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How to Clean and Disinfect Toys the Green Way - Very Anxious Mommy

How to Clean and Disinfect Toys the Green Way - Very Anxious Mommy

by | | Green Living, Saving Money to protect(THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS HOWEVER, I WILL NEVER RECOMMEND ANYTHING THAT I DO NOT BELIEVE IN OR USE MYSELF. YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT MY DISCLOSURE POLICY HERE)   way to get rid of the microbes    Since vinegar is a cheap and very safe product it can be used for cleaning other parts of the house as well, including kitchen counters and the bathroom. Even    every two weeks or whenever they seem dirty to you so Joanna Wilkins is a writer and small owner that is based in London.  * 

June 22, 2017
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6 DIY Home Improvement Projects Kids Can Help With - Very Anxious Mommy

6 DIY Home Improvement Projects Kids Can Help With - Very Anxious Mommy

by | | Kids | Are you in the mood for a home improvement project but don’t know how include the kids? Many parents run into this issue. Either the kids seem bored or some of the activities may be dangerous. Don’t worry, there are many kid-friendly projects the family can do! If you have a fireplace, you are aware that it is the center point of the room it is in. If it’s worn and tattered looking, the centerpiece can be quite an eye-sore.Bring the fireplace back to life by decorating it. You can buy stylish pieces – modern or encompassing unique personality – to put on the mantle or...

July 31, 2017
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Why I Started Homeschooling My Kids - Very Anxious Mommy

Why I Started Homeschooling My Kids - Very Anxious Mommy

by | | HomeschoolWith everything that has happened this year so many parents have pulled their children out of public school. I also pulled my child out of public school but to be honest, the virus wasn’t the main reason our family switched to homeschool.We’ve had many concerns with our oldest child in public school for the last couple of years and even after bringing it up with the school, nothing was getting better. Finally, 2020 changed everything in so many ways for us and we couldn’t let things go anymore.So here are 7 reasons why I chose to homeschool my kids.This page may contain...

September 6, 2020
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Gluten Free Chicken Noodle Soup in only 30 Minutes!

Gluten Free Chicken Noodle Soup in only 30 Minutes!

by | | FoodAre you in the mood to make some homemade chicken noodle soup? Or maybe you’ve suddenly come down with the sniffles and a sore throat. Everyone knows that a basic chicken noodle soup made at home is just the cure for any cold.But wait! I can’t eat homemade chicken noodle soup. The noodles contain gluten and I’m allergic to gluten. What will I do? I love chicken noodle soup and it is a huge favorite at our house.So now I have two choices. I can make my chicken noodle soup without any noodles or I can use noodles that do not contain gluten.Well, option number one is just...

August 24, 2017
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27 Things I Had to Learn As An Autism Mom - Very Anxious Mommy

27 Things I Had to Learn As An Autism Mom - Very Anxious Mommy

by | | Autism - Special Needs | I get this question a lot. With two kids who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, life isn’t exactly what I expected it to be. First of all, let me explain my story a bit.When our daughter was 2 years old we started to notice that she was showing behaviors that were different than we had seen in other children around her age. She would have meltdowns for no clear reason, ran away from us in public, and even destroyed many toys and furniture in our house.That’s when we started seeking help to find out what was going on. Four years and another...

July 21, 2020
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