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Best Book Club Books: A Book Club Pro's List Of Suggestions

Best Book Club Books: A Book Club Pro's List Of Suggestions

| | The Ultimate List of Best Book Club Books To Get Your Group TalkingY’all know what a big book club enthusiast I am. Seriously, one of the best things about my social life since I started creating and joining book clubs in my mid 20’s. At one time I was juggling three in-person book clubs because I was extremely into being part of them — before you know, I had a child and can only juggle one now.One of my favorite –yet most intimidating things –in life is picking book club selections for the many books clubs I’ve run or been apart of. A book club book can really make or break the meeting...

February 11, 2023
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How To Find A (Fantastic) Book Club Near You To Join

How To Find A (Fantastic) Book Club Near You To Join

| | How To Find A Book Club To Join Near YouBook clubs have always been such a wonderful part of being a reader for me. They’ve enhanced my reading life in so many ways — giving me community as a new mom, having spirited and vulnerable discussions about books and life and just making a hobby that is typically pretty solitary to be social.I have mostly always started my own book clubs but there have been times that I just didn’t want to have the responsibility of running one so I wanted to find book clubs near me that were already established and slip right in rather than having to...

February 11, 2021
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12 Secrets To Finding More Time To Read As A Busy Mom

12 Secrets To Finding More Time To Read As A Busy Mom

| | How To Find More Time To Read As A Busy Mom (Or At Least How I Do It)I wrote a silly rant post about the whole “finding time to read” thing  many, many years ago when my old boss was condescending about how much I read and proclaimed HEEEEE didn’t “have time to read because he has a life” like his life was so much more important and busy than mine. I can still feel my blood boiling just thinking about that conversation.But recently a conversation with a friend made me want to write this post about how I find time to read as a busy mom because I promise you I don’t have some magical...

November 16, 2020
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Gifts For Book Lovers That AREN'T Books: 2022 Gift Guide - The Perpetual Page-Turner

Gifts For Book Lovers That AREN'T Books: 2022 Gift Guide - The Perpetual Page-Turner

| | Gifts For Book Lovers That AREN’T Books: 2022 Gift GuideToday’s gift guide is all about gifts for book lovers (that AREN’T books) — updated for 2022.I know it can be intimidating to buy a great gift for a reader — what to get them besides another book?? (Which let’s be real — it is intimidating to buy them a book in the first place).This is why this is the perfect gift guide for people who like to read — for Christmas, birthday or ANYTIME — as it is chock full of great gift ideas that aren’t books.I LOVE LOVE LOVE gift giving and I love when I find the ~PERFECT~ gift for somebody. I try...

October 28, 2022
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Is Book Of The Month Even Worth It? (An Honest Review)

Is Book Of The Month Even Worth It? (An Honest Review)

| | Is Book Of The Month Even Worth It?? The other day that glorious blue box arrived and, while the movie montage was playing of me embracing it, Will said AND I QUOTE, “Okay I’m just going to come out and say it…I don’t get it! WHAT IS BOOK OF THE MONTH anyways?? Couldn’t you just buy this book from the store? You already know what’s in that box anyways.” *record scratch* I was aghast. Absolutely aghast. How could he even question BOTM?? But then I thought, “well *I* really didn’t get it at one point in my life” so maybe others are wondering what it is and if Book of the Month is worth...

February 28, 2020
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