Tina Casey
Tina Casey
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Scotland Banks On Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trains For Zero Emission Railway

Scotland Banks On Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trains For Zero Emission Railway

Hi, what are you looking for?Scotland set a 2035 decarbonization goal for its passenger rail system last summer, and they sure have their work cut out for them. Squeezing diesel locomotives out of the picture is not as easy as it may seem. Electrification has been the weapon of choice, and now they’re moving in for the kill with new hydrogen fuel cell trains. Wait, what happened to electrification?Scotland is on track to nail down its first hydrogen in time for COP 26 in Glasgow (photo courtesy of Arcola).Funny you should ask. Nothing happened to electrification. It just depends, that’s...

January 1, 2021
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Solar Power Will Beam Into Your New EV Just Like GPS

Solar Power Will Beam Into Your New EV Just Like GPS

Hi, what are you looking for?I know, right!? It sounds crazy, but plans are in the works to harvest solar power in space and beam it down to you wherever you are, any time, any place, any weather. Kind of like GPS, only without the disembodied voice ordering you around. When CleanTechnica checked into the topic of space-based solar a while back, it seemed like one of those things that could happen, eventually, but now that a key component is in place, eventually is turning into just a few years from now.Kooky-sounding idea of beaming down solar power from space is actually a real thing, and...

December 27, 2020
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Solar Panels + Agriculture: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Solar Panels + Agriculture: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Hi, what are you looking for?It seems like only yesterday that the idea of combining solar panels with agriculture was just a twinkle in somebody’s eye. All of a sudden the field is exploding, so to speak. In the latest development, the US Department of Energy is putting down $7 million to sow the seeds for a new revolution in American farming. That’s just a drop in the bucket compared to, oh, say, $1 billion for the FutureGen carbon capture project, but in this case a little goes a long way.More : US Energy Department hatches plan to pepper US farms with crop-friendly solar panels (photo...

November 19, 2020
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Green Hydrogen Nail, Meet Shale Gas Coffin (& Nuclear Could Be Next)

Green Hydrogen Nail, Meet Shale Gas Coffin (& Nuclear Could Be Next)

Hi, what are you looking for?If US President-Elect Joe Biden doesn’t do the fossil fuel industry any favors, he’ll only be following in the footsteps of outgoing President* Donald J. Trump. Intentionally or not, Trump has already overseen the demise of the domestic coal, oil, and natural gas industries. The latest development occurred right around Election Day, when a $7 billion, 20-year plan to export liquid natural gas from the US to France suddenly evaporated. That could have something to do with the launch of a new investor-driven green hydrogen R&D center in Europe, and Trump’s own...

November 9, 2020
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66% Conversion Efficiency Eyeballed For Next-Gen Perovskite Solar Cell

66% Conversion Efficiency Eyeballed For Next-Gen Perovskite Solar Cell

   by  Election business is dominating the headlines over here in the US, but somehow the Department of Energy snuck in two pieces of news that squeeze more breath out of the nation’s beleaguered coal industry. The agency issued a new report that touts the benefits of oil and gas while leaving coal outside in the rain, and new research from an Energy Department laboratory indicates that next-generation perovskite solar cells could be far less expensive, and far more efficient, than any other PV currently available today.The US is going all-in on next-gen perovskite solar...

October 19, 2020
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Green Hydrogen Tide Pulling At New Fuel Cell Scheme In USA

Green Hydrogen Tide Pulling At New Fuel Cell Scheme In USA

Hi, what are you looking for?A new manufacturing alliance has popped up in the US and it’s on a mission to replace diesel engines with fuel cells in trucks — and buses, aircraft, watercraft, off-road equipment, and locomotives, too. Since the main source of hydrogen is natural gas, that should send shivers of delight up the spines of fossil fuel fans, right? Maybe not! The stage is already set for renewable green hydrogen to take over. The main obstacle is cost, and an expanding fuel cell market would help build economies of scale and supply chain efficiencies into the green hydrogen...

October 19, 2020
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$100 Million Green Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Plan For USA

$100 Million Green Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Plan For USA

   by  The US has just launched a sneak attack on coal, oil, and natural gas, with a new five-year, $100 million green hydrogen and fuel cell truck plan from the Energy Department, aimed squarely at pushing diesel out of the growing market for long-haul transportation. Where diesel will go after that is anybody’s guess, but the result is all but certain to cost jobs in the flailing domestic oil industry while stomping all over coal and natural gas, too.The US Energy Dept. has come up with a green hydrogen fuel cell truck mashup that will stomp all over coal, oil, and...

October 11, 2020
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What Could Be Crazier Than Arkansas Solar Power For GM Factories?

What Could Be Crazier Than Arkansas Solar Power For GM Factories?

Hi, what are you looking for?Arkansas ranks a lowly #33 in the nation for solar power even though it has plenty of sun, but it is about to shake off the dust and dive into the PV pool. Last December, ground broke on the biggest solar array in the state, two more are in the pipeline, and just yesterday GM announced that it will kickstart another project that will be the biggest of all. That marks a significant breakthrough for the clean energy transition in the US, demonstrating that states can foster a green COVID-19 recovery and create new green jobs despite the lack of support from White...

October 2, 2020
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Texas Leads Renewable Energy Revolution In More Ways Than One

Texas Leads Renewable Energy Revolution In More Ways Than One

Hi, what are you looking for?It may seem strange that America’s leading fossil fuel state is now the nation’s renewable energy standard bearer, but so it goes in this crazy mixed-up world of ours. Texas staked its claim to the pole position in the US wind industry early on, and it is gaining ground in solar power and energy storage, too — and you ain’t seen nothing yet, if all goes according to the plans of a UK startup with the unlikely name of Octopus.Ratepayers, start your engines: the Texas renewable energy revolution has only just begun. (Image via US Department of Energy)sailed onto...

September 29, 2020
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Something's Up With Floating Solar Panels And Hydropower

Something's Up With Floating Solar Panels And Hydropower

   by  Energy developers have begun to pepper hydropower dams with solar panels, and some interesting twists are already beginning to bubble up in that area. In Germany, the company Vattenfall is adding pumped hydro energy storage to the mix. And, if a team of US researchers has their way, rafts of floating solar panels will enable Brazil to avoid building new hydropower dams.like these can help energy companies grow their clean power profile while offering environmental benefits, too (photo: water treatment plant retention pond in New Jersey courtesy of Ciel &...

September 14, 2020
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