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John MacArthur holds megachurch service after court rules against him

John MacArthur holds megachurch service after court rules against him

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementJohn MacArthur (Wikimedia Commons)Defying a Los Angeles County public-health order, worshipers packed the 3,500-seat sanctuary of John MacArthur's Grace Community Church on Sunday hours after an appeals court blocked a judge's ruling that would have allowed the church to gather legally.MacArthur, told the Sun Valley congregation he has led for 50 years that "the powers of the city were not happy" about the church's lawsuit filed last week, .Advertisement - story continues below"They don’t want us to meet, that’s obvious," MacArthur said from the pulpit....

August 17, 2020
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Obama's White House doctor: Biden 'is just lost'

Obama's White House doctor: Biden 'is just lost'

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementJoe Biden appearing in a Pro-Trump ad asking if he has dementia (YouTube screenshot)Barack Obama's White House doctor believes Joe Biden, the former vice president and now presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is "lost," according to an upcoming book by Donald Trump Jr."The best way I can describe him every time I see him is that he's just lost," said Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, who served both Obama and President Trump.Advertisement - story continues below"I won't make any particular diagnosis about dementia," he said, . "But what I will say is that...

August 18, 2020
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Court suspends city rule demanding photographer promote same-sex unions

Court suspends city rule demanding photographer promote same-sex unions

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementAn order has been issued by U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky that halts the enforcement of a city ordinance that it says is likely to be found in violation of the U.S. Constitution.At issue is Louisville's demand that photographers, if they provide services to traditional weddings, provide the same services to same-sex duos, even if their faith forbids it.Advertisement - story continues belowThe case involves photographer Chelsey Nelson and her Chelsey Nelson Photography.The city rule not only required Nelson to provider her...

August 15, 2020
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Rasmussen: 1 in 3 black voters 'less likely' to support Biden with Harris as VP!

Rasmussen: 1 in 3 black voters 'less likely' to support Biden with Harris as VP!

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementJoe Biden (MSNBC video screenshot)Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden this week named Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. The two will square off against President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in November.Her selection was not really a surprise, as influential Democrats already had given Biden orders that he was required to pick a woman, and a black, as his running mate.Advertisement - story continues belowBut instead of attracting more support from the black community, the selection of Harris seems to have done the...

August 14, 2020
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Pence confident of election because 'American people know the facts'

Pence confident of election because 'American people know the facts'

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementVice President Mike Pence addresses employees via intercom Tuesday, April 21, 2020, at GE Healthcare in Madison, Wisconsin. (Official White House photo by D. Myles Cullen)Vice President Mike Pence told talk radio host Rush Limbaugh on Friday that the American people "know the facts" about the nation, coronavirus, the economic recovery, and more.And they recognize that the future depends on re-electing President Trump, he said.Advertisement - story continues below"I think the American people… The American people know the facts. You know, in many ways...

August 14, 2020
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Feds put 'white males' through reeducation camp

Feds put 'white males' through reeducation camp

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementA filmmaker and policy researcher has posted online a series of documents showing how the federal government required "white men" who work at Sandia National Laboratories to learn how to "deconstruct their white male culture.""Whatever the Hell that means," commented which monitors and comments on the Twitter social media platform.Advertisement - story continues belowwho describes himself as a graduate of Georgetown University with appearances on NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS and FOX, posted on social media documents about the training, explaining, "The federal...

August 13, 2020
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Surprise! Twitter official who announced ban of Trump campaign is a Dem activist

Surprise! Twitter official who announced ban of Trump campaign is a Dem activist

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementPresident Donald J. Trump disembarks Air Force One on his arrival Saturday, June 20, 2020, to Tulsa International Airport in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (Official White House photo by Tia Dufour)The Twitter employee who announced Wednesday that the account of President Trump's campaign team had been suspended is Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris' former press secretary.Tim Murtaugh, director of communications for the Trump 2020 campaign, noted spokesman Nick Pacilio's employment history after Twitter suspended the account because his tweet of a video clip of a "Fox...

August 6, 2020
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Feds seize 1.1 million barrels of Iranian oil bound for Venezuela

Feds seize 1.1 million barrels of Iranian oil bound for Venezuela

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementOne of four ships being used by Iran to ship oil to Venezeula. (DOJ image)The U.S. government announced on Friday it has seized more than 1.1 million barrels of Iranian oil on four ships bound for Venezuela.The move was taken against the shipments from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which is a designated foreign terrorist organization, according to the Department of Justice.Advertisement - story continues belowIt is the government's largest-ever seizure of fuel shipments from Iran, the DOJ said.The actual work on the seizure had started a month...

August 14, 2020
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'You left us behind': U.S. resident once held prisoner in Iran blasts Joe Biden

'You left us behind': U.S. resident once held prisoner in Iran blasts Joe Biden

 Joe Biden campaigning for president May 19, 2019 (Video screenshot)A U.S. permanent resident who was tortured while imprisoned in Iran for five years for allegedly spying for the United States slammed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for abandoning him and others while the Obama administration pursued the nuclear deal with Tehran.Advertisement - story continues below"You left us behind in Iran," Nizar Zakka wrote on Twitter.With all due respect Mr Biden, I don’t think you are well positioned to comment on this subject. I never comment on politics but this one was...

July 20, 2020
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