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It Took Newsweek Three Days and a Staff Revolt to Apologize for Kamala Harris Birtherism Op-Ed

It Took Newsweek Three Days and a Staff Revolt to Apologize for Kamala Harris Birtherism Op-Ed

Editors and executives at Newsweek, that in recent years has suffered from and even a of its business practices, are once again digging themselves out of a public relations hole.Newsweek Editor-in-Chief Nancy Cooper and the magazine’s recently hired opinion editor, Trump-backing conservative activist and attorney Josh Hammer, apologized on Friday after nearly a week of defending a right-wing law professor’s op-ed questioning Sen. ’ U.S. citizenship and her eligibility to be Joe Biden’s running mate.“This op-ed is being used by some as a tool to perpetuate racism and xenophobia. We...

August 15, 2020
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CNN’s Van Jones Secretly Helped Craft the Weak Trump Police Reform He Praised on TV

CNN’s Van Jones Secretly Helped Craft the Weak Trump Police Reform He Praised on TV

‘WE ARE WINNING!’The ex-Obama aide’s willingness to help Trump—whom he once dubbed among the “worst people ever born”—has drawn the ire of liberal allies while gaining him fans in Jared and Kimye.NN star has a habit of upsetting his fellow Black activists, progressive policy advocates, and liberal Democrats by cozying up to the Trump White House. He did it again late last month, during the flap over a Black bird watcher in Central Park and a white Hillary Clinton voter who dialed 911 after refusing his pleas to leash her dog. Jones enraged Hillary loyalists—already exasperated by his...

June 29, 2020
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Republicans Who Watch Fox News More Likely to Believe COVID-19 Falsehoods: New Poll

Republicans Who Watch Fox News More Likely to Believe COVID-19 Falsehoods: New Poll

The —which has already infected nearly half a million victims and claimed more than 16,000 lives in the United States alone—is proving to be than the seasonal flu.Yet 58 percent of self-identified Republicans who depend on , Breitbart, and other conservative media outlets for information about the public-health crisis erroneously believe that COVID-19 is “less deadly or as deadly as” influenza.That’s according of a new public-opinion survey released Thursday by the Knight Foundation and the Gallup polling organization.In a conference call Thursday, the Knight Foundation’s chief program...

April 9, 2020
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‘This Is Absurd’: Cable-News Staffers Fume as Networks Keep Airing Bonkers Trump Coronavirus Pressers

‘This Is Absurd’: Cable-News Staffers Fume as Networks Keep Airing Bonkers Trump Coronavirus Pressers

The seemingly endless over whether or not to air President Donald Trump’s increasingly clownish daily briefings on the coronavirus pandemic reached a new level of hand-wringing this week after the president on Monday used his time, and the presence of TV cameras, “It was like a Super Bowl-level ad buy, but for free,” said an NBC News insider who, like others in television journalism, was appalled at how Trump was able to “hack into” a White House briefing ostensibly about public health in order to serve his political ends.“Donald Trump is his own worst enemy in that he is actually forcing...

April 14, 2020
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How Megyn Kelly Landed Biden Accuser Tara Reade, Beating Out Fox News and CNN

How Megyn Kelly Landed Biden Accuser Tara Reade, Beating Out Fox News and CNN

She might not have a job at a television network, but Megyn Kelly beat out Fox News’ Chris Wallace and CNN’s Don Lemon for the highly sought-after interview with Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade—and it pretty much fell into her lap.Indeed, according to Kelly, it was Reade—after cancelling scheduled sit-downs with Wallace and Lemon over the weekend—who pitched the former Fox News and NBC anchor, not the other way around.“I had no plans on going and doing an interview, but we got to talking and she said she’d been trying to reach me, trying to find ways to get in touch with me, and asked me if I...

May 7, 2020
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Jared Kushner Non-Committal When Asked if 2020 Election Could Be Delayed

Jared Kushner Non-Committal When Asked if 2020 Election Could Be Delayed

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, on Tuesday refused to commit to the pandemic-besieged United States holding the 2020 presidential election on its designated day, November 3.Kushner, whose father-in-law’s approval rating has been trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s amid the COVID-19 pandemic that so far has killed more than 82,000 Americans, raised the possibility of a Trump-orchestrated delay in answer to Time magazine White House correspondent Brian Bennett.Bennett asked during the live-streamed interview: “Is there any scenario, including a second...

May 12, 2020
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