This Radio Station Has Served Blind Texans for More Than 50 Years
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Radio Personality TC Fleming Launches Podcast About Abusive Texas Boarding School | Dallas Observer
Dallas' independent source oflocal news and cultureKEEP THE DALLAS OBSERVER FREE...Since we started the Dallas Observer, it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Dallas, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.Don't Miss OutSIGN UP for the latestarts & culturenews, free stuff and...…Dallas' independent source oflocal news and cultureKEEP THE DALLAS OBSERVER FREE...Since we started the Dallas Observer, it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Dallas, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.Don't Miss OutSIGN UP for the latestarts & culturenews, free stuff and...WW…
‘Texas 6’ Offers a Glimpse at the State’s Smallest Football Dynasty
Sort ByFilter ByLocationsTypeView ResultsFiltersAbout halfway through the second episode of Texas 6, scrawny quarterback Blaze Duncan cooks fajitas with orange juice. The OJ, he explains, makes the beef more tender, giving the aspiring chef’s signature “Bleetas” (Blaze plus fajitas) their savory flavor. The CBS All Access docuseries, which debuted in late November, is shot through with these small, telling moments—the looks of affection between Blaze and his grandma; the coach and his star player bonding over a Public Enemy song; the way a player describes his job at a pet mortuary—that...…Sort ByFilter ByLocationsTypeView ResultsFiltersAbout halfway through the second episode of Texas 6, scrawny quarterback Blaze Duncan cooks fajitas with orange juice. The OJ, he explains, makes the beef more tender, giving the aspiring chef’s signature “Bleetas” (Blaze plus fajitas) their savory flavor. The CBS All Access docuseries, which debuted in late November, is shot through with these small, telling moments—the looks of affection between Blaze and his grandma; the coach and his star player bonding over a Public Enemy song; the way a player describes his job at a pet mortuary—that...WW…
Polls Close and Americans Brace for the Worst on a Pandemic Election Day
A nation battered by the trudged to the on Tuesday with an eerie sense that no matter how they felt or what they hoped, the United States could easily in the name of its next president.Contrary to bogus claims from President Donald Trump, any delay in determining the winner will stem from the need to ensure votes are counted, not mass fraud. But if Tuesday might typically have marked the end of a raucous election season, one that saw historic surges in early voting in the face of a public health crisis that has killed over 230,000 Americans, any sense of closure by night’s end was difficult...…A nation battered by the trudged to the on Tuesday with an eerie sense that no matter how they felt or what they hoped, the United States could easily in the name of its next president.Contrary to bogus claims from President Donald Trump, any delay in determining the winner will stem from the need to ensure votes are counted, not mass fraud. But if Tuesday might typically have marked the end of a raucous election season, one that saw historic surges in early voting in the face of a public health crisis that has killed over 230,000 Americans, any sense of closure by night’s end was difficult...WW…
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