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Metal vs Wood Raised Garden Beds – Which Is Best? | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

Metal vs Wood Raised Garden Beds – Which Is Best? | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

Skip to contentThe galvanized metal beds that you can purchase online, or indeed make yourself if you have the skills, have many advantages over wooden beds such as…However, like everything in life, there are at least 2 sides to most stories, and it would be unfair of me not to mention some of the disadvantages of using metal garden beds compared to timber beds.Growing plants in raised garden beds is without doubt one of the most productive ways to grow vegetables as well as fruit trees and flower beds.The fact is that using raised garden beds has many advantages over traditional ‘row’...

November 2, 2022
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Square Foot Gardening Soil Mixes | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

Square Foot Gardening Soil Mixes | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

Skip to contentThe correct composting material is essential if you want to get the best results out of your SFG, or for that matter any Raised Bed Garden. This is particularly the case if you want to restrict the use of chemical fertilizers in your growing practices.Of course the Mel Bartholomew recipe for SFG is well known – 1/3 Vermiculite, 1/3 Peat moss, 1/3 compost – and has proven itself to be very effective. However don’t let this put you off mixing your own ‘magic mix’ for your SFG.For instance Vermiculite helps keep soil light, allows for good airflow, and absorbs and retains water...

April 12, 2020
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Should I line My Raised Garden Bed With Plastic? | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

Should I line My Raised Garden Bed With Plastic? | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

Skip to contentCreating your own Raised Garden Bed  is something that I would definitely recommend if you have not already done so. As I believe the advantages of growing vegetables in particular in a raised bed setting are many and varied.However, along with the many questions that come along with this no-dig gardening method is a simply this…should you or should you not line a Raised Bed, and is it ok to use plastic?The answer I always give is YES, it is perfectly fine to line your raised bed with plastic. However be aware that plastic is non-porous, and will retain moisture, which...

August 27, 2023
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Creating A Sensory Garden For Special Needs | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

Creating A Sensory Garden For Special Needs | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

Skip to contentThere are many reasons to create a garden that stimulates the senses. It could be to activate long-lost memories in the case of a dementia patient. Or it could calm the individual who suffers from anxiety or depression by providing a soothing environment.Whether it is visual, tactile, or auditory stimulation that is required for the individuals involved, sensory gardens can be created that will be of maximum benefit to the group or individual in need.For this reason, Sensory gardens for both adults and children, are used universally by Horticultural Therapists specializing in...

August 18, 2023
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How To Trim Tomato Plants For Maximum Yield | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

How To Trim Tomato Plants For Maximum Yield | The Planters Post No Dig Vegetable Gardening

Skip to contentIn order to get more fruit or maximum yield from your tomato plants and thereby increase the overall production, you must first of all be aware of the type of plant you are growing.Bush tomato plants for example and ‘determinate’ tomato plant do not require trimming or pruning at all.The act of trimming is reserved for the ‘indeterminate’ Cordon or ‘vine’ varieties. These will grow completely out of control and potentially ruin your harvest if they are not correctly, and regularly, trimmed as they grow.Quite apart from the negative effect on the tomato harvest overall, there...

July 26, 2023
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