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9 Types of Flying Monkeys: Know How to Deal With Each One - Navigating Religious Narcissism

9 Types of Flying Monkeys: Know How to Deal With Each One - Navigating Religious Narcissism

Skip to contentFlying monkeys are one of the signature tools in the narcissist’s toolbox.  Narcissists often amass a large number of them–one or more for each type of “job” they need them to do, such as spying, planting ideas in the victim(s) mind, persuading others to treat victim(s) badly, or a multitude of other long-distance attacks they can get these flying monkeys to do.    And don’t forget the extra ones the Narcissists will keep extra flying monkeys on the sideline just in case a new idea pops up that they can use to further the abuse.  So, with all of these...

September 14, 2023
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What is a Flying Monkey (& Why Narcissists Need Them)? - Navigating Religious Narcissism

What is a Flying Monkey (& Why Narcissists Need Them)? - Navigating Religious Narcissism

Skip to contentWe all know about the flying monkeys in the , a movie from 1939 based on the novel by L. Frank Baum.  The Wicked Witch of the West cast a spell on them and they instantly did her bidding no matter what she asked of them.  Until, finally, at the end of the movie, the spell was broken and the monkeys no longer do the Wicked Witch’s bidding, but instead follow Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, who is arguably the most powerful in all of Oz.  So, relative to narcissism, what is a flying monkey and why do narcissists need them?A flying monkey is a person who,...

September 8, 2023
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Why is my Narcissistic Ex Still Trying to Control Me? - Navigating Religious Narcissism

Why is my Narcissistic Ex Still Trying to Control Me? - Navigating Religious Narcissism

Skip to contentIt is pretty devastating to realize you have been married to a narcissist.  Some people don’t realize they are !  (It took me 30+ years and a team of counselors to figure it out.)  Once you realize what is going on and , you look forward to the day you never have to be under your narcissist’s thumb again.  So what happens when your narcissistic ex is still trying to control you?Upon divorcing a toxic covert religious narcissist, it didn’t take long for me to realize he wasn’t going away.  Why was my narcissistic ex still trying to control me? ...

August 30, 2023
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Tests/Quizzes - Navigating Religious Narcissism

Tests/Quizzes - Navigating Religious Narcissism

Skip to contentIf you are dealing with a narcissist in your life, you are 100% guaranteed to be struggling with confusion on some level.  When you call narcissists out for bad behavior, they will shift the blame back to you, accuse you of misunderstanding what they said or did, and try to convince you that their motives were truly pure.  Then they will turn the tables on you, convincing you that you are the problem and they can’t believe you would improperly judge them in this way.  There is no winning.  And you will be totally confused trying to figure out what really...

October 6, 2023
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Are You Trauma Bonded? Take This Test With Instant Results! - Navigating Religious Narcissism

Are You Trauma Bonded? Take This Test With Instant Results! - Navigating Religious Narcissism

Skip to contentAccording to Patrick Carnes, the man who coined the term, trauma bonding is the “misuse of fear, excitement, and sexual feelings,” to keep another person trapped in the relationship with feelings of no way to get out and get to safety.Do you feel like you may be in a relationship that does not feel healthy or good?  Do you feel like it is too hard to try to leave?If you are experiencing any of the following scenarios, you could likely be involved in a trauma bonding :There is a list of about 20 more scenarios if you want more information.  Taking the trauma bonding...

April 27, 2022
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