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Common Sleep Challenges by Age: A Guide to Better Rest

Common Sleep Challenges by Age: A Guide to Better Rest

Skip to contentGuide: How to Teach a Baby to Fall ...Please enable JavaScriptGuide: How to Teach a Baby to Fall Asleep on Their OwnBy KimberlyPublished: Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep? Or do you wake up frequently throughout the night, feeling tired and groggy in the morning? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with sleep issues, and various factors can cause them.One of the most common factors that affect sleep is age. As you get older, sleep patterns and needs change, and you may face new challenges when...

September 29, 2022
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Sleep Training High-Needs Babies: What You Need to Know Now

Sleep Training High-Needs Babies: What You Need to Know Now

Skip to contentGuide: How to Teach a Baby to Fall ...Please enable JavaScriptGuide: How to Teach a Baby to Fall Asleep on Their OwnBy KimberlyUpdated: Extreme frustration occurs when we’ve tried everything to get our babies to sleep. Swinging, swaddling, rocking, and all methods available, and yet our babies still keep us awake all night. So, what should we do? Well, read this article to find out.A high-needs baby desperately needs a solid routine. Predictability is of the utmost importance. Choose one or two habits to create and stick with them. For example, giving them a soothing bath and...

September 29, 2022
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10 Reasons Your Baby Naps Well but Doesn’t Sleep at Night

10 Reasons Your Baby Naps Well but Doesn’t Sleep at Night

Skip to contentBy KimberlyUpdated: A baby’s sleep pattern is never straightforward – it changes a lot over the first twelve months. One minute a baby will sleep fine for weeks, and out of nowhere, they suddenly have their parents up all night. So, why is a baby sleeping well during naps and not at night?If a baby naps well but doesn’t sleep at night, it might have too many or too few naps during the day. A baby’s nighttime sleep may also be disturbed by changes in their routine, environmental disturbances, illness, or developmental milestones.Babies and their sleep patterns can be...

August 9, 2022
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Guide: How to Teach a Baby to Fall Asleep on Their Own

Guide: How to Teach a Baby to Fall Asleep on Their Own

Skip to contentBy KimberlyUpdated: Being a parent is one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences out there. Of course, every parent’s experience with their baby is different, but every parent has a tough time trying to put their baby to sleep. At a certain point, it gets tiring to do.A baby may be able to sleep on their own, or parents can implement sleep training techniques to try to speed up the process. Sleep training a baby is not harmful if done correctly and at the proper age for the child.Here are a few useful tips on getting a baby to sleep on their own so parents can have...

July 26, 2022
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8 Steps to Break the Habit of Baby Sleeping in Arms

8 Steps to Break the Habit of Baby Sleeping in Arms

Skip to contentGuide: How to Teach a Baby to Fall ...Please enable JavaScriptGuide: How to Teach a Baby to Fall Asleep on Their OwnBy KimberlyUpdated: As parents, we’ve discovered that newborn babies love to fall asleep in their arms. Babies feel comforted by the warmth of their parents, and it’s the easiest way to get them to sleep. However, as they get older and heavier, it’s not practical to hold our babies every time they go to sleep.Newborn babies need to feel close to their parents, so it’s good for them to sleep in their arms. However, teaching babies how to fall asleep independently...

September 29, 2022
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