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9 Useful English Phrases to Say When it's Raining | English Teacher Melanie

9 Useful English Phrases to Say When it's Raining | English Teacher Melanie

Rain is a fact of life! We can’t fight it.English speakers talk about the weather a lot! It’s a common topic of small talk*. You will have a lot of short English conversations about the weather in an English-speaking country!(*Small talk is an informal, polite but friendly conversation about something that is ordinary and not important. It’s the kind of conversation you have with the cashier at the grocery store or gas station.)You don’t have to guess how to talk about rain. There are common phrases and sentences that you can use. We can’t predict what everyone is going to say in a...

November 2, 2016
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5 Useful English Phrases to Say When You are Late | English Teacher Melanie

5 Useful English Phrases to Say When You are Late | English Teacher Melanie

Do you know someone who is always late?It is important to be on time in English-speaking countries! On time is the opposite of late. It means arriving or departing at the correct time, not early and not late.If you agree to meet someone at 9am, you must be there at 9am. If a meeting at work starts at 8am, you must be there at 8am. It is considered rude and impolite to be late.When you know that you will be late, it is polite to tell the person waiting for you that you are going to be late!In this lesson, you will learn how to say you will be late to an upcoming meeting or planned event: a...

October 20, 2016
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7 Useful English Phrases to Say When You Forget Something | English Teacher Melanie

7 Useful English Phrases to Say When You Forget Something | English Teacher Melanie

 We all forget things. It happens to everyone. It can be embarrassing sometimes. Let’s quickly review the basic ways to say you forget something:I forget.I can’t remember.I don’t remember.I’m sorry I wasn’t at the meeting. I forgot about it.We forget things in different ways, and in English there are different phrases you can use to communicate that you forget something. lose your train of thought= forget what you were thinking, right in the middle of thinking about itA “train of thought” = a connected series of thoughts or ideas in your headYou’re telling someone a story or about...

April 11, 2016
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Core Vocabulary: The English Words You Need to Know | English Teacher Melanie

Core Vocabulary: The English Words You Need to Know | English Teacher Melanie

Do you remember when you started learning English? It was so easy and fun! You learned so many new words. It was easy to learn words like dog and house and cheese. Before you knew it, you could form a sentence. One day you you could have a basic conversation with someone in English. That was exciting!Then, something happened, and you’re not sure what. It’s taking more and more time now just to make small . When you read something, you still have to look up many words in the dictionary. You learn lots of new words but you can’t remember them all and when you want to explain your...

October 29, 2012
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How to Use the English Verb "Suggest" | English Teacher Melanie

How to Use the English Verb "Suggest" | English Teacher Melanie

A lot of English learners struggle with the verb suggest because suggest is an unusual English verb. It is not used in a sentence the same way that other verbs are.Suggest means mention or recommend something to think about, or something someone should do. You suggest a thought or an idea. suggest that someone do somethingThis is the most difficult use of suggest for English learners to understand, so take some time to read this part of the lesson carefully.You want to tell someone your opinion. You want to tell them to do something.Don’t use me, us, you, etc. as indirect object...

April 26, 2012
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