Stephen Kruiser
Stephen Kruiser
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The Morning Briefing: The World Health Organization Wants to Restrict Access to Adult Beverages and I May Become Violent

The Morning Briefing: The World Health Organization Wants to Restrict Access to Adult Beverages and I May Become Violent

We are learning things about ourselves during our coronapocalypse shutdown aren’t we, dear readers? Forced to stay inside and find ways to occupy ourselves, most of us have found ways to cope and sometimes even flourish.Many of us are finding new hobbies. For example, five-time NFL pro bowl star J.J. Watt has . I’ve never really disliked doing the dishes but maybe I can begin to see the nightly routine through Watt’s eyes and find some joy in the process.Hey, this is a time for dreaming.Many of us have been doing what I call Modified COVID Socialization, which involves spending time with...

April 16, 2020
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The Morning Briefing: Biden and His Idiot Supporters Are Trying to Cancel Georgia

The Morning Briefing: Biden and His Idiot Supporters Are Trying to Cancel Georgia

A blessed Good Friday to you, my dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I think a Bloody Mary truck could be a real money maker.We’re wrapping up the week talking about the state of Georgia once again. It’s a lovely state. I have a few relatives there and I’ve always enjoyed myself every time I’ve visited them. I’ve done a few gigs there, too, and always had a great time.It’s a shame that the Democrat woke scolds are now trying to cancel the Peach State., the Democrats have been engaging in one of their patented lie and smear campaigns while attacking Georgia’s new election integrity law....

February 4, 2021
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The Morning Briefing: LOL Words Don't Mean Anything and Everything Is Racist Now

The Morning Briefing: LOL Words Don't Mean Anything and Everything Is Racist Now

Happy Thursday, fellow travelers along the Kruiser Morning Briefing Way. Do I look fat in this snark?There is so much to learn about ourselves, society, and history if we just put aside our privilege and pay attention to the ongoing, probably drug-induced, fictional account of reality that leftists are writing these days.Everything in their telling of the story is different than what most have learned, feel, or see in front of us. I occasionally think that the progs are visiting from a parallel dimension and sharing accounts of what things are like in their worlds. Turns out they are all...

January 4, 2021
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The Morning Briefing: The Woke Liberal Assault on Female Athletes Is a Travesty

The Morning Briefing: The Woke Liberal Assault on Female Athletes Is a Travesty

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Honestly, I’m exhausted from oppressing Meghan Markle.I’ve been working on ways to reintroduce frivolity into American life. Terminal seriousness is ruining lives. Yes, we need to address some things in a serious fashion, but we are a year into chronic levels of gloom and doom.There is no point in staying alive if all you’re doing is freaking out about death.This is a news briefing, however, and I do have to cover some serious topics.There are very few things in politics anymore that get me angry. For those new to the Briefing, . Today,...

September 3, 2021
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The Morning Briefing: Let's Start Jailing Lawmakers Who Violate Their Own COVID Restrictions

The Morning Briefing: Let's Start Jailing Lawmakers Who Violate Their Own COVID Restrictions

Happy Wednesday, good Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Grooming is once again optional.We are about to head into another commie COVID curfew period here in my little fishing village of Tucson, Arizona. The state hasn’t imposed anything, but Regina Romero — our pathetic ditz mayor — is a prog/commie and has been itching to flex her petty tyrant muscles.Curfews are all the new rage in the various Tyrantvilles around these United States, despite the fact that there is none of the vaunted “SCIENCE!” we’re supposed to be listening to that indicates this will help. At best, a few drunk people...

February 12, 2020
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The Morning Briefing: Whaddyaknow—Enemy of the People CNN Finally Admits China Lied About Bat Flu

The Morning Briefing: Whaddyaknow—Enemy of the People CNN Finally Admits China Lied About Bat Flu

Happy March 276th, 2020, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. None of this is real.Remember way back around March 90th or so when we were all so optimistic that we thought the end of the year and the change of the calendar might bring some respite?GOOD TIMES.As we move inexorably toward what will probably be a nightmarish sequel year rather than a relief, things just seem to get weirder and weirder.There is, however, one thing that we can rely on to remain the same: CNN is the Enemy of the People and everyone who works for them is more than likely doing something unspeakable to a helpless...

January 12, 2020
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Republicans Need to Win Both GA Runoffs for Senate Majority That's Outside the Margin of Romney

Republicans Need to Win Both GA Runoffs for Senate Majority That's Outside the Margin of Romney

GOP Needs to Make Senate Romney-ProofWelcome to another chapter of the dystopian nightmare book: The Never-Ending Election.Today’s story comes from the great state of Georgia, where, , all eyes have turned:If Biden wins the presidency — giving Democrats a tie-breaker with Vice President Kamala Harris as the president of the Senate — Republicans just need to hold on to one seat in Georgia’s runoff elections in order to hold the majority.That, of course, is mathematically true. The thing with thin Republican Senate majorities, however, is that they’re always vulnerable to one turncoat...

December 11, 2020
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The Morning Briefing: House Democrats Are the Biggest Losers of 2020 Election

The Morning Briefing: House Democrats Are the Biggest Losers of 2020 Election

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Let’s all go in on a food truck.We’re continuing a bit from yesterday’s theme, when the focus was on Granny Boxwine and whether she was going to continue being America’s greatest political cockroach and survive another challenge to her throne. As I watched the news unfold yesterday, it was obvious that the rancor among House Democrats was growing and worth keeping an eye on. Is it merely post-election frustration or is this a problem that will plague the Democrats in the House well into next year?It might be the latter.Most of us on the...

December 11, 2020
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The Morning Briefing: DNC Night One—I Think the Democrats Want Trump to Win

The Morning Briefing: DNC Night One—I Think the Democrats Want Trump to Win

Greetings, my friends. I hope Tuesday is off to a good start for all of the Kruiser Morning Briefing faithful.Well, the 2020 Democratic National Convention (DNC) kinda/sorta got underway on Monday night and we’re still waiting to hear from the twelve people who aren’t in political media who watched it.Those who did were in for a real treat if they’ve never had a concussion or done hallucinogenic drugs before and wondered what either is like without having to actually experience them.After night one of the first of the COVID conventions, I can see why the Republicans are playing coy about...

August 18, 2020
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Kamala Harris on the Ticket Is an In-Kind Donation to Trump-Pence 2020

Kamala Harris on the Ticket Is an In-Kind Donation to Trump-Pence 2020

Well, that happened. To the surprise of a very few, Joe Biden chose Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. Our very own VodkaPundit . I had been on the Harris veep wagon for a very long time but shifted in recent weeks to Susan Rice because I thought that would help Biden get the Obamas a little more enthusiastic about him.All the while, however, I kept hoping aloud that it would be Harris because — for reasons I’ll go over in this column — I thought that would be the choice that most benefits President Trump.Seriously, people, I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited about a VP pick for...

November 8, 2020
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