Susan Edelman
Susan Edelman
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NYC teachers segregated by race for ‘affinity groups’ amid protests

NYC teachers segregated by race for ‘affinity groups’ amid protests

United we stand, divided we learn about racism.City school teachers are being segregated into discussion groups based on skin color, race and ethnicity in the wake of and weeks of sometimes violent protests — but some staffers believe the separation is as divisive as the racism they’re trying to defeat.More than 700 employees have signed up for a June 23 “Anti-racist Community Meeting” sponsored by the Department of Education’s Early Childhood Division.Each was given the option of joining a breakout discussion group. The choices included: “blacks or African-American, Latinx, Middle Eastern...

June 20, 2020
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Gov. Cuomo urged to shut down NYC subways to stop coronavirus spread

Gov. Cuomo urged to shut down NYC subways to stop coronavirus spread

Gov. Cuomo should temporarily shut down the NYC subways to help slam the brakes on the coronavirus outbreak, urge four City Council members.“We believe that drastic measures must be taken to stop the ” the lawmakers — Robert Holden, Eric Ulrich, Mark Gjonaj and Peter Koo — say in a letter to Cuomo.With MTA workers still lacking protective gear, trains packed with passengers due to reduced service, and homeless people camping in the cars, the subways are fueling the crisis, the councilmen say.”MTA employees are going to work every day with woefully inadequate personal protective equipment...

April 18, 2020
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Cash-strapped NYC set to pour $700M ‘down the drain’ on idle school buses

Cash-strapped NYC set to pour $700M ‘down the drain’ on idle school buses

Mayor de Blasio has announced a $827 million cut in the city education budget, but officials want to spend up to $700 million through June on buses — while schools are closed.Under a massive city budget cut, the Department of Education plans to freeze teacher hiring, delay new pre-K programs and slash school budgets.But in a meeting Friday, DOE officials asked members of the Panel for Education Policy, which reviews DOE contracts, to approve nearly $200 million in “emergency contract extensions” with school bus companies for March and the same in April.City since the last day of classes...

April 18, 2020
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9/11 Memorial reverses decision to cancel ‘Tribute in Light’ amid outrage

9/11 Memorial reverses decision to cancel ‘Tribute in Light’ amid outrage

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission.Facing mounting outrage over its decision to cancel the Tribute in Light, the 9/11 Memorial and Museum has backed down and agreed to stage the beloved display on the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.“In the last 24 hours we’ve had conversations with many interested parties and believe we will be able to stage the tribute in a safe and appropriate fashion,” CEO Alice Greenwald said in a statement.Greenwald had announced on Thursday that it would drop the commemoration, featuring twin beams shining in the sky over Ground Zero, for...

August 15, 2020
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FDNY official defends excluding famed 9/11 firefighter from procession for being white

FDNY official defends excluding famed 9/11 firefighter from procession for being white

A top FDNY official says it’s “most definitely” acceptable to exclude a white firefighter from a ceremonial unit based solely on his skin color, The Post has learned.Cecilia Loving, the department’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, is defending a decision to kick Lt. Daniel McWilliams — one of three firefighters in the iconic 9/11 Ground Zero flag-raising photo — off a color-guard procession so it would be all-black.Loving testified at a state Divsion of Human Rights trial on McWilliam’s complaint that he was the victim of racial bias.When McWilliams showed up at a 2017 memorial mass...

July 25, 2020
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NYC college professor tells protesters how to topple statues ‘faster’

NYC college professor tells protesters how to topple statues ‘faster’

A New York City college professor has instructed protesters to use a chain instead of rope “faster.”Erin Thompson, an assistant professor of art crime at CUNY’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan, responded to the imminent destruction of a Christopher Columbus statue at the Minnesota State Capitol on June 10“I’m a professor who studies the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage and I just have to say… use chain instead of rope and it’ll go faster,” ThompsonIn the same thread, Thompson linked to University of Alabama archaeologist Sarah Parcak for a detailed “breakdown of...

June 27, 2020
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Chinese-American group rips Carranza over anti-Asian bias training

Chinese-American group rips Carranza over anti-Asian bias training

A Chinese-American advocacy group says that having city Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza oversee instruction to fight bias against Asians “is like having the KKK run training on anti-black bigotry.”The Chinese American Citizens Alliance Greater New York issued the statement ripping the “race-trafficker-in-chief’’ after the Department of Education that Carranza now wants his controversial training programs — which seek to end anti-Latino and anti-black- bias — to also fight bigotry targeting Asians.“Unbelievably, the man who commits explicit anti-Asian bigotry just added anti-Asian...

May 24, 2020
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Gov. Cuomo urged to shut down NYC subways to stop coronavirus spread

Gov. Cuomo urged to shut down NYC subways to stop coronavirus spread

Gov. Cuomo should temporarily shut down the NYC subways to help slam the brakes on the coronavirus outbreak, urge four City Council members.“We believe that drastic measures must be taken to stop the ” the lawmakers — Robert Holden, Eric Ulrich, Mark Gjonaj and Peter Koo — say in a letter to Cuomo.With MTA workers still lacking protective gear, trains packed with passengers due to reduced service, and homeless people camping in the cars, the subways are fueling the crisis, the councilmen say.”MTA employees are going to work every day with woefully inadequate personal protective equipment...

April 18, 2020
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NYC mayoral candidate Maya Wiley wants to end ‘discriminatory’ screens that got her own kid into a top school

NYC mayoral candidate Maya Wiley wants to end ‘discriminatory’ screens that got her own kid into a top school

As co-chair of the mayor’s School Diversity Advisory Group, Maya Wiley , the specialized high-school exam and all admission “screens” — calling them racially discriminatory.“There should be no discriminatory admissions policies, period,” Wiley, the mayor’s former in-house counsel and a civil-rights activist, told The Post.But as a parent, Wiley took advantage of selective programs, The Post has learned.Now running for mayor, Wiley sent her oldest daughter to Mark Twain Intermediate School for the Gifted and Talented in Brooklyn, a coveted middle school that cherry-picks high-performing...

April 17, 2021
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New NYC schools Chancellor Meisha Ross Porter ‘marginalized’ older white women: suit

New NYC schools Chancellor Meisha Ross Porter ‘marginalized’ older white women: suit

Incoming schools Chancellor has made it her mission to racially revamp the employment rolls as she moved up the ranks of the Department of Education — often at the expense of white and Jewish educators, critics charge.Porter once boasted about her quotas.“When I am selecting principals, teachers or leaders — after we make the list, we look at it and we count: how many women, how many people of color, and why. Who we chose, and why,” Porter said.“I look at the makeup, and I literally count — and it’s OK for us to do that,” Porter told a 2018 panel at Fordham University.The educator, tapped...

February 28, 2021
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