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Choose Your Free Gift! - Beautiful Life and Home

Choose Your Free Gift! - Beautiful Life and Home

↑Hello! This is Melissa Howell, creator of Beautiful Life and Home. I’ve got some great gifts for you to choose from today!Pick just one or two that interest you. Or if you want them all, go ahead and sign up for everything!Scroll down to see your options.5 Secrets to Fantastic Homemade Ice Cream. This website started out as an ice cream blog. Yep. It was all ice cream, all the time. I happen to know a lot about ice cream (not to brag or anything :)) and I’d love to share it all with you!Making ice cream at home is SO MUCH FUN and also way healthier than buying ice cream at the store!...

January 31, 2019
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Home Organization Made Easy - Beautiful Life and Home

Home Organization Made Easy - Beautiful Life and Home

It’s time to clear the clutter from your HEAD and from your HOME so you can lighten your burdens and finally feel peace! I feel like I'm not an adult and I have this dirty secret... I get angry with myself and wonder why I can't get it together... Clutter makes me feel like a failure... You can keep drowning in clutter...You can keep feeling overwhelmed and confused–wanting to declutter, but not knowing where or how to start.You can keep feeling tension between you and your spouse and/or children because of the mess.You can keep feeling frustrated, depressed, weary, and anxious. Or you can...

June 29, 2019
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Home Organization Made Easy 2 - Beautiful Life and Home

Home Organization Made Easy 2 - Beautiful Life and Home

The truth is, our moms never taught us how to declutter and organize.Sure, they taught us how to clean a toilet and wash dishes and do the laundry.Many of our parents grew up during the Great Depression, or World War II. They experienced poverty, rations, and constant stress.Throwing anything away was a sin, because you might need that thing–no matter how small it was–to live.Once the economic situation improved, those habits of skimping and saving and hoarding were already deeply ingrained.And they passed that scarcity mindset, along with the guilt of “wasting things” onto us.They didn’t...

October 14, 2020
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Japanese Curry - Beautiful Life and Home

Japanese Curry - Beautiful Life and Home

↑ Jump to RecipeAuthentic Japanese Curry, just like they have in Japan! A delicious, distinctive brown curry with your choice of meat, potatoes, and carrots. This dinner is ready in 30 minutes or less!When I say this is authentic Japanese Curry, I truly mean it. I lived in Japan and can attest that this is the real deal!The best part is that you can make it SO EASILY and you don’t need a bunch of hard-to-find ingredients. But it is absolutely essential that you get one thing:Japanese curry.You can buy this at almost any store, including Walmart and Target. There are several different...

March 18, 2023
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Will AI Pictures Replace Professional Photography? - Beautiful Life and Home

Will AI Pictures Replace Professional Photography? - Beautiful Life and Home

↑I got AI headshots just for fun, and the results were crazy! If you want to see some major AI headshot fails, keep scrolling!Recently, I’ve been seeing articles about headshots created by AI (artificial intelligence). The idea is that you upload pictures of yourself to a service, and they run them through their AI processor, and then serve up a bunch of pictures of you that you can use for your profile pictures in all your social media, on your company website, etc.After reading an article and watching a video where the women who tried this showed their pictures, I was super curious to try...

March 22, 2023
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Melissa Howell

Melissa Howell
