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About Us

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Vision Our mission is to provide English stuff that will help English learners. We are determined to facilitate our visitors freely, create easiness and cover entire concerned topics.   To fulfill the needs and wants of English Learners through providing useful stuff. The world is considered a global village. Especially electronic progress has brought people closer. People need to communicate. People have different native languages. In this regard, they need to communicate in a common language. English is a language that has become a common language in the world. In the same way, we...

May 6
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Adverb Examples

Adverb Examples

This content consists of adverb examples. It can be difficult to learn the exact meaning of something without studying its examples. Examples inculcate the meaning of something very easily. In this article, our focus is on the examples of adverbs. You can study all about adverbs by visiting our site Study English Page.  Adverbs are words that we use in a sentence to modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or complete sentences.In this example, the word “easily” is an adverb. According to the definition, it modifies the verb “learn”. It tells us how the action can be performed.The...

May 3
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Non Progressive Verbs

Non Progressive Verbs

The verbs that we don’t use in progressive or continuous tenses are called non-progressive verbs. These verbs are used when we don’t see somebody doing something. There are some kinds of verbs that are not used in progressive tenses. There are some verbs that we use to show mental states. We don’t use these verbs in progressive tenses. These verbs include believe, know, remember, want, etc. There are some verbs that we use to show emotions. We don’t use these verbs in progressive tenses. They are love, like, hate, prefer, etc. The verbs related to our senses (feel, hear, see, smell,...

August 17, 2021
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Spelling Rules for Adding "ED" to Verbs

Spelling Rules for Adding "ED" to Verbs

1). The general rule when changing a word (or verb) into its -ED form is just to add -ED to the end of it. Present form Past or ED form Play played Wait waited Work worked Rain rained 2). If a word ends in an E we just add the D to the end. Present form ED form Live lived Love loved Smile smiled Dance danced 3). When the verb ends in a VOWEL + Y, we add ED to the verb. Present form...

June 25, 2021
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Spelling Rules for Adding “S or ES” to Verbs

Spelling Rules for Adding “S or ES” to Verbs

1) Generally, “S” is added to most verbs. + S Call Calls Send Sends walk walks 2). If the verb ends in an E we add just “S”. +S Like Likes Write Writes Live Lives 3). When the verb ends in S, SH, CH, O, X or Z, we add -ES to the verb. +ES Kiss Kisses Wash Washes Catch Catches Go Goes Fix Fixes Quiz Quizzes 4)....

June 24, 2021
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