Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism
Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism
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‘The happiness and joy has been sucked out of me’: Wisconsin dairy farmers face mental health crisis

‘The happiness and joy has been sucked out of me’: Wisconsin dairy farmers face mental health crisis

SectionsExtrasWatch NowMany Wisconsin milk producers are overwhelmed, dogged by financial worries, a crushing workload, labor shortages and bad weatherBy Jack KellyFor Wisconsin WatchIt was Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2016. David Fischer had just arrived for work at his dairy farm in Rio, Wisconsin. A slight breeze punctuated the freezing, grey morning.His drive to work is just 2 minutes. From where he parked his pickup truck on the farm’s gravel driveway, he could see his house on the top of a hill.Fischer, who owns the roughly 350-cow dairy farm with his wife, Amy, was ready for another day of...

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How politics paralyzed Wisconsin’s pandemic response — and left families to grieve their losses

How politics paralyzed Wisconsin’s pandemic response — and left families to grieve their losses

SectionsExtrasWatch NowCourts and the Republican-controlled Legislature limited the powers of the Democratic governor. Partisan messaging led many residents to spurn masks and distancing.By Bram Sable-SmithWPR/Wisconsin WatchHarper Marten donned a mask, gown, gloves, face shield and booties for a July 10 visit with her father, Warren Shore. She had not seen him in person since March as the coronavirus pandemic took hold in Wisconsin.Inside the memory care unit at Parkview Gardens, a senior living community in Racine, Marten held her father’s hand. He was asleep, but Marten sensed he knew...

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How Wisconsin voters can ‘cure’ the hundreds of ballots already rejected

How Wisconsin voters can ‘cure’ the hundreds of ballots already rejected

SectionsExtrasWatch NowAs of Oct. 21, nearly 1,400 Wisconsin voters already had their absentee ballots flagged ahead of the Nov. 3 election. It’s not too late to fix it — if they hurry.By Nora EckertWisconsin WatchThis article is made possible through , a nonpartisan reporting project covering local election integrity and voting access.When Melissa Lemke got a call that her absentee ballot had been rejected, she was convinced there had been some mistake. As an alderwoman in Racine, she knew how important it was to carefully fill out her ballot and envelope, and she’d done so successfully in...

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