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Amazon’s CamperForce Program Exploits Elderly Workers - Validated Independent News

Amazon’s CamperForce Program Exploits Elderly Workers - Validated Independent News

Thousands of elderly workers living in mobile homes across the US, Evan Blake reported, “have begun grueling, months-long temporary jobs at Amazon facilities as part of the company’s ‘CamperForce’ program.” Launched in 2008, CamperForce targets elderly migrant workers who have “been forced to live in mobile homes after losing their homes, retirement and life savings in the 2008 housing crisis and ensuing economic recession,” Blake wrote.Although Amazon promotes the program’s wages (up to $11.50 an hour), potential paid time off, and benefits, CamperForce workers have begun to speak up about...

April 5, 2018
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The US Military’s Predatory Practices: Targeting Teens - Validated Independent News

The US Military’s Predatory Practices: Targeting Teens - Validated Independent News

According to a 2016 Population Representation in Military Services report, 17-to-20 year-olds compromise up to 80 percent of personnel in some branches; and the military appears to be preying on even younger teens, with a 2017 Department of Defense youth poll showing that 16-year-olds are even more attracted to joining military services than 18-year-olds. Under a parent’s permission, 17-year-olds can now enlist into the military.Rosa del Duca stated for WhoWhatWhy, “groups critical of current recruitment practices struggle to gain access to schools at all.” Teenagers are being targeted by...

April 1, 2020
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Organic farmers take up pitchforks against misleading corporate agriculture labeling - Validated Independent News

Organic farmers take up pitchforks against misleading corporate agriculture labeling - Validated Independent News

Industrial agricultural firms that use the term “organic” to market huge harvests for big profits are finding some labeling gristle stuck in their craws. Small-scale farmers worry that the US Department of Agriculture, which regulates the labeling of food, is allowing Big Agriculture to destroy the integrity of organic farming laws that they have strived hard to create.Powerful industrial producers are misleading the public through labels claiming products are “organic,” when historically the principles of the “organic label” symbolized a movement by small farming communities to reclaim...

April 6, 2018
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FBI Changes Its Primary Mission to National Security - Validated Independent News

FBI Changes Its Primary Mission to National Security - Validated Independent News

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has changed its chief mission from law enforcement to national security. The changes reflect reforms to the FBI implemented after September 11, 2001. As John Hudson reports, commentators and experts have criticized the change and, more than a decade since the 9/11 attacks, been prompted to question, “Why now?”Kel McClanahan, a Washington-based national security lawyer, told Foreign Policy News that he believes the FBI “is trying to rebrand” itself. “So many good things happen to your agency when you tie it to national security.” A spokesman for the...

March 10, 2014
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The Tech Culture Driving Social Media and Its Manipulative Design - Validated Independent News

The Tech Culture Driving Social Media and Its Manipulative Design - Validated Independent News

In the earliest days of the internet, many in the tech world thought social networks would usher in a new era of dialogue and a more informed, civilized society. This is the reverse of what happened says Jaron Lanier, one of the forefathers of the digital age. While social media seems important in our lives, we should all question: is it really serving us or is it serving commercial interests?Some argue that social media helps link people together and support activism. However, Lanier believes that dominant social media services, mostly owned by Google and Facebook (including YouTube and...

April 2, 2019
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Prince Edward Island rights group challenges lack of abortion services - Validated Independent News

Prince Edward Island rights group challenges lack of abortion services - Validated Independent News

Prince Edward Island is the only province in Canada where abortion services are unavailable. Due to the costs associated with out-of-province surgeries, some women face class-based discrimination in obtaining their right to undergo the procedure. Although the province covers the cost of the surgery itself if Islanders travel to New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, P.E.I. residents may have to take time off of work or pay for childcare and travel expenses, such as a $46 toll fee into New Brunswick.In 2014, a Nova Scotia doctor volunteered to fly to Charlottetown multiple times per month to...

April 5, 2016
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Greenland’s Meltwater: Europe’s Next Little Ice Age? - Validated Independent News

Greenland’s Meltwater: Europe’s Next Little Ice Age? - Validated Independent News

In February 2015, the Guardian published an article which stated that atmospheric warming is capable of reaching thousands of meters below Greenland’s ice sheet, potentially increasing the glacier’s rate of flow and creating pools of “meltwater” trapped below the ice. As a result, Greenland’s meltpools are contributing to rising sea levels. Cornell University Geologist Michael Willis and Ohio State University Glaciologist Ian Howat authored the report, on which the Guardian story is based, and Penn State University Earth Scientist Patrick Applegate confirmed it.While it is positive that...

April 1, 2015
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Kentucky Community Seeks Remedy for Landfill Contaminated by Illegally Dumped Fracking Waste - Validated Independent News

Kentucky Community Seeks Remedy for Landfill Contaminated by Illegally Dumped Fracking Waste - Validated Independent News

Since the mid-1980s, residents of a rural town in eastern Kentucky have been battling a local landfill that borders two schools and a major water source. As Austyn Gaffney reported for the Natural Resources Defense Council’s onEarth, two thousand tons of radioactive waste and other contaminated materials have been dumped illegally into the Blue Ridge Landfill in Estill County. The landfill is just a six-minute walk from two county schools. Most of the recently-dumped radioactive waste is a byproduct of  fracking, the controversial process that uses water and chemical additives to...

March 29, 2019
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Addiction Pays! Big Pharma Cashing in on Your Struggles - Validated Independent News

Addiction Pays! Big Pharma Cashing in on Your Struggles - Validated Independent News

While Americans may be aware of the billions of dollars spent on the use of legal or illicit controlled substances, many are still in the dark about the billions spent on treating those suffering from addictions. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, since 2014 upwards of $35 billion has been spent on rehabilitation. The use of the more traditional rehabilitation treatments, such as step-based programs, peer-to-peer accountability, and group/individual counseling are quickly becoming secondary additions to psychiatric and pharmacological...

April 6, 2016
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BLM Pushes ahead with Oil Drilling Permits on Sacred Ground, Unhindered by Shutdown - Validated Independent News

BLM Pushes ahead with Oil Drilling Permits on Sacred Ground, Unhindered by Shutdown - Validated Independent News

The federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) continues to push ahead with their latest attempt to lease to oil and gas drilling companies land near New Mexico’s Chaco National Historical and other sites, which are sacred to Native American tribes. The sale deal has been criticized in part because the park is a World Heritage site, filled with stone structures and other features that archaeologists say are of religious significance. As Susan Montoya reported, under the current plan, more than 50 parcels in New Mexico and Oklahoma will be up for bid.The battle over energy development around...

March 12, 2019
