Zahra Hirji
Zahra Hirji
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Biden's New Executive Orders Take Aim At Climate Change

Biden's New Executive Orders Take Aim At Climate Change

The executive orders will take aim at fossil fuels and set the US up to be an international leader in tackling the climate crisis.President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed sweeping executive orders to force the federal government to plan for and respond to the urgent threat of a warming planet, laying out his historic vision for how the United States can once again become a global climate leader.The moves will stop new fossil fuel leases on public lands, boost renewable energy development and conservation, as well as create new government offices and interagency groups to prioritize job...

January 27, 2021
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Joe Biden Picks Gina McCarthy To Be US Climate Czar

Joe Biden Picks Gina McCarthy To Be US Climate Czar

McCarthy, former head of the EPA under Obama, has been a vocal opponent of President Trump's environmental policies.President-elect Joe Biden is expected to name Gina McCarthy, the former Obama administration Environmental Protection Agency head, as the White House climate czar, a new high-level role tasked with spearheading the government’s domestic response to the climate crisis, according to a source familiar with the decision.McCarthy, who has fiercely opposed President Donald Trump’s efforts to roll back climate rules in her role as president of the Natural Resources Defense Council,...

December 17, 2020
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Joe Biden's Team Can't Get Trump's COVID-19 Data

Joe Biden's Team Can't Get Trump's COVID-19 Data

"We do not have access to official government data, internal data sets," said David Kessler, one of the cochairs of Biden’s COVID-19 advisory board.With 64 days until his inauguration, and the worsening by the day, President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team is locked out of the government’s detailed data on COVID-19 testing, therapeutics, medical supplies, hospitalizations, and more.“We do not have access to official government data, internal data sets,” David Kessler, one of the cochairs of Biden’s COVID-19 advisory board, said during a Tuesday press call. “We’re dependent on everything...

November 18, 2020
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COVID-19 Cases In Congress Are Surging

COVID-19 Cases In Congress Are Surging

Nearly 1 in 10 senators and 1 in 20 House members have been diagnosed with COVID-19, but even wearing masks on the Senate floor is still a source of contention.The journalists at BuzzFeed News are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant reporting about the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, and sign up for our newsletter, .In the past two weeks, at least 10 members of Congress have tested positive for — seven Republicans and three Democrats. But there are currently no plans to stop the practice of hundreds of lawmakers flying to Washington from districts across the country to...

November 25, 2020
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Trump Downplayed The Coronavirus In The Last Debate

Trump Downplayed The Coronavirus In The Last Debate

During the final debate, President Donald Trump said the coronavirus was going away, even as a third wave of COVID-19 cases sweeps most of the country.Just weeks after being hospitalized with , President Donald Trump spent the final presidential debate downplaying a pandemic that has killed in the US, criticizing his own scientific advisers, and making misleading and contradictory statements about attempts to control the spread of the virus now sweeping the country in a “.”“We're rounding the corner. It's going away,” Trump said on Thursday night, despite the fact that cases are now surging...

October 23, 2020
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Trump Screwed The US On Climate. Can Biden Save It?

Trump Screwed The US On Climate. Can Biden Save It?

The president-elect ran with an ambitious climate plan. Congress could derail it.Joe Biden, who ran on the most progressive climate platform ever in a US presidential election, just won the presidency. Now converting that platform into meaningful action could prove his administration’s toughest challenge.The reality of the climate situation is grim. Even before Donald Trump took office, the world was hurtling toward catastrophic warming. His actions as US president made things worse. Carbon dioxide and methane levels in the atmosphere are soaring. There’s been more than 1 degree Celsius of...

November 10, 2020
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US Officially Withdraws From Paris Climate Agreement

US Officially Withdraws From Paris Climate Agreement

What happens next hinges on the bitterly contested presidential election.The United States formally pulled out of the Paris climate accord on Wednesday, walking away from the global agreement to try to stave off catastrophic warming in a year plagued by record-breaking climate disasters.The long-awaited change comes the morning after between President Donald Trump, a brazen climate denier, and former vice president Joe Biden, who ran on an unprecedented platform for climate action.Of the that signed the to keep global temperature rise this century below 2 degrees Celsius, the US, which is...

November 4, 2020
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Scientists Are Relieved Joe Biden Is The Next President

Scientists Are Relieved Joe Biden Is The Next President

After four years of relentless attacks on science, researchers and doctors are hopeful that Biden will fight the pandemic and climate change.BuzzFeed News has journalists around the US bringing you trustworthy stories on the 2020 Elections. To help keep this news free, .For scientists who have watched in horror as President Donald Trump relentlessly insulted, undermined, and ignored science, while during a historic pandemic, Joe Biden’s victory on Saturday was a long-awaited cause for celebration.“It feels very much like the four-year war on science has come to an end,” Jacquelyn Gill, an...

November 9, 2020
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Republicans Lawmakers In Oregon Have Stopped Showing Up To Work To Avoid Voting On A Climate Bill

Republicans Lawmakers In Oregon Have Stopped Showing Up To Work To Avoid Voting On A Climate Bill

This is the second time Republicans in the largely Democratic state have fled the capitol to avoid voting on a climate bill.Oregon lawmakers are on the verge of passing a bill that would declare a climate emergency in the state and slash climate emissions by 2050.But there’s one big problem: A Republican walkout, stretching into its second week, is denying lawmakers the opportunity to even vote on the bill. The year’s short legislative session ends Saturday night.“I’m disappointed that Republicans in both the House and Senate have walked off the job,” Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat, . “Good...

March 3, 2020
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Europe Climate Change Protests: Teenage Girls Organize Mass School Walkouts And Protests

Europe Climate Change Protests: Teenage Girls Organize Mass School Walkouts And Protests

Students are going on strike around the world to demand action on climate change, in a movement led almost entirely by teenage girls.LONDON — A huge student protest movement led almost exclusively by teenage girls and young women is sweeping Europe, and it's on the brink of breaking through in the US.So far this year, tens of thousands of high school–age students in Belgium, Germany, and Sweden have boycotted class and protested against climate change. The loose movement’s inspiration, a 16-year-old girl who began a solitary picket last year outside the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm, has...

February 8, 2019
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