Victoria Knight
Victoria Knight
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Democrats Sharpen Health Care Attacks As Primaries Heat Up

Democrats Sharpen Health Care Attacks As Primaries Heat Up

This story also ran on .The ideal began to get real on Tuesday, as seven of the top contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination sparred over the price tag on health care reform and even revealed similarities on issues like marijuana legalization.With Democrats in 15 states and American Samoa set to cast their primary votes in the next week, the candidates eagerly seized their chances on the in Charleston, South Carolina, to jab Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the current front-runner, during the party’s 10th debate.For all of their interruptions and talking over each other,...

February 26, 2020
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As Georgia Reopened, Officials Knew of Severe Shortage of PPE for Health Workers

As Georgia Reopened, Officials Knew of Severe Shortage of PPE for Health Workers

This story also ran on .As the coronavirus crisis deepened in April, Georgia officials circulated documents showing that to get through the next month, the state would need millions more masks, gowns and other supplies than it had on hand.Doctors, nurses, home health aides and hospital cleaners have lost their lives during the coronavirus outbreak. Meet these essential caretakers.The projections, obtained by KHN and other organizations in response to public records requests, provide one of the clearest pictures of the severe PPE deficits states confronted while thousands fell ill from...

August 19, 2020
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Lost on the Frontline

Lost on the Frontline

August 10, 2020These stories are co-published with .America’s health care workers are dying. In some states, medical personnel account for as many as 20% of known coronavirus cases. They tend to patients in hospitals, treating them, serving them food and cleaning their rooms. Others at risk work in nursing homes or are employed as home health aides.“Lost on the Frontline,” a collaboration between KHN and The Guardian, has identified such workers who likely died of COVID-19 after helping patients during the pandemic.We have published profiles for workers whose deaths have been confirmed by...

April 15, 2020
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In Fierce Debate, Democratic Candidates Expand Health Agenda Arguments

In Fierce Debate, Democratic Candidates Expand Health Agenda Arguments

This story also ran on .Democratic presidential candidates faced off on the debate stage for the eighth time this campaign season. Meeting in Manchester, N.H., they returned to now familiar health care themes — “Medicare for All” versus a public option, the cost of prescription drugs and other key areas they say are ripe for change.Once again, candidates sparred over the cost of the single-payer health reform bill promoted by Vermont  Sen. Bernie Sanders. Former Vice President Joe Biden argued it would necessarily raise taxes, pointing to its estimated $32 trillion price-tag (a number...

February 11, 2020
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Censorship or Misinformation? DeSantis and YouTube Spar Over Covid Roundtable Takedown.

Censorship or Misinformation? DeSantis and YouTube Spar Over Covid Roundtable Takedown.

In early April, YouTube took down a video featuring Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and a group of controversial scientists at a March 18 coronavirus roundtable. The online video platform, owned by Google, cited as its rationale that the video contained false statements about the efficacy of children’s mask-wearing.This story also ran on . It can beThe decision has drawn public blowback on social media and from DeSantis himself.DeSantis held another (which is currently available on YouTube), along with three of the same scientists who participated in the March 18 session, during which he blasted...

April 21, 2021
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Events of 2020 Moved Medical Students to Political Activism

Events of 2020 Moved Medical Students to Political Activism

and her classmates will forever be known as the students who started medical school during the 2020 covid-19 pandemic.It can beAll of them had prepared for this step for years, taking hours of hard science classes in college, studying for the medical school admissions test and often volunteering, working or even getting master’s or other advanced degrees before starting on the long path to earning a medical degree.But their decisions to become doctors seemed to carry even more weight when set against the backdrop of the events of 2020.“People were needlessly dying while our leaders were...

April 7, 2021
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Meet the Retired Nurse Who Could Give Covid Shots But Couldn’t Get One

Meet the Retired Nurse Who Could Give Covid Shots But Couldn’t Get One

Martha Gallagher, a 75-year-old retired school nurse, wanted to volunteer for the Delaware Medical Reserve Corps to administer covid-19 vaccines.It can beShe knew Delaware might need more vaccinators and thought, “Why not do something to help get the vaccine out?” Plus, Gallagher figured, it would be a good way for her to get vaccinated, too.When the Ocean View resident initially filled out the paperwork for the program, run through the Delaware Division of Public Health, she said she was told she could get a vaccine as a volunteer. But then, after she turned in her paperwork, a medical...

March 11, 2021
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Biden’s Criticism of Trump Team’s Vaccine Contracts Is a Stretch

Biden’s Criticism of Trump Team’s Vaccine Contracts Is a Stretch

“When I came into office, the prior administration had contracted for not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America. We rectified that.”— President Joe Biden,During a on the covid-19 pandemic, President Joe Biden claimed that former President Donald Trump’s administration did not ensure there would be enough vaccines for the American public.“When I came into office, the prior administration had contracted for not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America,” said Biden. “We rectified that.”This story was produced in partnership with . It can beBiden then announced he was...

March 8, 2021
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On Vacci-Dating: Singles Seem Enamored of Sharing Vaccination Status Online. Is That Wise?

On Vacci-Dating: Singles Seem Enamored of Sharing Vaccination Status Online. Is That Wise?

This story also ran on . It can beAs cold weather descended upon Washington, D.C., last fall, I deleted my dating apps.I had tried a few video-chat dates when the pandemic was new last spring. They were fun and novel at the time, and felt like a “quarantine experience.” By summer, I went on several physically distant dates in the park.But once the temperature started dropping, meeting outside lost its appeal. First dates are awkward enough without shivering as your breath freezes to your mask, all while trying to uncover the title of someone’s favorite book. So I bailed.Something happened...

March 8, 2021
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Lost on the Frontline

Lost on the Frontline

August 10, 2020These stories are co-published with .America’s health care workers are dying. In some states, medical personnel account for as many as 20% of known coronavirus cases. They tend to patients in hospitals, treating them, serving them food and cleaning their rooms. Others at risk work in nursing homes or are employed as home health aides.“Lost on the Frontline,” a collaboration between KHN and The Guardian, has identified such workers who likely died of COVID-19 after helping patients during the pandemic.We have published profiles for workers whose deaths have been confirmed by...

June 10, 2020
