Adam Vaughan
Adam Vaughan
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Covid-19 news: Moderna’s omicron booster has promising immune response

Covid-19 news: Moderna’s omicron booster has promising immune response

×By , , , , , , , , , , , andModerna’s omicron-tailored booster candidate produces eight times as many virus-neutralising antibodies against the variant as its original booster vaccineAn updated version of Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine that targets the BA.1 sublineage of omicron leads to an eight-fold increase in antibody levels against the variant of concern, according to a small, preliminary .Moderna’s new booster is the first covid-19 vaccine to combine the jab that targeted the original strain of the coronavirus – which emerged in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019 – with a vaccine that...

May 10, 2020
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Covid-19 news: Moderna’s omicron booster has promising immune response

Covid-19 news: Moderna’s omicron booster has promising immune response

×By , , , , , , , , , , , andModerna’s omicron-tailored booster candidate produces eight times as many virus-neutralising antibodies against the variant as its original booster vaccineAn updated version of Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine that targets the BA.1 sublineage of omicron leads to an eight-fold increase in antibody levels against the variant of concern, according to a small, preliminary .Moderna’s new booster is the first covid-19 vaccine to combine the jab that targeted the original strain of the coronavirus – which emerged in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019 – with a vaccine that...

April 25, 2020
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Covid-19 news: Moderna’s omicron booster has promising immune response

Covid-19 news: Moderna’s omicron booster has promising immune response

×By , , , , , , , , , , , andModerna’s omicron-tailored booster candidate produces eight times as many virus-neutralising antibodies against the variant as its original booster vaccineAn updated version of Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine that targets the BA.1 sublineage of omicron leads to an eight-fold increase in antibody levels against the variant of concern, according to a small, preliminary .Moderna’s new booster is the first covid-19 vaccine to combine the jab that targeted the original strain of the coronavirus – which emerged in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019 – with a vaccine that...

April 9, 2021
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Climate change expected to make European hay fever seasons much worse

Climate change expected to make European hay fever seasons much worse

×ByCoping with the in north-west Europe is set to get harder, with climate change projected to potentially increase the severity of the pollen season by more than half.Pollen seasons are already expected to start earlier and last longer as temperatures warm and carbon dioxide concentrations rise, affecting the trees and grasses that release the pollen. However, efforts to predict the difference climate change might bring at a local level are still at an early stage.To find out more, a European team gathered 22 years of pollen data from 34 monitoring sites across Belgium, Denmark, France,...

April 4, 2021
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Wildfires could become a big threat in the UK due to climate change

Wildfires could become a big threat in the UK due to climate change

×ByClimate change is projected to drive a very large increase in fire danger across the whole of the UK, leading researchers to warn that planning rules may need to block the building of new homes in fire-prone areas.Flooding is considered the UK’s biggest threat from climate change, but even can cause disruption, from the toxic smoke created by  massive recent fires on to large blazes in west Scotland and Cornwall last month. There is that warming has already increased the number of fires in the UK in recent years. Now, a new analysis has found that if the world continues to have...

March 26, 2021
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Ten conservation success stories when species came back from the brink

Ten conservation success stories when species came back from the brink

×ByLOOK at how we , or shocking graphs of animals threatened with extinction, and it is easy to be disheartened about the fate of the natural world. “There’s lots of doom and gloom stories around about ,” says Stuart Butchart at the conservation body BirdLife International. “It would be easy to feel conservation was a pointless exercise and there’s nothing we can do to slow the juggernaut down.”Butchart’s work suggests that isn’t the full picture, however. He was part of a team that recently estimated that since 1993. Given that 10 bird and five mammal species are known to have gone extinct...

February 23, 2021
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Covid-19 news: Moderna’s omicron booster has promising immune response

Covid-19 news: Moderna’s omicron booster has promising immune response

×By , , , , , , , , , , , andModerna’s omicron-tailored booster candidate produces eight times as many virus-neutralising antibodies against the variant as its original booster vaccineAn updated version of Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine that targets the BA.1 sublineage of omicron leads to an eight-fold increase in antibody levels against the variant of concern, according to a small, preliminary .Moderna’s new booster is the first covid-19 vaccine to combine the jab that targeted the original strain of the coronavirus – which emerged in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019 – with a vaccine that...

February 20, 2021
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Is it true climate change will cause the end of civilisation by 2050?

Is it true climate change will cause the end of civilisation by 2050?

×Climate change could bring about the end of civilisation as we know it within three decades, an Australian think tank has warned. by Breakthrough, endorsed by a retired Australian admiral, says a war-time response is needed to avoid the doomsday scenario. “The report speaks, in our opinion, a harsh but necessary truth,” says co-author David Spratt.What does the report say we are in for?The authors sketch a scenario where by 2050 more than half of the world’s population faces 20 days a year of lethal heat, crop yields globally drop by a fifth, the Amazon ecosystem collapses, the Arctic is...

December 17, 2020
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UK takes step towards world's first nuclear fusion power station

UK takes step towards world's first nuclear fusion power station

×ByThe UK today embarked on a step toward building the world’s first nuclear fusion power station, by launching a search for a 100-plus hectare site where it can be plugged into the electricity grid. However, there are still major hurdles to overcome before it could start generating power.Prime minister Boris Johnson last year an extra £200 million to flesh out the possibility of building the project, known as the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP). The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), the government body overseeing STEP, hopes construction could begin around 2030, with the...

December 2, 2020
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Air pollution linked to greater risk of dying from covid-19 in the US

Air pollution linked to greater risk of dying from covid-19 in the US

×ByLiving in a part of the United States with dirty air has been linked to a significantly greater risk of dying from covid-19, raising the prospect of air pollution data being used to forecast which areas may need the most help treating people with the illness.As long-term exposure to air pollution weakens the lungs, and covid-19 attacks them, researchers worldwide have been racing to establish whether poor air quality makes the disease more severe. Links have been drawn, but , such as population density.Francesca Dominici at Harvard University and her colleagues have now found that each...

November 9, 2020
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