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Average Half Marathon Times For Beginners & How To Improve - Underdog Running

Average Half Marathon Times For Beginners & How To Improve - Underdog Running

Skip to contentThis post contains affiliate links.When I first ran a half marathon, I was only focused on finishing, let alone getting a good time. However, after completing the race in 1:50 I began wondering whether this was a good time or not. This got me wondering, what is the average time that a new runner should expect to get when running a half marathon?According to the data available, typical times for new half marathon runners are between 2 and 3 hours. Factors such as gender, age, weight, and whether or not you’ve suffered from any injuries in the past can all contribute to the...

March 15, 2023
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Is Running on a Track Hard? Runners Weigh In - Underdog Running

Is Running on a Track Hard? Runners Weigh In - Underdog Running

Skip to contentThis post contains affiliate links.When I first got into running track there were lots of ‘what ifs’ that flooded my mind. What if I’m not fast enough? What if I’m not as agile as the other runners, what if it’s too hard? Safe to say, I got over these issues as I began to push on with the task at hand. But sometimes I still find myself wondering, exactly how hard is it to start track running as a beginner?Track running may come very easily to some beginners and significantly harder to others. Factors such as your previous experience, your level of fitness, and the goals...

March 7, 2023
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Do You Run Faster on a Track? Runners Weigh In - Underdog Running

Do You Run Faster on a Track? Runners Weigh In - Underdog Running

Skip to contentThis post contains affiliate links.One of the reasons so many runners are drawn to track running is because it is potentially one of the best places to practice sprinting and speed work. Combine the competitive element with the ideal conditions, and you can see why so many runners spend hours trying to see how fast they can run on a track. But the other day I found myself wondering, do you run faster on track? If so, is track the best place to be practicing speed running?As a general rule, it is best to practice running fast on a running track. The lack of obstacles and...

February 21, 2023
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Will Running Track Help Me Lose Weight? Runners Vote - Underdog Running

Will Running Track Help Me Lose Weight? Runners Vote - Underdog Running

Skip to contentThis post contains affiliate links.I love the idea of track running because of the competitive element. What’s more, it’s a great opportunity to get to meet others who love the hobby of running as much as you do. Track running is also said to be filled with benefits that are great for your health. But today I wondered, is track running something that will help me lose weight?Track running can be an excellent way of increasing weight loss. While a consistently healthy diet and a calorie deficit are the two main things that will help a track runner to lose weight. Track running...

February 21, 2023
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How To Get Better At Track - 9 Top Tips Plus Runners Opinions - Underdog Running

How To Get Better At Track - 9 Top Tips Plus Runners Opinions - Underdog Running

Skip to contentThis post contains affiliate links.Track running can feel challenging when starting out. There are a lot of things to remember and a lot of the time you’re running competitively, which can feel daunting at first. It certainly was for me.But never fear. In this article, I will attempt to walk you through nine top tips which would give you a great head start in the world of running track.Before I jump into my advice, I wanted to see what advice other track runners had for somebody who’s just starting out. So I headed on to an online track and field forum. Some of the runners...

February 10, 2023
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