Sophie Peel
Sophie Peel
Formerly NPR, currently Willamette Week. Holler if you have a story: speel@wweek.comSource
Portland, Oregon
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Oregon Health Authority Reverses Course, Now Encourages People to Report Positive At-Home COVID-19 Results

Oregon Health Authority Reverses Course, Now Encourages People to Report Positive At-Home COVID-19 Results

The Oregon Health Authority on Jan. 12 announced the launch of a system that allows Oregonians to self-report their positive at-home COVID-19 test results. People can self-report via an online form or through a hotline number.“OHA does not require individuals to report their at-home test results, but it highly recommends people do so,” the agency said in a statement. “The launch of the services follows an OHA decision to revise its guidelines for investigating COVID-19 cases to focus less on interviewing individual cases and conducting contact tracing, and more on outbreaks in high-risk...

January 14, 2022
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Oregon Gains Sixth Congressional Seat

Oregon Gains Sixth Congressional Seat

Oregon gained a sixth congressional seat today as a result of the 2020 U.S Census.Oregon’s population has expanded over the past decade from 3.8 million to over 4.2 million, a 10.6% increase, as newcomers from other states crossed the border. Oregon is one of only six states to gain a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. (In the West, Colorado and Montana each gained a seat. California lost one.)The additional seat isn’t a surprise: Oregon barely missed gaining a congressional seat in the 2010 Census, and population studies suggested it was a near lock. But the announcement sets up...

April 26, 2021
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Nike’s Tax Bill in Oregon Is a Secret. We Asked Three Analysts to Make an Estimate.

Nike’s Tax Bill in Oregon Is a Secret. We Asked Three Analysts to Make an Estimate.

Last week, a study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy revealed that Oregon sportswear giant Nike had paid no federal corporate taxes for the past three years, due to a slew of deductions, write-offs and President Donald Trump’s tax overhaul.That raised a question: How much does Nike pay Oregon in state taxes?We don’t know because it’s not public record.“Without corporate tax transparency, we have no idea,” says Daniel Hauser, a policy analyst at the Oregon Center for Public Policy. “[Nike] could be paying a significant share of their profits in taxes in Oregon. They could also...

April 14, 2021
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An Economist Warns That Oregon Could Soon Tax Its Weed Shops Out of Business

An Economist Warns That Oregon Could Soon Tax Its Weed Shops Out of Business

Heidi Fikstad, co-owner of Eugene cannabis dispensary Moss Crossing, is getting double vision from keeping watch for new taxes on her business. Tax hikes loom on the horizon from both Washington, D.C., and Salem.By the end of the month, Congress could increase the federal corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28%. And the Oregon Legislature could refer to voters a proposal to allow cities and counties to increase the local tax on cannabis products up from 3% to 10%, in addition to the state's 17% cannabis tax.The effect on Moss Crossing? Its tax burden would increase from 61% to 75%. That's...

April 7, 2021
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Nike Has Paid No Federal Income Taxes for the Past Three Years

Nike Has Paid No Federal Income Taxes for the Past Three Years

Nike hasn't paid a cent in federal income taxes for three years.And the Beaverton sportswear giant—which regularly spars with cultural conservatives—can largely thank former President Donald Trump for its good fortune.The study named 55 major corporations that didn't pay taxes last year, including gas and oil companies, software companies and food companies. Nike and the shipping company FedEx are the two biggest names on the list,The report was released as President Joe Biden discusses a corporate tax overhaul that would fund his infrastructure and green energy plan. Biden's plan...

April 3, 2021
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Parent Rally to Reopen Oregon Schools Draws Ire From Teachers

Parent Rally to Reopen Oregon Schools Draws Ire From Teachers

Street protests are a common sight in Portland. But on Sunday, the most recent demonstration featured children, and it reflected the latest tension in Oregon life: between teachers and parents at loggerheads over when students can return to classrooms.A few dozen Portland-area parents with the group Open Oregon Schools gathered at Benson Polytechnic School this afternoon in Northeast Portland, demanding the reopening of Oregon's schools sooner than the state has in mind.Hand-painted signs read, "Occupy the classroom," "Science not screens,"  and "Shame on you, teacher's union." One...

January 31, 2021
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Oregon’s Wildfires Struck the State’s Cannabis Farms at the Worst Possible Time

Oregon’s Wildfires Struck the State’s Cannabis Farms at the Worst Possible Time

On Sept. 8, co-owner Peter Butch stood in the garden of his family's cannabis farm in Eagle Point, watching as the Obenchain Fire climbed over the ridge bordering his 1-acre grow.That night, as his neighbors and family evacuated, he used a hose to drench his property until the following morning."It just burnt overnight, getting closer and closer, and burnt through my family's property," says Butch. "It [burnt the land] that my dad pioneered."Butch says only 10% to 20% of the grow was destroyed by ambient heat from the wildfire. But structures used for processing and drying were burnt to...

September 23, 2020
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Portland Protesters Say Their Lives Were Upended by the Posting of Their Mug Shots on a Conservative Twitter Account

Portland Protesters Say Their Lives Were Upended by the Posting of Their Mug Shots on a Conservative Twitter Account

On Aug. 7, Black activist Ragina Gray was tackled by Portland police at a protest and charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and interfering with an officer.That same day, conservative Portland activist Andy Ngo shared Gray's name and mug shot on Twitter."Gray, 30, is charged with interfering with an officer, resisting arrest and more," Ngo wrote on Twitter. "She was arrested at the violent antifa protest in Portland and quickly bailed out. Gray is frequently photographed with kids at protests and rants about white terrorism." The photo was retweeted by 475 people.Twelve nights...

September 16, 2020
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