Arianne Cohen
Arianne Cohen
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Troubling study reveals how minor workplace slights can trigger suicidal thoughts in depressed people

Troubling study reveals how minor workplace slights can trigger suicidal thoughts in depressed people

advertisementadvertisementMinor workplace slights can have a significantly negative impact on susceptible employees, according to a out of West Virginia University.advertisementResearchers followed 279 depressed and bipolar employees over several months to track their experiences, job engagement, and suicidal ideations. Roughly each year, and , and both groups are at higher risk of suicidal thoughts.They found that low-grade negative interactions plummeted workers into suicidal thoughts and, not surprisingly, prompted a nosedive in work quality and productivity. The slights triggering these...

January 16, 2021
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Why are there so many IPOs during a pandemic? Here are 4 reasons

Why are there so many IPOs during a pandemic? Here are 4 reasons

advertisementadvertisementIt’s a big month for IPOs: Airbnb and DoorDash are both going public this week, and online video game company Roblox and fintech Affirm are set to follow. DoorDash sold shares at $102 (above estimates), and then at $189. How is this happening in a country gripped by a coronavirus pandemic and high unemployment? In the topsy-turvy logic of the stock market, financial wins are possible. Here are a few reasons why:advertisementDoorDash is illustrative: Its third-quarter revenues were up 268% from last year, and with its order volume from January to September up...

December 10, 2020
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Stimulus update: Phew, stimulus checks and aid look more likely

Stimulus update: Phew, stimulus checks and aid look more likely

advertisementadvertisementAfter six months of inexorable congressional deadlock over a stimulus aid bill, the vibe in Washington has changed: President-elect Joe Biden is wheeling and dealing behind the scenes in hopes of prodding Congress into an immediate aid package. Here’s what’s happening.advertisementHe’s breaking rank, in Congress to drop their insistence on a $2 trillion bill, which has been their hill to die on for the last six months. Senate Republicans have long insisted on a $500 billion bill, though Republicans have also over what that $500 billion might entail.Financial cliff...

November 24, 2020
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How to volunteer to help the Georgia Senate runoffs: 12 things you can do for voter outreach right now

How to volunteer to help the Georgia Senate runoffs: 12 things you can do for voter outreach right now

advertisementadvertisementThe next four years of American government function depend on the outcome of and the race may well come down to how many local voters get registered between now and the December 7 voter registration deadline.advertisementadvertisementAfter you to campaigns and voter outreach programs, which you should definitely do right now if you can, here’s how to donate your manpower:Click through to:The two organizations have been credited with registering 800,000 Georgia voters (and, arguably, tipping Georgia blue on November 3). Stacey Abrams is associated with both. Each...

November 20, 2020
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Talk to your dogs: Their brains process speech the same way yours does

Talk to your dogs: Their brains process speech the same way yours does

advertisementadvertisementThere’s a reason that you talk to dogs like they understand: They kinda do. Dogs’ brains process speech just like human brains do.advertisement put a dozen very cooperative golden retrievers, border collies, and a German shepherd in an fMRI machine, and murmured praise and unknown words (“such,” “as if,” “yet”) in varying intonations. They found that the dogs’ brains responded to speech just like a human brain would, processing emotional meaning separately from word meaning.In both dogs and humans, ancient, subcortical parts of the brain process intonations, while...

August 3, 2020
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People who social distance may be more intelligent, study says

People who social distance may be more intelligent, study says

advertisementadvertisementA in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicates that people who comply with social distancing guidelines have better working memory capacity, which is an indicator of intelligence.advertisement“This suggests policy makers will need to consider individuals’ general cognitive abilities when promoting compliance behaviors such as wearing a mask or engaging in physical distancing,” WeiWei Zhang, an associate professor of psychology at the University of California at Riverside, in a release.Working memory capacity measures how much...

July 14, 2020
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Coronavirus cases: The COVID tracker and map tools from Bing are among the best out there

Coronavirus cases: The COVID tracker and map tools from Bing are among the best out there

advertisementadvertisementAs the COVID-19 pandemic spins out of control in the United States, you once again need to keep your eye on it. (Exhausting, we know.)advertisementOver here at Fast Company, we have since February. The reigning favorite (for this reporter, at least) is the from Microsoft’s Bing search engine, which displays everything you need to know at a glance: country cases (new, active, recovered, fatal), outbreak maps, and for each country, a graph showing daily new cases, plus a half dozen charts that allow quick regional comparisons, and the all-important Curve of Cases...

June 25, 2020
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