Stephen Deere
Stephen Deere
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EX-CFO indictment shows complexity of Atlanta City Hall probe

EX-CFO indictment shows complexity of Atlanta City Hall probe

U.S. Attorney Byung J. “BJay” Pak stood outside the Richard B. Russell Federal Building in downtown Atlanta nearly two years ago and announced he had devoted nine prosecutors to the corruption investigation of City Hall — a stunning amount of resources.The government had also added more IRS and FBI agents to the case, prompting a former federal prosecutor to compare the assets at Pak’s disposal to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.“The scope of the investigation has changed,” Pak said. “As a result, we felt it necessary that additional investigative resources had to be...

September 18, 2020
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Head of Atlanta’s new grants department resigns after four months

Head of Atlanta’s new grants department resigns after four months

The person hand-picked by Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms to oversee the city's  federal grants programs resigned suddenly Monday, after less than four months on the job.P. Nigel Roberts' departure from City Hall is effective Thursday. The city's management of grants has been the subject two , including one by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that found chronic mismanagement of a program that subsidizes rent for people living with AIDS.Roberts’ announcement comes just three weeks after his director of planning and operations stepped down, accusing top city...

May 19, 2020
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Payments from city of Atlanta to Fulton DA Howard bypassed council

Payments from city of Atlanta to Fulton DA Howard bypassed council

Top city of Atlanta officials appear to have overridden financial controls and bypassed the City Council to funnel $250,000 to Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard, who then used a large portion of the money to supplement his own salary, according to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Channel 2 Action News.Invoices for two $125,000 payments, which occurred during Mayor Kasim Reed’s administration, say the checks were for the district attorney’s office, the documents show. The AJC and Channel 2 previously reported the money actually went to a nonprofit...

May 13, 2020
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Atlanta Watershed Commissioner Kishia Powell resigns

Atlanta Watershed Commissioner Kishia Powell resigns

Atlanta Watershed Commissioner Kishia Powell has resigned to take another job in Washington, D.C. where she will serve as Chief Operating Officer for DC Water, the District of Columbia’s water utility.The resignation was announced to Watershed employees in an email Wednesday, and Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms informed Atlanta City Council members of Powell’s decision Thursday.“Kishia has been a fantastic leader,” Bottoms said. “We wish her all the best.”Watershed is one of the city’s largest, and most important departments. It delivers water to more than 1.2 million customers in a handful of...

April 23, 2020
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Pandemic hampers Atlanta’s effort to address affordable housing crisis

Pandemic hampers Atlanta’s effort to address affordable housing crisis

The coronavirus pandemic is expected to deliver crushing budget deficits to the city of Atlanta over the next three years, and has at least temporarily wiped out the city’s plan to address its most critical need — the lack of affordable housing.About a month ago, Atlanta leaders stood poised to issue $200 million in bonds that would enable the city to acquire vacant land on which to build affordable housing, provide money for low-income homeowners to refurbish their residences, and grant up to $20,000 in forgivable loans for down-payment assistance.But the city’s chief financial officer...

April 20, 2020
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Atlanta mayor Bottoms announces proposed public safety initiatives

Atlanta mayor Bottoms announces proposed public safety initiatives

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms announced a number of proposed criminal justice reforms Monday, after brushing off an invitation to personally appear at a City Council meeting to discuss crime.: expanding enforcement of nuisance properties, increasing targeted enforcement on gangs and gun violence, continuing focus on disrupting street racing and improving police recruiting and retention.And the Bottoms’ administration is also proposing to transform the city’s jail into a center for equity that would provide after-hours child care, educational and job training along with other social...

January 4, 2021
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Atlanta Mayor Bottoms’ adviser confirms she declined offer to join Biden’s Cabinet

Atlanta Mayor Bottoms’ adviser confirms she declined offer to join Biden’s Cabinet

President-elect Joe Biden offered Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms a position in his Cabinet, but she did not accept it, according to a statement from Rashad Taylor, Bottoms’ senior adviser.“Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms was honored to have been offered a role in the Cabinet, which she respectfully declined,” Taylor said in a statement to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.Taylor declined to say what position was offered.“The Mayor’s focus remains on the people of Atlanta and the great state of Georgia,” Taylor said. “Out of respect for the process, and the other candidates under...

December 12, 2020
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Atlanta police chief says charges against officers are political

Atlanta police chief says charges against officers are political

Police Chief Erika Shields told Atlanta police officers Monday that her firing of two cops involved in an excessive force arrest during Saturday night's protests was justified, but said  by Fulton District Attorney Paul Howard was "a tsunami of political jockeying during an election year."Shields also said in the memo to all APD employees that the charges have caused multiple agencies to end their support for the department in the ongoing protests against police violence that entered a sixth consecutive night on Wednesday.Shields said the officers were fired because they turned what...

June 3, 2020
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Atlanta mayor’s speech praised by many; critics say city must do more

Atlanta mayor’s speech praised by many; critics say city must do more

ByAtlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms’ emotional plea late Friday night to end the looting surrounding the protests over another black man killed by a white police officer resonated across racial and political boundaries.The heartfelt and moving  also may have highlighted a generational disconnect between the city’s leadership and those young people in the streets seeking justice.In addition, how Bottoms handles the  here will no doubt be a marker as to how well this mayor, just in her first term, leads the city through another crisis.She has to skillfully balance the need to...

May 30, 2020
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Two Atlanta officers fired for using excessive force, mayor says

Two Atlanta officers fired for using excessive force, mayor says

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms apologized Sunday for what she said was clearly excessive force used by Atlanta Police in the arrest of two young African Americans during  Saturday night after protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week.Bottoms said she ordered the firings of two of the five officers involved in the traffic stop after reviewing the body camera footage with Police Chief Erika Shields. The other three officers are on desk duty, pending an investigation.The two victims were Spelman College student Taniyah Pilgrim, 20, and former Morehouse College...

May 31, 2020
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