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When a mouse runs up a man's leg, he is forced to make a decision

When a mouse runs up a man's leg, he is forced to make a decision

HomeAnimalsOne small mouse’s existence in the world may not seem like much to some, but it means everything to her. And this specific rodent was fortunate to meet someone who agrees just when she needed it the most.Maryana Kravets noticed another friend’s cat out on the hunt while strolling with her buddy Antony near their house in Ukraine the other day.The goal of the cat’s joyful pursuit became evident as the couple got closer – it was a mouse, terrified of being pursued by her feline pursuer. Kravets and Antony made the decision to interfere.Kravets stated in an interview, “We went to...

Sep 27
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An abandoned dog searches every yard for his long-lost family

An abandoned dog searches every yard for his long-lost family

HomeAnimalsWhile people in Southern California prepared for a historic hurricane last week, one lonely dog had nowhere to go. He strode through a Los Angeles neighborhood, peeking into each yard in the hopes of finding the family who’d abandoned him.Neighbors spotted the enormous, white dog sulking by their homes but were unsure how to assist him. That’s when they got in touch with Suzette Hall, the creator of Logan’s Legacy dog rescue.“The neighbors were all feeding him,” Hall explained in an interview, “but no one wanted to let him in because he had so many ticks.” “The poor baby just sat...

Sep 23
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A dog dumped on the side of the road becomes an unlikely best friend

A dog dumped on the side of the road becomes an unlikely best friend

HomeAnimalsIt just took three words to change the course of Suzette Hall’s day lately.As soon as she heard an elated person exclaim, “We got him,” over the phone, the founder of Logan’s Legacy dog rescue dashed to I-710 in Los Angeles.Hall and her rescue friends had spent the previous few weeks unsuccessfully attempting to capture a fearful dog stuck by the roadway. Neighbors verified that he’d been there for months, but no one was able to get near enough to help.“He would cry and bark for people to notice him,” Hall explained during an interview.When the pup initially appeared in May,...

Sep 20
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Man Stumbled Upon the Animal World's Cutest 'Florist'

Man Stumbled Upon the Animal World's Cutest 'Florist'

HomeAnimalsThe American pika, one of the region’s most charming and little-known animals, was featured in a post earlier this month by authorities at Cedar Breaks National Monument in Utah.These little mammals, which are related to rabbits, spend their days foraging for their preferred food: wildflowers, amid rocky outcrops at higher altitudes.Pikas, on the other hand, don’t merely munch as they go.Pikas gather and preserve bright bouquets while there are many to be found to ensure they have enough food to last them through the chilly winter, when fresh flowers are in limited supply.Park...

September 17, 2023
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Devoted dog waits for her owner at the emergency room entrance for ten days

Devoted dog waits for her owner at the emergency room entrance for ten days

HomeAnimalsAt California’s Martin Luther King Hospital, the medical staff is accustomed to seeing emotional events; it’s just part of the job.However, they recently took in a patient who was in serious condition, and they were brought to tears by the affection they saw at his feet.The patient’s home was in the hospital’s line of sight, and staff members observed as his pet dog followed the ambulance the entire way there.Running quickly to the hospital’s emergency department, the dog stopped when she saw her owner being taken inside.The dog, who had never left her owner’s side, tried to...

September 15, 2023
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Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas
