Stephen Jewkes
Stephen Jewkes
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Special Report: Italy and South Korea virus outbreaks reveal disparity in deaths and tactics

Special Report: Italy and South Korea virus outbreaks reveal disparity in deaths and tactics

By , , , MILAN/SEOUL (Reuters) - In Italy, millions are locked down and more than 1,000 people have died from the coronavirus. In South Korea, hit by the disease at about the same time, only a few thousand are quarantined and 67 people have died. As the virus courses through the world, the story of two outbreaks illustrates a coming problem for countries now grappling with an explosion in cases.It’s impractical to test every potential patient, but unless the authorities can find a way to see how widespread infection is, their best answer is lockdown.Italy started out testing widely, then...

March 13, 2020
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Italian court acquits Eni and Shell in Nigerian corruption case

Italian court acquits Eni and Shell in Nigerian corruption case

By , MILAN (Reuters) - A Milan court acquitted energy company Eni, its chief executive and Royal Dutch Shell on Wednesday in the oil industry’s biggest corruption case revolving around the $1.3 billion acquisition of a Nigerian oilfield a decade ago.The sentence, read out in court by judge Marco Tremolada, came more than three years after the trial first began and after 74 hearings. Tremolada said the companies and defendants had been acquitted as there was no case to answer.The Nigerian government said it was surprised and disappointed by the verdict and would consider whether to appeal...

March 17, 2021
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Italy to take legal action on COVID vaccine delays to get doses

Italy to take legal action on COVID vaccine delays to get doses

By MILAN (Reuters) - Italy will take legal action and step up pressure in Brussels against Pfizer Inc and AstraZeneca over delays in deliveries of COVID-19 vaccines with a view to securing agreed supplies, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said on Sunday.The aim was to get the companies to meet the vaccine volumes they had promised and not to seek compensation, Di Maio said on RAI state television.“This is a European contract that Pfizer and AstraZeneca are not respecting and so for this reason we will take legal action... We are working so our vaccine plan programme does not change,” he...

January 24, 2021
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Italy drafts guidelines for national hydrogen strategy, document shows

Italy drafts guidelines for national hydrogen strategy, document shows

By MILAN (Reuters) - Italy has set out guidelines for a national hydrogen strategy to help decarbonise the economy as it phases out coal and boosts renewable energy production to meet long-term climate targets.In a draft document called National Hydrogen Strategy Preliminary Guidelines, seen by Reuters, the Industry Ministry said it was targeting investments in the sector of around 10 billion euros ($12 billion) to 2030, with half of the amount coming from European funds and private investments.To help boost production of “green” hydrogen, about 5 gigawatts of electrolysis capacity to...

November 16, 2020
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Italy to reopen factories in staged end to coronavirus lockdown

Italy to reopen factories in staged end to coronavirus lockdown

By , MILAN (Reuters) - Italy will allow factories and building sites to reopen from May 4 and permit limited family visits as it prepares a staged end to Europe’s longest coronavirus lockdown, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said on Sunday.More than two months after the first case of COVID-19 appeared in a small town outside Milan and following weeks of lockdown, Italy is looking ahead to a second phase of the crisis in which it will attempt to restart the economy without triggering a new wave of infections.“We expect a very complex challenge,” Conte said as he outlined the road map to...

April 27, 2020
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