Zeba Siddiqui
Zeba Siddiqui
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India's use of facial recognition tech during protests causes stir

India's use of facial recognition tech during protests causes stir

By , MUMBAI/NEW DELHI, India (Reuters) - When artist Rachita Taneja heads out to protest in New Delhi, she covers her face with a pollution mask, a hoodie or a scarf to reduce the risk of being identified by police facial recognition software.Police in the Indian capital and the northern state of Uttar Pradesh - both hotbeds of dissent - have used the technology during protests that have raged since mid-December against a new citizenship law that critics say marginalises Muslims.Activists are worried about insufficient regulation around the new technology, amid what they say is a crackdown...

February 17, 2020
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India's top court paves way for Rohingya deportations to Myanmar

India's top court paves way for Rohingya deportations to Myanmar

By NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India’s Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a plea to stop the government from deporting to Myanmar some 150 Rohingya Muslims police detained last month, paving the way for them to be sent to a country where hundreds have been killed following a military coup.Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has been trying to send back Rohingyas, a Muslim minority from Myanmar who have found refuge in India after fleeing persecution and waves of violence over the years.Two refugees petitioned the Supreme Court for the release of Rohingya men and women detained in the...

April 8, 2021
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Indian farmers block highway outside Delhi to mark 100th day of protest

Indian farmers block highway outside Delhi to mark 100th day of protest

By , NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian farmers began gathering on Saturday to block a six-lane expressway outside New Delhi to mark the 100th day of protests against deregulation of agriculture markets, to add pressure on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government.Farmers young and old headed in cars, trucks and tractors to the highway for a five-hour roadblock to oppose three farm laws enacted in September 2020 they say hurt them by opening up the agriculture sector to private players.Modi has called the laws much-needed reforms for the country’s vast and antiquated agriculture sector, and...

March 6, 2021
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Indian judge sees no reason to detain climate activist charged with sedition

Indian judge sees no reason to detain climate activist charged with sedition

By , NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A New Delhi court on Tuesday granted bail to 22-year-old climate activist, saying there was “scanty and sketchy evidence” of sedition in her efforts to help farmers protest in a case that has drawn global attention.Disha Ravi was arrested in the southern city of Bengaluru on Feb. 13 and charged with sedition for her alleged role in the creation of an online toolkit that police said contained action plans used to foment violence during the farmers’ protest.Tens of thousands have been camped out on the outskirts of New Delhi in bitter cold since December to protest...

February 23, 2021
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Over 1 million: India joins U.S., Brazil in grim coronavirus club

Over 1 million: India joins U.S., Brazil in grim coronavirus club

By MUMBAI (Reuters) - India on Friday became the third country in the world to record more than one million cases of the new coronavirus, behind only the United States and Brazil, as infections spread further into the countryside and smaller towns.Given India’s population of around 1.3 billion, experts say, one million is relatively low - but the number will rise significantly in the coming months as testing increases, further straining a healthcare system already pushed to the brink.The pandemic has surged in the country in recent weeks as it spread beyond the biggest cities, pushing India...

July 17, 2020
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India coronavirus cases hit record high amid monsoon rains

India coronavirus cases hit record high amid monsoon rains

By Slideshow MUMBAI (Reuters) - India recorded its highest singe-day spike of coronavirus cases on Saturday, with over 22,000 new cases and 442 deaths, as infections rose in the western and southern parts of the country amid heavy monsoon rains.The western state of Maharashtra, home to the densely packed financial capital Mumbai, has the country’s highest total, recording 6,364 fresh cases of the virus on Saturday and 198 deaths from COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.India has the fourth-most confirmed cases in the world, exceeding 640,000 on Saturday, according to health ministry...

July 4, 2020
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