Washington Free Beacon Editors
Washington Free Beacon Editors
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The Pelosi Recession

The Pelosi Recession

ADVERTISEMENTDemocratic obstruction will cause untold economic damageSHAREAs another five million people flood the unemployment system, the country faces a classic whodunit: Who killed the U.S. economy?The novel coronavirus must bear some of the blame. Social distancing has pushed millions of consumers and producers into their homes. A temporary societal shutdown means a temporary economic contraction.But the length of the recession—whether the economy bounces back post-shutdown, or whether we lose another decade of growth—is as much about government as the conditions on the ground. Unlike...

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The New War on Merit

The New War on Merit

ADVERTISEMENTThe left calls for racial quotas in the name of progress SHAREThe American dream is that any citizen, regardless of sex, race, creed, or color, can rise on his determination and merit. History is littered with examples of the reformers who worked to realize that dream, pushing the most influential institutions in the country to prize talent and hard work over wealth and connections.The introduction of standardized testing, accessible to all American teens, was part of that push. Harvard University began administering a standardized test to all applicants in 1905. profound...

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Trump Is Right to Dump the WHO

Trump Is Right to Dump the WHO

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREPresident Donald Trump's announcement that the United States would temporarily cut off funding to the World Health Organization prompted the usual outrage from the commentariat. Bill Gates called defunding "as dangerous as it sounds." CNN chief grandstander Jim Acosta, in a line echoed by many other mainstream reporters, accused the president of making the WHO yet another "scapegoat" for his failure to respond adequately to the virus.The president's move is not about shifting blame or making it harder to fight the coronavirus. Rather, it is about tackling the current...

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The March to Appeasement

The March to Appeasement

ADVERTISEMENTThere will be no peace between Iran and its enemiesSHAREElections have consequences, and one consequence of the 2020 election will be a return to the foreign policy of the Obama era that seeks to punish Israel, isolate the Arabs, elevate Iran as a regional power, and assure friend and foe alike that tough talk from American leaders is just that: talk.Representatives of the United States will return to Vienna this week with the aim of lifting sanctions on an Iranian regime led by religious fanatics hellbent on acquiring nuclear weapons, dominating its neighbors, and eliminating...

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The Democrats’ Temper Tantrum Through the Institutions

The Democrats’ Temper Tantrum Through the Institutions

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREDemocrats, their media friends , are furious. If Republicans exercise their constitutional prerogative and fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat on the Supreme Court, the Democrats are prepared to burn it all down.Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) told his caucus on Saturday that if Republicans move forward with a nomination, "nothing is off the table." Others were more explicit: If the Democrats retake the Senate in 2021, Massachusetts senator Ed Markey vowed to ; his failed primary challenger, Rep. Joe Kennedy, promised to . They'll bestow statehood on Puerto...

September 22, 2020
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Democrats Have a Plan: Threaten Their Way Into the White House

Democrats Have a Plan: Threaten Their Way Into the White House

ADVERTISEMENTDemocrats have a plan: threaten their way into the White HouseSHAREIf the idea of a November spent hunkered down at home with mass protests and violence again roiling the streets sounds appealing, don't worry: The left has a plan for that.A coalition of influential progressive groups—including the SEIU, AFT, Color of Change, Indivisible, MoveOn, and Demos—is organizing, the Daily Beast , for "mass public unrest": "Occupy shit, hold space, and shut things down, not just on Election Day but for weeks."Only a fool would think that this "nonviolent civil disobedience" will...

September 9, 2020
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