Victoria Taft
Victoria Taft
Victoria Taft is an award-winning broadcast journalist, writer and radio talk host, heard on the West Coast and seen nationally on the One America News Network’s “The Daily Ledger” as the “Crazy California” contributor. Her “Adult in the Room Podcast” debuts in 2019. She launched her newsy blog site,, in 2005.Source
California, United States
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Pelosi Is Now 'Non-Essential Nancy.' Here Are 20 Jobs More Important Than Hers.

Pelosi Is Now 'Non-Essential Nancy.' Here Are 20 Jobs More Important Than Hers.

Nancy Pelosi has basically deemed congressional Representatives non-essential by giving House members an extended vacation until May 4th at the earliest. She announced last week.The Senate, which is also operating on a skeleton crew to socially distance members, says the “Paycheck Protection Program,” a fund to help struggling small businesses get loans, is now dry and Pelosi won’t call the House back to work to fund it.Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, is, as much as he can be, apoplectic over Pelosi’s recalcitrance.Twenty million Americans have lost their jobs in one month. We...

April 20, 2020
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HUGE: The UK Just Dumped China's Huawei in 5G Tech Roll-Out — Citing its Lies Over Coronavirus.

HUGE: The UK Just Dumped China's Huawei in 5G Tech Roll-Out — Citing its Lies Over Coronavirus.

sendsearchrowsLike UsFollow Us▲searchThe Latest. Delivered Daily.Your friends will think you read the whole newspaperFacebookShareHUGE: The UK Just Dumped China's Huawei in 5G Tech Roll-Out — Citing its Lies Over Coronavirus.twitterTweetWestern democracies, especially the United States, just heaved a huge sigh of relief after getting word that United Kingdom PM Boris Johnson is dropping the controversial Chinese tech company, Huawei, as the nation's provider of 5G infrastructure.Although Johnson was in support of the Chinese tech giant laying the non-sensitive portions of 5G infrastructure,...

April 17, 2020
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Officer Chauvin's Knee Was NOT on George Floyd's 'Neck' and 8 Other Things You Didn't Know About This Case

Officer Chauvin's Knee Was NOT on George Floyd's 'Neck' and 8 Other Things You Didn't Know About This Case

Former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin may not escape prosecution for one of the against him for causing the death of George Floyd, but contrary to public opinion, the case against him is not cut and dried. Though have solemnly gone quiet for nearly nine minutes to remind Americans of the time Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s neck, and looters with their burned parts of American cities in retaliation for his death, and cops were , it turns out there’s a lot we didn’t know about the case.Why not? There’s only one explanation. Prosecutors didn’t tell you. Attorney General who picked...

August 4, 2021
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'Police State': Cops Swarm ANOTHER Canadian Church for COVID Defiance and the Woke Crowd Cheers

'Police State': Cops Swarm ANOTHER Canadian Church for COVID Defiance and the Woke Crowd Cheers

It’s hard to know what’s more disheartening, cops shutting down a church for daring to meet or the fear-mongering scolds cheering it on. Worse, this is the  that Canadian cops have attempted to intimidate a church for daring to meet with social distancing.Photos from Global 1— Kim Smith (@Kim_SmithTV)At dawn on Wednesday morning in Edmonton, Alberta – in an area that looks like it’s the middle of a prairie – Alberta Health Services police and cops with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) swarmed the GraceLife Church to cut off the building from its parishioners.Police and crews...

July 4, 2021
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Newsom COVID 'Equity' Plan: Vaccinate 2 Million Latinos or California Won't Reopen. This Should Work Out Well.

Newsom COVID 'Equity' Plan: Vaccinate 2 Million Latinos or California Won't Reopen. This Should Work Out Well.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has completely changed his response to COVID—again—this time leveraging opening the state for all Californians on the backs of low-income Latinos living in the areas with the highest rates of the illness.In the name of “equity,” Newsom announced Thursday that 40% of all the state’s available vaccines will go to Latino communities in the Central Valley and in pockets of LA because Latinos have suffered the most death and illness from COVID.And there’s a catch: Until the Latinos in these areas take the vaccine in higher numbers, California will stay locked...

May 3, 2021
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Political Amnesia: Look at All the Democrats Who Boycotted Trump's Inauguration

Political Amnesia: Look at All the Democrats Who Boycotted Trump's Inauguration

Donald Trump announced he will not attend Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, becoming the fourth American president to choose not to witness his successor taking office. Joe Biden calls it “” and said the president was “an embarrassment,” which is pretty rich coming from . It’s also rich when you look back at the reaction by Democrats to President Trump four short years ago. Like four years ago, before he even took the oath, trying to “” And many boycotted his inauguration.So many Democrats boycotted his inauguration, in fact, that such a large group would be outlawed by the COVID...

August 1, 2021
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California DAs Blast Gov. Gavin Newsom's Apathetic Response to $1 Billion Prisoner COVID Benefit Scam

California DAs Blast Gov. Gavin Newsom's Apathetic Response to $1 Billion Prisoner COVID Benefit Scam

Frustrated California district attorneys are sounding the alarm about Governor Gavin Newsom’s apathetic response to the California prisoner unemployment scam that’s bilked state taxpayers out more than COVID-19 relief funds. Nine DAs sent the governor a second letter which reveals the governor’s inaction on what could be the “biggest fraud of taxpayer dollars in California history.”The district attorneys from nine of California’s largest counties recently called out the governor in an attempt to get him to respond to the huge scam that saw some of the worst criminals at San Quentin, such as...

July 12, 2020
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MUST SEE: CNBC's Rick Santelli Goes Off on Selective COVID Lockdowns and It's Glorious

MUST SEE: CNBC's Rick Santelli Goes Off on Selective COVID Lockdowns and It's Glorious

The man whose 2009 rant over  – “President Obama, are you listening?!” – unwittingly started the is back and going off on selective COVID lockdowns.In an appearance Friday morning, financial reporter Rick Santelli took issue with lockdowns at small businesses that don’t apply to big-box stores.On a panel on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” a flash of anger erupted between Santelli and co-host Andrew Ross Sorkin. Santelli questioned how people can’t get COVID at a Lowes or Home Depot, but are miraculously put in more danger by going to smaller stores or restaurants while taking the same...

April 12, 2020
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INFURIATING: Owner of Shut Down LA Outdoor Bar Gets 'Slapped in the Face' by California's COVID Double Standards

INFURIATING: Owner of Shut Down LA Outdoor Bar Gets 'Slapped in the Face' by California's COVID Double Standards

Some restaurants are more equal than others.A Sherman Oaks, Calif., restaurant/bar owner, who’s on the financial ropes because of COVID shutdowns, had her bar closed again with Los Angeles County’s latest “stay-at-home” order forbidding all outdoor seating.The order to close even outdoor dining forced Angela Marsden to close down her place, the Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill. Last week, the LA County supervisors voted 3-2 to end all outdoor dining. Supervisor provided the final vote to close down, declaring .” To celebrate her vote, she headed to one of her favorite restaurants and had ....

May 12, 2020
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'America Hates You': Mom of Marine Killed in Kabul Writes Scathing Message to Joe Biden—and Is Silenced by His Big Tech Buddies

'America Hates You': Mom of Marine Killed in Kabul Writes Scathing Message to Joe Biden—and Is Silenced by His Big Tech Buddies

“America hates you!!!” wrote the inconsolable mother of a U.S. Marine killed at the Kabul airport to President Joe Biden. It didn’t take long for the president’s Big Tech buddies to help out their guy and shut her down. Welcome to Joe Biden’s ever-shrinking and closed-minded America. New Gold Star Mom, Shana Chappell, the mother of Marine Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, wrote a post on Facebook describing what she thought of the president and what she told him at the dignified transfer ceremony. The transfer ceremony was held Sunday at Dover Air Force Base for the bodies...

August 31, 2021
