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Dogs Born Without Tails: The 34 Natural Bobtail Breeds | The Better Dog Life

Dogs Born Without Tails: The 34 Natural Bobtail Breeds | The Better Dog Life

Skip to contentWhat’s the first thing you think about when you hear the word “wagging”? I’m willing to bet you’re thinking of an excited or happy dog wagging their tail like a maniac. Maybe, you’re thinking of your dog chasing it’s tail. Either way, in our minds, dogs and tails go together.However, you might be surprised to know that there are currently 34 breeds of dogs that are born with either very short tails or no tail at all. These are referred to as bobtail breeds.Now some of these breeds are consistently born without tails and some are born without tails at varying odds. Either way,...

May 11, 2020
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“Why Do Dogs Like Me or You?” | The Better Dog Life

“Why Do Dogs Like Me or You?” | The Better Dog Life

Skip to content“Why do dogs like me?” – If you’re asking this question, congratulations! You’re likely a magnet for all kinds of dogs and you can bond with new dogs almost effortlessly.  You may have heard things from owner’s like “Fluffy never likes anyone, but she likes you. She’s a good judge of character”.Maybe you might be an owner asking why your fur baby likes, or dislikes, certain people. How does that work though? What makes dogs like certain people and not others?Dogs pick up on all kinds of non-verbal signals and social exchanges. They constantly observe interactions between...

April 4, 2020
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Dog Breeds Groups: Everything You Need to Know (Part 2) | The Better Dog Life

Dog Breeds Groups: Everything You Need to Know (Part 2) | The Better Dog Life

Skip to contentThis is where things get a little strange and deviate from what we have seen with the AKC and KC. The Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI), or World Canine Oganization in English, is an international federation of several national kennel clubs and is standard for most other countries outside the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.As previously mentioned, the FCI’s dog groups seem to be a blend of purpose, physical attributes, shared heritage, and breeds of shared regional origin. Because of this, there are many breeds that are not commonly known in...

July 1, 2020
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Dogs with Blue Eyes: the Full Guide | The Better Dog Life

Dogs with Blue Eyes: the Full Guide | The Better Dog Life

Skip to contentAnyone who is a dog lover is familiar with those deep brown dog eyes that make you feel loved. For some dog owners, especially new ones, you may be surprised to learn that there are some dogs that have blue eyes and even some that have just one blue eye.Why are dogs born with blue eyes? Blue eyes in dogs are caused by genetic factors. The M-locus gene and the S-locus gene are known to predict high probability of blue eyes. Additionally, duplication of the ALX4 gene can also impact eye color. These three genetic factors explain roughly 75% of blue eyed dogs, while the...

June 29, 2020
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Ultimate Guide to Flying with Your Dog | The Better Dog Life

Ultimate Guide to Flying with Your Dog | The Better Dog Life

Skip to contentFlying with your dog can be one of the best adventures you’ll ever have. There’s nothing like traveling with your best friend, even those with four paws! If you’re an anxious flyer, bringing your pup along can also ease your nerves and make travel easy and exciting. How do you fly with your dog? Flying with your dog requires knowledge of airline animal policies for in-cabin and cargo travel, a checklist of items to bring along, as well as, up-to-date ID tags and veterinary records. While there’s a lot to consider before taking your furry friend along for a trip, it...

June 28, 2020
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