mensch and allowed Blackwater founder Erik Prince what was essentially an advertisement for private war. However, Bennet’s latest misadventure seems to have finally pushed his frustrated colleagues to the breaking point. What else he could have expected when he decided to showcase Sen. Tom Cotton demanding a...

June 4, 2020
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