Stef W. Kight
Stef W. Kight
Reporter for Axios | politics, immigration, demographics | send tips and data to or stefkight@protonmail.comSource
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1 in 2 states at risk of "rigged maps" after congressional redistricting, group warns

1 in 2 states at risk of "rigged maps" after congressional redistricting, group warns

More than half of the states in the U.S. are at "extreme risk" of congressional districts being drawn to unfairly favor one party, according to a of state redistricting processes by RepresentUs, a non-partisan advocacy group focused on election reform.Why it matters: The states at risk of gerrymandering — a process the group says can produce "rigged maps" — include battlegrounds like Texas, Georgia, Wisconsin and North Carolina.The big picture: This year's redistricting process is already than usual. And the outcomes could boost one party's political candidates for a decade.What to watch:...

April 5, 2021
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Inside a crowded border patrol tent for migrants in Texas

Inside a crowded border patrol tent for migrants in Texas

Migrants in the Donna overflow facility. Photo: Courtesy of Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas)Exclusive photos from inside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection temporary overflow facility in Donna, Texas, reveal the crowded, makeshift conditions at the border as the government's longer-term child shelters and family detention centers fill up.Why it matters: Each of eight "pods" in the so-called soft-sided facility has a 260-person occupancy, said Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), who provided the photos to Axios to raise awareness about the situation. But as of Sunday, he said, one pod held more than...

March 22, 2021
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Scoop: ICE securing hotel rooms to hold growing number of migrant families

Scoop: ICE securing hotel rooms to hold growing number of migrant families

A family of Central American asylum seekers arrives to a bus station after being dropped off by Border Patrol. Photo: John Moore/Getty ImagesThe Biden administration has awarded an $86 million contract for hotel rooms near the border to hold around 1,200 migrant family members who cross the U.S.-Mexico border, DHS officials confirmed to Axios. Why it matters: It's a sign of growing numbers of migrant families trying to come to the U.S. — in addition to already overwhelming numbers of kids crossing the border without their parents or legal guardians. Both trends appear to be straining...

March 20, 2021
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Four people matching terror watchlist arrested at U.S.-Mexico border

Four people matching terror watchlist arrested at U.S.-Mexico border

A member of the Mexican Guard stands guard at the U.S.-Mexico border. Photo: Justin Hamel/AFP via Getty ImagesThe Customs and Border Protection agency confirmed to Congress today that four people arrested at the southern border since Oct. 1 match names on the FBI's Terrorist Screening Database, a congressional aide briefed on the correspondence told Axios. Why it matters: Three of the people arrested were from Yemen and one was from Serbia. The four arrests are more than the number of similar people taken into custody during recent full fiscal years, according to the source. In fiscal 2018,...

March 16, 2021
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Leaked government documents spotlight Biden's child migrant dilemma

Leaked government documents spotlight Biden's child migrant dilemma

A group of undocumented immigrants walk toward a Customs and Border Patrol station after being apprehended. Photo: Sergio Flores/The Washington Post via Getty ImagesFresh internal documents from the Department of Health and Human Services show how quickly the number of child migrants crossing the border is overwhelming the administration's stretched resources.Driving the news: In the week ending March 1, the Border Patrol referred to HHS custody an average of 321 children per day, according to documents obtained by Axios. That's up from a weekly average of 203 in late January and early...

March 4, 2021
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Americans agree about more issues than they realize

Americans agree about more issues than they realize

Many Americans assume the rest of the country doesn't share their political and policy priorities — but they're often wrong, according to new polling by , first seen by Axios.Why it matters: The polling reveals that despite growing political polarization, Americans share similar long-term goals and priorities for the country. Driving the news: Addressing climate change and preserving clean air and water landed in respondents' top 5 personal priorities for the future of the U.S. — but they believe those issues rank closer to the bottom for "most others."Nine issues showed up in the top 15...

March 2, 2021
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Rep. Katko calls on Biden to boycott Beijing Olympics

Rep. Katko calls on Biden to boycott Beijing Olympics

Rep. John Katko (R-NY). Photo: Stefani Reynolds/Getty ImagesJohn Katko (R-N.Y.), the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, is urging President Biden to boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in response to China's acts of genocide against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other members of ethnic and religious minority groups. What he's saying: "Participation in an Olympics held in a country who is openly committing genocide not only undermines those shared values but casts a shadow on the promise for all those who seek free and just societies," Katko wrote in a sent...

February 22, 2021
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Young people want checks on Big Tech's power

Young people want checks on Big Tech's power

The next generation of college-educated Americans thinks social media companies have too much power and influence on politics and need more government regulation, according to a new survey by Generation Lab for Axios. Why it matters: The findings follow an election dominated by rampant disinformation about voting fraud on social media; companies' fraught efforts to stifle purveyors of disinformation including former President Trump; and a deadly Jan. 6 insurrection over the election organized largely online.By the numbers: A majority of young Democrats (52%) said major tech companies should...

January 27, 2021
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The next big political war: redistricting

The next big political war: redistricting

Illustration: Aïda Amer/AxiosDemocrats are preparing a mix of tech and legal strategies to combat expected gerrymandering by Republicans, who are planning to go on legal offense themselves.Why it matters: Democrats failed to regain a single state legislature on Election Day, while Republicans upped their control to 30 states' Houses and Senates. , legislatures draw new congressional district lines, which can boost a party's candidates for the next decade. What to watch: The expected flashpoints are the battleground states of Florida, Texas, North Carolina and Georgia — where Democrats...

January 24, 2021
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States that voted for Biden lose 3 net House seats after Census count

States that voted for Biden lose 3 net House seats after Census count

Population shifts mean five states that voted for Joe Biden will lose seats in the House when congressional districts are redrawn later this year, new Census numbers released Monday show, but will gain seats in two other states. Only two Trump-voting states will lose a seat. Why it matters: Apportionment and redistricting — the process of redistributing political power among and within the states— comes as Democrats hold slim majorities in both congressional chambers and Republicans have a strong grip on the process of re-drawing district lines.By the numbers: California — the nation's most...

April 26, 2021
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