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MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 5 Rotterdam

MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 5 Rotterdam

Skip to contentMSC Preziosa Live - Day 5 RotterdamThis entry is part 5 of 5 in the series MSC Preziosa Winter 2022 Live VoyageToday we are due into Rotterdam – at some point. The weather is absolutely crazy out there, and the ship is rolling, pitching, and there is lots of banging going on – I love this, but I am sure there are many fellow passengers wishing it would stop right now!We are scheduled to arrive at our berth in the city by 8 am.I was awoken at just after 5 am by some loud crashing noises and the ship jolting around considerably more than when I went to sleep. Being a geek an...

November 4, 2022
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MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 4 Sea Day

MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 4 Sea Day

Skip to contentMSC Preziosa Live - Sea DayThis entry is part 4 of 5 in the series MSC Preziosa Winter 2022 Live VoyageWell, here we are on our second sea day. Unfortunately, there are only two on this itinerary and truth be told, I wish they were at the end rather than at the start!If you’ve ever sailed to the Norwegian Fjords, you’ll know how nice it is to have a ‘bookend’ of a sea day at each end of your 7-nights – it really helps you get into the cruise and is very relaxing before you get off.But, there is nothing we can do to change this, so let’s make the most of our second and final...

November 2, 2022
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MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 3 Hamburg

MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 3 Hamburg

Skip to contentMSC Preziosa Live - HamburgThis entry is part 3 of 5 in the series MSC Preziosa Winter 2022 Live VoyageThis morning we sailed down the River Elbe, but whilst I was awake at 6:30 AM to try and capture some of the interesting scenery as we entered the city – the weather (and season) were not in my favour.However, I did manage to take a photo of the Hamburg Pilot Boat as it dropped off its pilot to us last night.It was not only pitch black (which I kinda expected) – but the fog was so thick that I couldn’t even see the edge of the river! I have no idea how the ship managed to...

November 1, 2022
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MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 2 Sea Day

MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 2 Sea Day

Skip to contentMSC Preziosa Live (2022) Day 2 - Sea DayThis entry is part 2 of 5 in the series MSC Preziosa Winter 2022 Live VoyageLast night, we crossed the English Channel (towards the French side) and followed the internationally recognised TSS (Traffic Separation Scheme).As the English Channel is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, there are various rules that ships must adhere to so they avoid any accidents (especially with the Dover – Calais crossing the opposite way to main traffic).I didn’t check the weather before the cruise, as I have been to the ports before in the...

October 31, 2022
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MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 1 Southampton

MSC Preziosa Live (2022) - Day 1 Southampton

Skip to contentMSC Preziosa - Winter 2022 - Day 1 - SouthamptonThis entry is part 1 of 5 in the series MSC Preziosa Winter 2022 Live VoyageWell hello! It has been quite a while since I last did a live blog from a ship – albeit, we have had a ‘rather interesting time‘ over the last few years – and whilst I did spend two weeks onboard MSC Magnifica back in March earlier this year, the Covid-19 protocols and the fact I just chilled out for an entire two weeks meant you got no blog.Sorry, not sorry – but I did feel incredibly refreshed after it – so cruising still works in 2022 you’ll be glad...

October 30, 2022
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Chris Hughes

Chris Hughes
