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How To Know If You Are A Left Court Player In Padel | World Padel Insider

How To Know If You Are A Left Court Player In Padel | World Padel Insider

Skip to contentMany players say they are left-court players without knowing the characteristics of left-court play and what strengths you need. So I switched over to the left side of the court for a few weeks to get a better understanding of what it means to play on the left side of the padel court. This is what I learned.In the game of padel, left-hand court players tend to be more aggressive in the shots that they play – including a wide variety of smashes. Players on the left also need to be faster and physically fitter than their partners as they need to cover a larger area of the...

June 5, 2022
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When To Use The Lob Return Of Service In Padel | World Padel Insider

When To Use The Lob Return Of Service In Padel | World Padel Insider

Skip to contentWhen I first started playing padel, it took all of my existing skill just to be able to play a return of service in a way that would get the ball back over the net to my opponents and to be able to continue the point. However, once I started watching the professional players on the World Padel Tour I started to realize that a lob return of service was a real possibility. I then set about learning exactly how and when to play the lob return of service.Use an attacking lob as a return of service in padel when your opponent plays a weak service that lands in the middle of the...

May 27, 2022
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How To Play The Flat Backhand In Padel And Why You Need It | World Padel Insider

How To Play The Flat Backhand In Padel And Why You Need It | World Padel Insider

Skip to contentWhen I started playing padel I tried to use my experience at playing other racket sports to shortcut my learning process. As a result, I nearly always played my backhand with either slice or topspin. It took a long time to realize that I needed to play more flat backhands to have greater control of the ball.A flat backhand in padel is the shot where you play the backhand with neither a slice spin nor topspin. It is played from near the back of the court when the ball is low to the ground. Using a flat backhand allows you to play with more power and control.Let’s take a closer...

May 11, 2022
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How To Play A Backhand Service In Padel | World Padel Insider

How To Play A Backhand Service In Padel | World Padel Insider

Skip to contentWhen I learned to play padel I was taught how to play a forehand service. The first time I watched a professional padel tournament on the World Padel Tour I was surprised to see players sometimes playing their service using a backhand.I figured that if the professionals were doing it then it must be permitted, but why would a player use a backhand for a service as the forehand is a much easier shot to play. I was intrigued and decided to find out more.How to play a backhand service in padel: Right-handed players should play a backhand service from the left side of the court...

March 5, 2022
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How To Know If You Are A Right Court Player In Padel | World Padel Insider

How To Know If You Are A Right Court Player In Padel | World Padel Insider

Skip to contentWhen we first start playing padel we are always told to play both sides of the court so that we can become a well-rounded padel players. As time goes by the question arises whether we are naturally right-court players or not. So I set about learning the factors that will determine who is naturally gifted at playing from the right-hand side of the court.It is bio-mechanically difficult for right-handed padel players to play aggressive smashes from the right of the court. Therefore the player on the right is the strategist of the team. If your style of play uses a lot of set-up...

February 27, 2022
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