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Ben Carson endorses Trump, citing economy, border security, and global respect

Ben Carson endorses Trump, citing economy, border security, and global respect

Skip to main contentYou have permission to edit this article.EditSign OutSign InSubscribeMy AccountNewsSportsOpinionLifeA&EObitsClassifiedsReal EstatePhoto/VideoAboutormer Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson defended his endorsement of Donald Trump in the 2024 election.Carson appeared on Sunday Morning Futures to offer an explanation, as Trump's former cabinet member, with eight candidates currently vying for the Republican nomination a year out from the election."Well, I think any objective person recognizes that during the Trump administration and the pre-Covid days we...

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CBO shows Democrats' plan to extend unemployment benefits would hinder economic comeback

CBO shows Democrats' plan to extend unemployment benefits would hinder economic comeback

We have previously warned about the dangers of extending unemployment benefits beyond their current expiration in July. Now, in a blistering new report, the Congressional Budget Office has provided more reasons to fear the economic consequences of such a misguided action.Back in March, as part of its $2.2 trillion package to counter the economic effects of the coronavirus, Congress included a provision that boosted standard unemployment benefits by an additional $600 per week.Pretty soon after passage, it became clear that the proposal made it a better deal for many people to stay home...

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Willing dupes are funding a toxic new racial grift industry

Willing dupes are funding a toxic new racial grift industry

Ibram X. Kendi, the author of How to be an Antiracist and Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas, recently gave a presentation to teachers and administrators in Fairfax County, Virginia. For his one hour of work, he was paid an astounding $20,000 in taxpayer money. That’s $333 per minute of his presentation.On top of that, the school district splurged $24,000 to buy his books about critical race theory and to make them .This utter waste of money on ideological claptrap is, however, chump change compared to the lucre that sluices into Kendi's pockets for his...

October 2, 2020
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China's reputation takes a well-deserved global hit

China's reputation takes a well-deserved global hit

If there is a silver lining to the pandemic that has killed more than a million people and crashed the global economy, it's that people around the world are finally waking up to China's evil.A new Pew Research Center found that thanks to its dishonest and reckless handling of the coronavirus, opinions toward China have taken a hit around the world this year. Conducted via phone between June 10 and Aug. 13, the poll surveyed more than 14,000 adults in 14 countries and found double-digit increases in the number of people viewing China unfavorably. According to Pew, 81% of Australians, 74% of...

October 9, 2020
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Liberal warnings about Trump's Middle East policy have proven embarrassingly wrong

Liberal warnings about Trump's Middle East policy have proven embarrassingly wrong

President Trump took a dramatically different approach to the Middle East than his predecessor, and at every step, former Obama-Biden foreign policy officials and their allies repeatedly warned of catastrophic results. Yet not only have the dire warnings failed to pass, but there have been historic breakthroughs for peace in the region.The Democratic Alliance Initiative, a new conservative foreign policy group, has published a looking at several high-profile decisions Trump has made and examining statements made at the time by former Obama-Biden officials, ambassadors, and think tank...

September 18, 2020
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Technology that will end the turgid climate debate

Technology that will end the turgid climate debate

In a year that has brought us a pandemic, a steep economic recession, and widespread urban rioting, there hasn’t been much to celebrate. But little noticed in the maelstrom of news events has been a technological development that could render the debate over global warming moot once and for all.Scientists have long sought a way to replicate the energy production process of the sun to generate power. The goal has remained elusive and was widely thought to be decades away. But scientists have published several research papers indicating that the creation of a functioning nuclear fusion...

October 5, 2020
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Teachers, walk away from unions that keep fighting against reopening schools

Teachers, walk away from unions that keep fighting against reopening schools

More than a month into the new school year, it is already evident that is not causing mass outbreaks of the coronavirus.Researchers at Brown University have found . To be specific, the rate of suspected and confirmed student infections is just 0.21%. (The rate of confirmed infections is one-third of that.) Among teachers and staff, the infection rate is 0.51%. It appears that, thanks in part to schools’ precautions (social distancing guidelines, improved ventilation systems, mask mandates, etc.), one has significantly less risk of contracting COVID-19 inside a reopened school building than...

September 29, 2020
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Yes, Joe Biden is compromised by his family's shady foreign dealings

Yes, Joe Biden is compromised by his family's shady foreign dealings

The release of a joint report by the Senate committees on homeland security and finance raised important questions about obviously unethical foreign profiteering by members of the Biden family.In particular, former Vice President Joe Biden’s ne’er-do-well son Hunter received a remarkable amount of money from highly suspect foreign entities, including ones controlled by the Chinese government. On at least one occasion, the elder Biden appears to have directly facilitated his son’s tawdry dealings. On another, the current Democratic presidential nominee ignored an obvious appearance of a...

September 28, 2020
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Obamacare's mandate didn't work and wasn't needed, yet Joe Biden wants to bring it back

Obamacare's mandate didn't work and wasn't needed, yet Joe Biden wants to bring it back

Joe Biden, as part of his campaign to revive the Obama years and be the anti-President Trump, has repeatedly vowed to bring back one of the least popular policies of the prior administration: the individual mandate.The requirement forcing individuals to purchase health insurance under the threat of a penalty was already the subject of one high-stakes Supreme Court case. It is about to be at the center of another. But in practice, it has proven to be completely ineffective.When Obamacare was first being debated, most healthcare experts believed it was necessary to include a requirement to...

September 17, 2020
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Homelessness in Colorado: 'All hands on deck' brings homeless population down in El Paso County

Homelessness in Colorado: 'All hands on deck' brings homeless population down in El Paso County

Skip to main contentYou have permission to edit this article.EditSign OutSign InSubscribeMy AccountNewsSportsOpinionLifeA&EObitsClassifiedsReal EstatePhoto/VideoAbout[This article originally appeared in the Denver Gazette as part of a series on homelessness in Colorado.]Colorado Springs leaders have been touting their success in reducing homelessness for several years, largely based on data from a survey that's usually conducted in January.On a select night and day, industry staff and volunteers scour places homeless people congregate, such as tent camps, vehicles, bridges, emergency...




