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Adulting 101: Lessons Learned After Moving Out

Adulting 101: Lessons Learned After Moving Out

I moved out of my parent’s house with my boyfriend to a new city almost two years ago. It’s a huge milestone for me, and I wanted to share my experience and some of the things I’ve learned while adulting. Hopefully, it can be helpful for others leaving the nest soon. Here’s what I’ve learned over the months. I’m an introvert and don’t enjoy crowds, so I thought I’d be fine with always being home when I first moved out of my parents’ house. It was a new city where I didn’t know anyone, so I mainly stayed in my comfort zone at home with my boyfriend for the first few months. Having a...

April 17, 2023
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I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter Review

I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter Review

Warning: Contains spoilers. Do not continue reading this post if you want to read I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter but haven’t yet. You’ve been warned. I finished I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika Sanchez a little while ago but held off on writing a review for it. I did this mainly because I always felt bad writing a review on something I didn’t enjoy. I had super high expectations for this book and was left disappointed. I forget how I heard about this book, but the summary had me hooked. It’s a book about how a young Mexican-American girl named Julia is continuously...

February 12, 2023
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Signs it’s Time to Quit Your Job

Signs it’s Time to Quit Your Job

I’m pretty sure we’ve all complained about how much we hated our jobs at one point. I’m certain there have been times when you swore you would quit after having a stressful day. We’ve all been there before, and if you haven’t, yes you have. Don’t front! Even if you consider it to be the best job in all of eternity, it’s still a job. There will be moments when you want to flip tables, curse out your boss, or dramatically quit in a fit of rage. I know some mornings, I’m guilty of thinking, “can I just not show up for work today?” Of course, I’ve never acted on those thoughts because it’s not...

May 29, 2022
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Ties That Tether Review

Ties That Tether Review

Warning: Contains spoilers. Do not continue reading this post if you want to read Ties That Tether but haven’t yet. You’ve been warned. What’s poppin’! I just finished reading Ties that Tether by Jane Igharo, and it made me remember the joy I used to get from reading romance books. I discovered this novel from a Facebook group I’m in called Black Girls Read Too. This group is the reason I’ve bought more books this year than I probably have in my entire life. It’s also how I found a lot of incredible reads like this one! For a while, I’ve attempted to read like three other books...

October 20, 2021
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Gift Ideas for Your Significant Other

Gift Ideas for Your Significant Other

Sup 😎 I wrote this article a few months ago for something else, but it never got published. So, I’mma post it here. Valentine’s Day is coming up, I don’t want my content to go to waste, and this post could be beneficial for some people who have no idea what to get for their boyfriend or girlfriend. Everybody wins! Check it out. 🥰️👇🏿 Whether it’s for their birthday, a holiday, an anniversary, or just because, we always strive to give our significant other gifts that they’ll cherish forever. Gift giving is essential in a relationship because it serves as a physical reminder of how much you...

January 24, 2021
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